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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/18 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. 2 points
    Altis Life v7.1 Patch #12 Modified: Script initialization Let me know if you experience extended load times when entering the server Co-pilots can not take controls when in a safezone without keys to the vehicle Fixed: Possible fix for bad vehicle spawns like Sydney Hospital Removing spike strip from inventory even when you couldn't place it Incompatibilities with new AntiCheat checks Floating laptop in Melbourne Duplicate script threads on death Removed: Bad texture paths Report all bugs via discord. If you have a suggestion, please send it to the Altis Life staff team. Thanks for playing StrayaGaming Altis Life!
  3. 2 points
  4. 1 point
    yeah :3 Didn't matter if moz was representing straya staff or not, he was a wizard. Great to kick back on a Friday night with and an all-rounder awesome guy.
  5. 0 points
    Hello Everybody I've fully retired from staff now. I've enjoyed all the time I've had playing on this community. I'm not leaving the community just staffing. I'll try not to get community banned. Sorry to the people i've banned and the support applications I've denied. It's not fun banning people however it's apart of the job. Hopefully I've had a positive impact on the server and it can continue to grow. I'll still be on teamspeak just hanging around. Feel free to come and say hi. Thank you for all the wonderful times we've shared on this community. Whether it be running SRT or being promoted to Admin. I've had a blast and something which I can hopefully come back to in the future. Pezza