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  1. 1 point
    Hey, Just realised I used to be in this forum. WOW Is it still active at all?
  2. 1 point
    // PENDING @Yagiam Please join the Interview Waiting Room on ts.straya.life for an interview. Interview Checklist 1. A Positive Attitude 2. Your Application Link 3. Your Ticket List, 10 Codes & Protocols 4. Be Prepared To Explain Roleplay Situations 5. Your Knowledge of Basic General Duties Processes You have 7 days to show up for this interview. Failure to show up will result in the denial of your application. If you have any issues with the above please contact a member of Academy. SUPERINTENDENT / CIU COMMAND - Ash
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    StrayaGaming - Community Guidelines Welcome to our Community! We hope you enjoy your time. These guidelines are put in place to keep the community an enjoyable and fun place to be. StrayaGaming is an adult, mature community. There is however, no age requirement. We expect all of our members to act mature and be responsible for their own actions. Enjoy your time with us! Global Guidelines These guidelines are subject to all services and social media sites offered by StrayaGaming. 1 - Cheating, Hacking and Exploiting 1.1 We have a zero tolerance policy for hacking and scripting. Offenders will be removed from all our services for life with no chance of appeal. 1.2 Using any Exploits (Including bugs) is prohibited. 2 - Privacy 2.1 Breaching any persons right to privacy is strictly prohibited. (Including: E-mail addresses, Physical addresses, IP addresses, Contact details etc.). 3 - Advertising 3.1 Advertising Non-StrayaGaming services and social media sites is strictly prohibited without permission from the Management Team. 4 - Real World Trading 4.1 Trading real world currency for any content or services on StrayaGaming is prohibited. (Offering these trades/services is more severe than receiving them). 5 - Alternate/Additional Accounts 5.1 Using additional/alternate accounts to circumvent a ban is strictly prohibited. 5.2 You are permitted to use additional/alternate accounts on our services if it does not breach 5.1 or 10.1. 6 - Impersonating StrayaGaming Staff 6.1 It is strictly prohibited to tell others you are a StrayaGaming Staff member, when you are not. 6.2 It is prohibited to impersonate a staff member by name where it leads to others believing you are staff, when you are not. 6.2.1 This is dependent on circumstances. (Example: Using: "StaffName" may be ok, but using "[SG] StaffName" or "[Admin] StaffName" may not). 6.2.2 Specific circumstances include, but are not limited to, trying to put a staff member into disrepute. 7 - Bullying, Discrimination, Racism, Sexism and other content 7.1 Any form of Harassment, Racism, Bullying, Sexism, Hate Speech etc., implied or otherwise, is strictly prohibited. 7.1.2 Minor and isolated breaches, where it is a part of the base game are not a breach. (Example: Stating "Heil Hitler" once or twice while playing WW2 Germans). 7.2 Anything, implied or otherwise, that is excessively sexual or violent, including obscene or explicit things, are not permitted. (Example: Excessive nudity, gore, etc.). 8 - Senior Management 8.1 Senior Management reserves the right to remove any lower ranking staff member or community member from the community at any time for any reason. Social Media Guidelines (Forums, Discord, Steam Group etc.) These guidelines are subject to all social media sites offered by StrayaGaming. 9 - Content 9.1 Anything, implied or otherwise, that is intended to bait, flame or troll other members is prohibited. 10 - Alternate/Additional Accounts 10.1 Using additional/alternate accounts on our social media sites is strictly prohibited. 10.1.2 Breaching this guideline will only result in the additional/alternate accounts being removed.