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  1. 2 points
    This may be a problem other players like myself (Arma noobs) encounter I have found a fix and thought I'd share as this was making life difficult when trying to navigate the menus inventory and shops etc. The core of the problem was my desktop/nividia resolution settings being different to the native resolution for my display device (32in LCD HDTV). The reason I had originally changed the resolution away from native was because of whilst in Arma 3 the screen was oversized and overlapping the view on screen. To fix this I changed the res to a different setting which then got the screen to be displayed correctly but resulted in the mouse pointer not lining up correctly. The fix I found (thanks to the magic of Google) was related to the Tv's aspect ratio setting. I had this set to one of the standard display choices. Changing this to "Auto Scan" (may be a different wording depending on tv) in my tv picture menu then reverting to the native resolution in my desktop setting fixed this issue. Hope it helps anyone else encountering this problem. Regards J. Rambo
  2. 1 point
    Hey everyone, as my username implies, my name is onlyAgamer, or you could just call me Gamer or Ash, either of the three work I have been around Stray gaming for a few weeks now, maybe 2 or 3, I used to play a bit of Arma life and such on Arma 2 OA a while back but could never quite get into it, although I've recently gotten back into Arma 3 which I bought at first announcement in Alpha, I've got about 140 hours in total of gameplay and I've been playing on both the SG Invade and Annex and Arma 3 life. Mostly I have been sticking with Medic on the Life server, although I've played about 10 hours of cop on some other servers, which mostly seems to be the same, my reason for this is I don't have a group to play with and playing Civi is a nightmare solo, since every where I go is just gangs or duos of robbers, so playing medic allows me to enjoy the game and help others, and cops help pair me with others rather then having to go solo, either way, im constantly on the Teamspeak server when ever I play, and if all goes well i'll be sticking around. Thanks for reading.
  3. 1 point
    So while everyone was killing each other a group of godly morons built a giant wall/tunnel from the general store to the gun store...... All these links are pics of the wall. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/397805114584296788/6F003E2966176C3F8EDB63AF5212B40447CDE381/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/397805114584297172/2E2CE5095D3B8FCD7592C05EBA528A58CB5CF5CC/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/397805114584297643/9753CFFEE6A364668D035297CE5FA6A1E5D2DE50/
  4. 1 point
    bruh this aint real life I mean personally i think peaches should be around 12-14k ea
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    hey guys sorry for the post but i have just been banned from the life server. there were two "Jake" on the server. the other one killed people in safe zones and abused admins. however i was the one that was banned. its my first day on the server and can honestly say i did non of that and my friend "cooper" can second that. this occurred about 20 minutes ago.
  7. 1 point
    Please fill in the ban appeal form here http://strayagaming.com.au/forums/index.php?/topic/7-template-ban-appeal/
  8. 1 point
    Well in the long run it was an illegal truck so that's also apart of the reason we got you for illegal mission but I'll keep it in mind for next time Shadow