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Operation Sword & Hammer - Sunday 3rd March

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Noskire    123


Sunday 3rd March

Server Start Time:

12.00pm AEDT

Mission Start Time:

12.30pm AEDT


StrayaGaming I and A Event Server (search "straya" to find the server, which will be active 30 minutes before the operation commences).




An Armoured Platoon was in the process of returning to base after a mission, and was ambushed and all crewman assumed dead.

Force Longsword has been tasked with retrieving the Armour and Securing the Area.

An advanced convoy of CSAT armoured assets has been spotted by long range UAV moving into the area.

Longsword are to move and destroy the convoy with any available assets.

Intel shows there may be units moving ahead of the convoy that pose a threat to friendly armour.

Airborne units unknown.

Alternative objectives may available once the area is secured.


The operation will be based on the Tanoa map and have a focus on armoured elements.

There is no predetermined structure for squad and individual roles, so it will be up to players to organise themselves prior to attempting the mission objectives.

Additionally, the RHS: USAF mod will be required http://www.rhsmods.org/mod/2. It is a download of approximately 1.3 gig.

Any questions please contact @Noskire or @webbie.



Edited by webbie
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  • webbie    186
    34 minutes ago, Zombine45 said:

    "No mods will ever be used" Well that went away real quick.

    The reason this has changed is because I've done/doing custom mission files for the event server. I and A is a very different situation as it requires extensive modification. With the custom mission files I will be able to modify and add things that we do or don't want. It's just for the assets for now. I have no ambition to inudate it with mods and to be honest if we don't get appropriate numbers it will be dropped as well.

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    webbie    186

    Will also be looking at doing a community Zeus just unsure how to go about it because to be honest fk all people actually know how to use it and I mean use it correctly. Also the point of being to use it and not abuse it and how do we get people to prove that they can both use it and not abuse it. 

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    webbie    186
    19 minutes ago, War Machine said:

    Mods...Okay I'm O.U.T.


    what why?


    16 minutes ago, War Machine said:

    I forgot which video it is that talks about being Zeus.

    The point of being Zeus is not to defeat the player; but, to give them something of a challenge.

    I always make a point of making the goals achievable


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    webbie    186

    also with the new mission files I have added 2 lots for spectators should anyway wish to film or just hang out and watch people die

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    Zombine45    177

    As much as i'd love to be there i'm busy on sundays.


    As for using a community zeus @webbie  You'll just have to pick someone you think is capable. I don't even know how you'd conduct a 'zeus test'. I guess see if they've got the achievement for doing the zeus tutorial in arma? :lul:

    • lul 1

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    Nova    1779
    23 hours ago, War Machine said:

    @webbie Well, even though I'm looking forward for our regular event, I just can't afford to loose a lot of data by downloading mods...#PhilippineISPsucks

    just play anyway :lul: everyone will be naked and floating around

    • Haha 1

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    Nova    1779
    10 hours ago, War Machine said:

    as far as I remember, when a server is modded, you can't enter...

    if key checking is not turned on you can join

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    webbie    186

    the problem is if key checking isnt enabled and you load in without the mod you wont be able to see any of the assets which will make it pretty difficult to do the mission 

    This also poses the question do we bother with mods, some want it some dont. Alot players originally asked for rhs to be put on so I guess this will be some what of a test. It really doesnt bother me either way ive always thought their was more than enough assets in arma for the purpose of running missions but if you want variety then the only option is to add a mod that allows that.


    Edited by webbie
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    War Machine    40

    if only the ISP's in my country could give more than 10Mbps and there is no data cap, I could have downloaded mods to my hearts content... Sad to say, we only got 150Gb of data every 1st of the month. If there is still remaining data and I'm going to download big stuff (movies, mods,...), it has to be at least 3 days before the month ends

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    webbie    186

    Please move any further comments to:


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