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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/16 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Hi People, I have been having a blast playing a bit of I&A on your server recently, however to date my strategy has kind of sucked. I am new to Arma so have been mainly on a learning curve, so far my style has been spawn, get into chopper, shoot, shoot, try not to TK anyone, die....rinse and repeat. This has been grate however I would like to get more involved in actual coordinated gameplay, I am going to start by getting TS installed and joining the relevant I&A channel however is there anything else that I should be doing/not doing to get more out of I&A with StrayaGaming? Cheers! Ollie
  2. 2 points
    pre-ordered on Jan 15. exchange rate hurt but 20% off was handy.
  3. 2 points
    C++ background would help understanding the structures. I learned a lot from the Functions Viewer (fx) in the editor. Can also be found in the A3 folder: A3\Addons\functions_f.pbo The rest can be learned from checking out community scripts and code on armaholic, tinkering with it, and eventually designing your own scripts. On that note, it helps to have a reasonable goal in mind to work towards, to direct your research/learning.
  4. 1 point
    There always is heaps of declaration on cops which myself roger purple doesnt mind. But give the cops some roleplay too. Most fellas are saying "i hate cops ill kill all of them" make roleplay for both parties and lets make it awesome roleplay between cops and the criminals. Just be warned apd is a strong force and we will not be intimidated, we up hold the law and bring the hammer down on all criminals wishing to bring down the government. Regards [Sergeant] roger purple
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    That missile is worth over 800k. What a waste....
  7. 1 point
    Thanks for the tip's, not tried anything other than run and gun yet so will give the other load outs a go. Mainly looking for more teamwork so will try tagging along with peeps working together. see you in the server!
  8. 1 point
    all scripting is sqf and most of the other shit is c++ It's fairly simple once you get the hang of it. You just need to read other peoples scripts and learn from there. Also reference BIS Wiki. It will be the most help in finding and naming functions and properties along with working out the variables in an array. Configs (such as .cpps) are fairly straight forward. Like I said, look at it and you'll learn, the configs are pretty arma specific as you can imagine If you have any questions about any of it hit me up on steam.
  9. 1 point
    Try out different classes, yeah. Medic, Engineer, AT; ones that have access to restricted gear. Your best bet to get the "most" out of I&A is to join a coordinated group. You can ask in side chat if anyone is working together, or look for any large groups (5~+). Generally, they're working together. If you see me on, Cassidy, hit me up. I enjoy playing with new recruits.
  10. 1 point
    glad to see you are enjoying yourself on I&A you can see if others want to get in game and do side missions tactically on teamspeak together. perhaps try out different classes like AT and medic
  11. 1 point
    Wasn't a direct hit, landed below him. AT rockets are also really shitty at killing infantry; they're meant to punch through a vehicle, not explode into shrapnel. Coulda also had something on to help, like a grenadier vest, to absorb more of the explosion. I wouldn't say hax without more info.