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New Helo Skin

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real    114

Just knocked this up. whaddaya think?



and a sneak preview of one of the hellcats that i'm also working on

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  • real    114

    ok, so I was never really happy with the first version as I think it looked like an over ripe banana, so I've tweaked the camo and changed the colours.

    opinions are welcome/requested, DEMANDED!


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    real    114

    and here's the current Mohawk wip.
    there's still a bit of work to do, (the Mohawk is a bastard to work on), but it's getting there



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    Rogmantosh    242

    Nice work Real. now for a favour... any chance I can grab a blank texture for the Mohawk off you or help me find one. i would like to dabble with some paint. possibly a quick tut if your free at some point.

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    Nova    1779
    30 minutes ago, Rogmantosh said:

    Nice work Real. now for a favour... any chance I can grab a blank texture for the Mohawk off you or help me find one. i would like to dabble with some paint. possibly a quick tut if your free at some point.

    if real cant do it i can show you where to get them if you want?

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    real    114

    thanks Rog.  mate, if you're new to skins and texturing i'd seriously recommend that you stay away from the Mohawk.  Infact i'd tell anyone to avoid it like the plague.  I may have mentioned that it's a bastard, but that really doesn't get across just how shitty it is to work on. the ghost hawk is a fair bit easier, but easier still would be the marshall.

    All the textures are available in the game, you just need to download the 'arma tools', including the 'pbo manager' from arma workshop.
    I'm pretty sure there will be some templates online too.  don't the straya gaming design guys have some templates?

    I'm happy to help with a tut, but i'm not sure how easy that is without me seeing what you're doing, or vise versa.
    there are some very good youtube videos on photoshop (i'm assuming you have photoshop; is this what you're using?) and some specifically for arma retexturing.  i'll have a look if I can find some good links for you.


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    insanD    431

    Really nice work on the ghosthawk, are you trying to replicate the ADF's Blackhawk?

    Looks kinda similar :p


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    Ora209    142
    On 15/12/2016 at 1:10 AM, real said:

    if you're new to skins and texturing i'd seriously recommend that you stay away from the Mohawk.  Infact i'd tell anyone to avoid it like the plague.  I may have mentioned that it's a bastard, but that really doesn't get across just how shitty it is to work on. the ghost hawk is a fair bit easier, but easier still would be the marshall.

    Haha tell me about it, its hard enough trying to get the textures to line up but to get the same contrast and wb. if you need a hand with any textures @Rogmantosh ive got almost all of the skins in psd format (all you need to do is slot ur texture in and BOOM)

    Edited by Ora209

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    real    114

    Some Hurons to join the family. 
    Once this lot are all done, i'll do some woodland ones, then maybe look at the hellcats and the tiger ghosthawk


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    Travesty    265

    The Ghost Hawk skin you did looks good, but I REALLY like the Huron skin.

    Damn fine work sir.


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    Ora209    142

    @real, i know last time i asked you said no but would you consider joining the Texture Team, you would not only make a valuable asset to straya but to the i&a server.

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