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Envy last won the day on September 7 2017

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About Envy

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    Extreme Poster
  • Birthday 02/26/2001

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  1. Envy

    this is some really weird gay shit what the **** am i looking at smh
  2. Envy

  3. Envy

    Where. Is. The. Proof, at this point it is just slander.
  4. Envy

    'have him booted' What the **** for ahahahahhaha
  5. Envy

    Basically I don't play on SG anymore purely because I find Arma III a bit boring now as I have so many hours however once in a blue moon I visit my old community and see what is happening, what I have seen today is the biggest ****ing shit stain I have seen a very long time, your argument about James32 being purely at fault is just incorrect, first of all if you wish for this to change, where is your proof or how to fix it, where are your non-bias opinions that are based purely on fixing the server rather than verbally abusing him and making fun of him and his abilities on the forum and looking like an utter ****tard in the process. Legit I have never seen a positive suggestion/idea come from you within SG, you were a cancer to the staff team that constantly moved off topic and had no positive input and you are slandering people on the forums publically and doing just as shit of a job as you did back then, honestly, get a ****ing life, move on or make a proper suggestion that actually helps SG instead of bringing one of it's in my opinion, best developers and most dedicated staff members, you don't belong here go **** off to unflavoured thick shake town instead, I said my piece, don't be a ****wit, lata bolt.
  6. Envy

    Thanks for that man but it is time to move on for a lot of us this year marks almost 3 years of being here.
  7. Envy

    thanks man good jurnery mooch love <333333333333
  8. Envy

    I want to keep this short and sweet, basically I enjoyed myself and it was a lot of fun however exams are coming up and I have decided to retire as my role is to high for me to be sitting around inactive, this community needs a strong leader that is here all the time and works to the best of his ability. From next month onwards that will not be me, so I thank you all for supporting me and being apart of the community while I was around, it has been a lot of fun. I would like to thank @TrueBluefor giving me every chance under the sun so that I could be where I was, @Red for also doing that for me in the development sector and most importantly @LuckyB33f for putting up with all of my bullshit and memes, thanks guys I will see you around. Also all of my friends that I have made along the way, @James32 @InfamousNova @Fitz @ExcelForce @insanD and even non staff members like @Brodie, thanks for being with me. Thank you, Envy
  9. Envy

    thank fuck for that
  10. Envy

    Deadset the sickest cunt on StrayaGaming, much love <3
  11. Envy

    thank you so much brodie for commenting a useless comment on a useless post, means a lot man <3
  12. Envy

    Aren't you that bloke who left?
  13. I completely agree with everything you said, it would have been better off in a PM somewhere else, thanks for understanding and I agree, definitely a time and a place for everything and the forums wasn't one of those.
  14. That means a lot Augnov, I hope we can move past this.