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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/16 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    BattlEye Client: Player [O03W] TheAmazingBurger has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban [Hacking - Perm - Everybody] ^Jk please don't...
  2. 1 point
    That makes me feel like it's going to be rushed, if it's being collected all on one day and edited the next. I mean my last time lapse took 2 and a half day to just collect all the right footage and edited it up in about half a night. Seeing as though this is going to be a trailer (official or not) I suggest not rushing through anything and getting it right, otherwise it'll look horribly rushed and it'd look noticeable. Just a tip.
  3. 1 point
    Dear Altis life Community, Due to the increasing signup on our forums within our community that only a couple months ago we just reached 2000 members, now we are nearly at 3000 members, which is fantastic and we wanted to thank you all for being apart of the Strayagaming community! We are aiming to increase our donations with your continued support, and to purchase another dedicated server to give back to our Altis Life community. As the previous one we purchased for our Altis Life server from wombat did not meet our community requirements with its DDoS protection causing us to revert back to the old server at Streamline after the first few days which we did to keep the game running as smooth as possible with good protection from hackers. Now with all that wrapped up, the server will be going for $300 a Month, so we would need to start boost donations, and I for 1 will be popping some donations as its due. if any suggestions in a way of boosting donations, leave below. We will also be bringing extra slots to the server, increasing gangs by 5 members per gang, Database will be hosted locally for improved performance. Specifications of the server: Intel E3 1270v5 3.6GHz (Turbo 4GHz) 16GB DDR3 ECC 480GB SSD Gigabit connection Thanks team and all the supporters! Lets make this climb from #2 to #1 together!
  4. 1 point
    Let's run a Bunnings sausage sizzle lol. Cosmetic skins for cars sound like a good idea, maybe even a few clothing skins, like a suit? I am unsure of what the plan would be but too me having only one server run on the dedi seems like abit of a waste. I think it would fit a lot better if some of these other games which are less server intensive also run at the same time while giving the Altis Life CPU and ram priority. This would mean that we could use the money more efficiently and gain more donations from servers which you can monetise! Having the dedi like this would still certainly increase performance but by having the other servers on it, it would also mean we aren't wasting half the specs of the server, even at peak. Now, I'm not extremely experienced with ARMA 3 servers and the specs they require, but I think it's a good decision for the community in two ways: 1. By having servers that are monetised and gain more donations, paying for it just got a whole lot easier 2. By allowing other permanent servers we can greatly increase the flueidity of the servers to keep up with player demand and create the ability try out different game modes and servers for even just a week, to know if people would take interest my two dollars #TheFire
  5. 1 point
    I played around with it myself in the DEV Branch, no FPS drops occurred at all. Absolutely loved playing in the DEV branch and cried a little coming back down to play on the servers again. I did a small comparison myself Here are OFFICIAL screenshots if you haven't seen them already - Pretty keen for 1.60
  6. 1 point
    lol yeah boy!!! Ya Mums personal guide to sending Opfor into a fit of rage.