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Posts posted by Woolie

  1. That’s piss easy to do if u have good communications and can take out a ghost hawk and kill I don’t know pretty much the whole cop force with just one guy ummm I’m not referring to only one person ;). But yeh should be easy enough, oh yeh if u need some weapons I can hook you up with a plug

  2. If your wondering why I’m leaving in a bit more detail I’m happy to explain why this weekend on teamspeak but a quick summary I’m heading to court on the 21st of September so I’m most likely to get some time but not to sure.

    And thank you to everyone for the wishes much love to all of you xoxo

    • Triggered 1
    • thinking3d 1
    • Haha 1
    • nothanks 1

  3. 40 minutes ago, Augnov said:

    Being the CO isn't the only thing that is gonna get you to sergeant. However it is important to us to see that you are able to keep people in line in times of chaos. This shows us your ability to lead which is what a sergeant must be able to do. It takes everyone a long time for people to find their footing and their style of taking CO. My advice is just to keep at it and you will find a style that suits you where you show us what you can do and your confidence will build.

    @Kmart and ColesI would 100% listen to this advice. @Augnov is an amazing bloke and I’m sure he will help you out with taking CO

  4. Hey Guys,

    Im just here wondering if anyone is able to make gang skins for Offical [OF] I’m willing to pay $75 for uniform, backpack, Strider And Quilin skin if you are interested please leave a comment down below.

    Thank You

    • Pogchamp 1

  5. On 30/04/2018 at 9:07 AM, Michael Steiner said:

    I think starting a darkRP server or. Beginning I need places in gmod could expand the community and I think TTT server could be a bit of fun.

    gmod yeh nah but darkRP or KOTH


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