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Posts posted by Jay

  1. 7 hours ago, Memo said:

    4 cops bum rushed me and then they die and they blow tower up smh even tho they have like 5 more cops left there is 1 on me

    thanks for sharing 

    • lul 1

  2. 56 minutes ago, AndreJxmZ said:

    yes but this server is about roleplay right, so in real life you dont blow up a bank smh

    i mean knowing s you wouldve lost the bank anyways, tower or not we'd be looking at the same outcome

    • Like 2
    • lul 1

  3. 15 hours ago, Lachlan said:

    TBH what ever happend to the old days like myself and whole bunch of others would go around raiding all night ect.  I don't know what happen to wasteland right now with a max pop of around the 20-40 mark  back in the day wasteland used to get a max pop of 80 a night and there was a lot more weapons/Vehicles were in the server. but I think also with PUBG and fortnight nut wasteland has had some competition but i hope wasteland dose prosper again  very soon I would like to thank  @John Paul for the dev work of wasteland and in 2015/2016.

    (History note: I was the second staff member to be assigned to wasteland back in 2015 along with @Syveknz been the first staff member to be assigned wasteland server staff)

    Honorable mentions previous wasteland staff  @Donkey Punch @Tiggati @Unit_3397 @Mozkelby (many others that i can't think of all the names ) For staffing wasteland back in 2015/2016/2017

    @BridTheAtl just in case you missed todays history lecture ?

    • Like 1
    • feelsretardedman 1

  4. Like was said to you in game, if you truely believe someone is cheating come to helpdesk with some evidence, you claim they cheat but have no evidence to show for it. Both players you are accusing have been playing the server for longer than most, they know their shit. As far as I'm concerned they dont cheat and until I see evidence that suggests otherwise nothing will be done about this "issue". If you wish to discuss this further feel free to approach myself or any of the other Wasteland staff on teamspeak. I would also suggest that next time you don't accuse them of hacking/cheating over sidechat as it just stirs them up and sidechat becomes a warzone.

    This is not me defending any "friends", i've never played with both the people you are accusing, if anything we're rivals. 

    and ill pass on the "suck me sideways", @Nunny on the other hand...

    • Like 3

  5. Possibly an activity that if completed it reduces your sentence?

    For example while in prison you could be tasked to pick a certain amount of an item (maybe like fake rubbish or something) and for good behaviour (completing the task) you get an amount of time cut off your sentence. We could also have it that you can continuously do the task in prison while serving out your sentence, progressively reducing it. Rather than serving say 30mins you could end up only serving 15mins because you have spent the 15mins actually doing something in prison like picking up rubbish. 

    Let me know what you think, just an idea

    • Like 7
    • nothanks 1