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Posts posted by Axle_Tiaky

  1. Hey Bud,

    The amount you would normally be looking at to purchase a house can be anything from 500k - 2 mil, just depends on where it is situated and what type of house it is. As well as that you will be needing a licence, this can cost about 1.9 - 2 mil.

    As soon as you buy your house you will not have any storage ability, however if you go to one of the bunnings on the map, you can by small and large crates, large crates can increase the storage to 800, however they can be robbed.

    The longer you play on the server the higher the level you go up. This is called civilian Proficiency, and the longer you play on the server, the higher level you become. This in turn increases your paycheck, slowly. :D

    Kind Regards


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  2. @Mokkay Hey brother,

    Sorry that we couldn't contact you, most of the time as moderators/admins our issues come from our helpdesk channels in teamspeak and not in game. So much so that when most people ask stuff over side, to an admin, another player or support team member will respond most of the time. We do try to get in game as much as possible but as i said most of the time is spent outta game dealing with stuff on teamspeak. At this point in time we are trying to get Admininstrators and moderators to moderate from inside the game, but its hard to organise all of that. Sorry for any issues or problems this may have caused you and we will try to make it so we have people in game that can respond to your needs.

    Kind Regards

    Axle_Tiaky :D

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  3. Yeah.... unfortunately it's gotten worse, back when my friend and I played we got really good, I got to supreme he got to GE. Once the R8 hit we didn't play as often and when the massive de-rank came through I just left. Started playing it again recently and it's still as bad as I remember xD. #FromSupremetoSilver4 D;

    • Like 3

  4. To be truthful, this has been attempted before, a lot of people wanted it to happen and when it did happen no one played on it.

    This is not to say that it may not work, but history tends to repeat itself.

    All my opinion, but would be great to see something like this to come up again. 

    • Like 4

  5. Hey Alec at this point in time it would seem that we will be able to get the money back as of 12 PM today, sydney standard time. But until the server is up, all of us are just waiting and hoping that the devs do their best to fix it :D.


    • Like 1

  6. 38 minutes ago, NightWing said:

    hmm guessing by 'Cops will do everything in their power to stop the rebels' you mean cops/admins will be bringing out big guns i presume;
    Armed Hunter/Strider
    UAV Drones
    Thermal Vision/Scopes
    Large Assortment or Heavy Calibre Weapons?
    Mx.Variants, SPAR.Variants
    CMR-76, MAR-10, Mk-1 EMR, SPAR-17
    M320, Lynx
    LIM-85, MK200, Navid, SPMG, Zafir
    PCML, Titan, RPG



    All ofcourse which they have Government discounts on, to use and dispose of how they please. (Cheap Weapons for All)

    and there set to vs 'Poison' which i think is composed of random rebels joining together?


    Guessing this means the rebels are allowed to use everything in their power aswell?
    Armed Offroad
    Guns that Rebels can find from the local shop?
    4-five, ACP, Rook, Zubr
    PDW, Sting
    AK.Variants, Katiba, Mk20, SPAR-16, TRG
    Rahim, MK18
    Non Existence
    Non Existence 
    Non Existence



    Also all rebel weapons have no 'government discount' on them.
    Seems like a fair trade off for who shall have a slight advantage.


    There is to be no use of vehicles, and once the event has begun no one else can join!!!!!!!!

    And yes they may use their infantry weapons. They will be able to get it back.



    STARTS 8:00pm AEDT

     Rebels Meet South West of Rebel 1 on the Runway

    Cops will meet at Sydney PD


    Poison VS Altis Life Police Department

    ^^^If you don't know who Poison is click this link^^^



    Recent Conflicts between the rebel faction known as Poison and the Altis Life Police Department, have lead to a decrease in a number of rebels that the faction has to offer. Due to this a large amount of rebel forces are attempting to land on Altis to reinforce the Poison Garrison. Before they can get through to their crew, the Altis Life Police Department have taken measures to ensure that the rebels do not make it passed their landing point. In an attempt to get through their lines the rebel forces must try to kill every opposing member in their way to reach their brothers in arms. But as much as they want to get through the have to remember that they cops will do everything in their power to stop the rebels from getting to their leader. 



    There is to be no use of vehicles, and once the event has begun no one else can join!!!!!!!!




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  8. @insanD back in the day father Yuri and I worked the rules trying to make them with no grey areas, to fix this ramming situation we completely removed it and changed the VDM rule so that people could understand that hitting into someone's on purpose to destroy the vehicle is a problem, but still allowing ramming to happen.

    We included this in the VDM rule:

    Vehicle deathmatching is intentionally driving someone over in an attempt to get an advantage over another player during a roleplay situation or causing death, by destroying a vehicle intentionally. E.g. “I ran this person over because I wanted to knock him down so I could get a shot on him because he had a gun”.

    Vehicle DeathMatch is preferred to not happen. You can do it through a significant Role Play situation. If you're being robbed by someone standing in front of your vehicle, and they threaten your life, you are able to hit the gas. Otherwise, you are to not Vehicle DeathMatch. You may not shoot them at any time. You must continue to flee the scene.

    If you are knocked over by your own vehicle as you dismount you are fair game to anyone in an active declaration.

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