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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/16 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    @Spectral | 1 point for Gryffindor? ---- Anyway glad you actually signed up to the forums Jared. All the cool news, upcoming events, event suggestions, development and what not is all posted around here. If you ever need a hand with anything, find myself in help-desk and come ask a question.. If you're unsure or still learning the rules (Read up on them here) enjoy the life of a Cartel. Enjoy Strayagaming and all that it has to offer And have fun. ♥
  2. 2 points
    Just letting you guys know. @brutalforthepizza brought and sent @Connor_McGregor123 a pizza to his house for a shipment of guns. The pizza rocked up the same time the guns did funniest thing I have ever been involved in. Sooooooooooo good ahahahaha
  3. 2 points
    Yep it was on the notes, a "EMS is on way you have called, if you accept you will be bulk billed if you release".
  4. 1 point
    Hey guys I'm a 14 YO from NSW Sydney I recently started playing on your server a week ago and love it. I'm apart of the ARF cartel and learning new things. I was referred by @Cake
  5. 1 point
    Good work Cake, and welcome to the community Jared!
  6. 1 point
    I will bring the Webber!!
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Schedule has been cleared a bit, aiming to prepare a release candidate of next mission version for Monday 23rd and Stable release to the public server on Wednesday 25th. Also the ADR-97 Weapon Pack is enabled for use on the server today until 6PM. The reason for the short time is that these things cause degraded performance on server and all clients who aren't using it, when it is in use. When the gun is fired, everyones machine searches for sound files and things like this. This causes small errors each time the gun is fired, which becomes noticeable with stuttering. as example, just taken from the servers error log file: 7:11:26 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.50Rnd_570x28_SMG_03'. 7:11:26 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 7:11:26 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 7:11:26 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 7:11:26 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 7:11:26 Warning Message: Error: creating magazine 50Rnd_570x28_SMG_03 with scope=private 7:11:26 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 7:11:26 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 7:11:26 Warning Message: No entry '.displayNameShort'. 7:11:26 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
  9. 1 point
    Aye Shady, I'm most definitely looking for a solid team. I don't mind if you're not well versed at Multiplayer as this is my first time running a cartel so it'll be a fairly large learning curve for us both, Hit me with a message on here and i'll fill you in or have a chat to me on TS ts.strayagaming.com.au:10124 Welcome to the Community
  10. 1 point
    Hey Man Welcome to Strayagaming I hope you like the place, Im sure Everyone will make you feel welcome glad to see you've "Joined the Strayagaming team" Talk Soon -ExcelForce
  11. 1 point
    Solid work on the welcome wagon boys, 10/10, good job. Shady if you wander onto the Altis Life server let me know I will setup a tour. Heck @brutalforthepizza is looking for good guys. -Spec
  12. 1 point
    I Want that skin @Cake >:D Yo shady! Nice to see ya on the forums and now enjoying multilayer If you ever want to trial out our wasteland server, and need help understanding anything, feel free to PM me or find me in TS. Think of our wasteland server as a massive (team) death-match. Just note that like other servers, we also have some rules (just not as strict as invade and annex ) Find them here. Hope to see ya enjoying wasteland sometime Peace out! Regards. Unit_3397.
  13. 1 point
    @shady Welcome to StrayaGaming mate. Enjoy your time around here and feel free to try out ANY of the Straya servers. With love! Leopard // See ya around //
  14. 1 point
    Hi and welcome to SG ----- Glad to hear you're enjoying I&A (Invade and Annex) I enjoy playing from time-to-time strategical with a group of boys. Use teamspeak whenever, most members around the community start-up Teamspeak as soon as they boot up the computer, to either play with a few members, have a chat, or discuss issues / matters that need to be resolved with eachother. There's no set-times to be on and off from it, join whenever and go into any channel, members will either be in the channel or will eventually join depending on the time you're on. To work as part as a time for I&A - Join the Teamspeak find the allocated channels for I&A (You'll live in them if you play I&A all the time). Talk and use your comms correctly, calling out directions, bearings, areas etc.. If you're a pilot get to know and coordinate correctly with your pilots. The other channels have the same rules applied, get to know them have a few chats etc most importantly do have fun. The channels allocated for I&A are these (Be advised I have a custom skin for teamspeak, so your's wont look like this obviously.) If you're unable to find these channels, just hit CRTL + F and type in "Invade" and it should pop up for you. Over time you'll get to know people that play quite frequently and what not, you'll also make friends that's easy. I advise you to read up on the I&A rules (Here) so you don't get into trouble from any Mods / Admins on the server. If you ever need help, feel free to join Teamspeak, find the Help-desk channels and any support member (Green, Red ticks / Mods & Admins) will help you with whatever question you have. Best of luck, Glad to hear you enjoy the I&A server AND most importantly have fun ♥
  15. 1 point