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Posts posted by Travesty

  1. Get rid of the jets!
    Disagree, some players come for the jets. CAS rules are tight enough, removing this element of gameplay would be too OP in my opinion./

    Get rid of the VTOL's except for the Vehicle Blackfish.
    This makes sense for the player numbers we have these days. Though, keeping the Armed Blackfish as a reward is my suggestion.

    Have the Taru & Huron spawn separately & have more pods (Medical, Bench & Transport)
    I also agree with this. Replace 1 of the Ghoties with the Huron and have the Taru rotate between the variants.

    Have the Hellcat on spawn rotation with the Little Bird.
    Love the Hellcat and Little Bird, wouldn't hurt to trial out the rotation.

    Have 2-3x Ghosties spawning, With gunner AI in non-player usable Seats.
    I suggest 2 Ghosties with AI. AI gunners might promote smarter flying which isn't a bad thing.

    • Like 8

  2. Folks, if you've never run an Escape mission, I highly recommend you try it out.

    It's different to the other servers in that you don't have the front foot/initiative/advantage in other game modes.

    So you need to Be Smart, Be Tactical, Pick Your Shots, Survive, Escape.

    Good Luck.

    • Like 4
    • wooow 2

  3. How to sum up @Matsozetex In one post

    How would you describe the whingeing and bull****ery from this player?

    I'll start.

    Toxic player slagging off most of the players on I&A on the forums. You make some valid suggestions, yet no one wants to hear them when you're being an asshole.

    Toxic player slagging off most of the pilots on the TS channel when they make a mistake. You want to improve pilot skill? Be a voice of encouragement and support, not ridicule and scorn.

    Limited viewpoint due to a chronic case of Rectal Cranial Inversion. Google it, then see a doctor.

    General combative nature. Again, being an asshole.


    TL;DR - From one Asshole to another, Physician Heal Thyself.


    P.S - Before another player points out the hypocrisy of this post and how angry and toxic I was becoming when I was staff, why do you think I resigned and stepped away from SG? I get it, it's easy to be pissed off at the BS and the dickheads, but this is a public server open to all so accept that comes with the territory, if they're playing within the rules Find an Engineer, get him to build you a bridge, and Get Over It.

    • Pogchamp 1
    • wooow 1
    • reee 1

  4. 25 minutes ago, InfamousNova said:

    ill see you tomorrow with a completed stratis wasteland to is up to par with the SG wl mission file

    *Makes a note to check back 11pm tomorrow to play this sweet new server...*

    • Seems Good 1

  5. I'd support this idea in a trial. The issue is there are only 6 Pilot slots so you would have to create Instructor/Trainer slots to prevent losing a pilot slot to training purposes.

    There are a few experienced pilots who would be good at teaching newer players how to fly.... But @=S.N.A.F.U.= would just be telling them to buy a HOTAS and TrackIR before switching to AFM! :lul:

    • lul 1

  6. 2 hours ago, InfamousNova said:

    what if a pilot that you dont like is good at flying cas? you are gonna have bias to not wanting him to fly. also the server has to be restarted in order to whitelist so staff would still be needed

    i agree that there are trash cas pilots but whitelisting seems like a meh idea

    A whitelist should provide access to additional benefits within a server, not present a barrier to entry for newer players that could stunt the growth of the I&A server.

    For example: A newer player, being competent but having never played on the server before, tries to fly CAS late one night and can't because they've not been tested/approved/annointed by staff Etc. That player then goes and plays on another server because their experience was affected by this rule.

    I also fail to see the return on time invested to implement this versus the desired impact on the server considering the current limited role CAS has in I&A.

    If you really want to address the issue of bad CAS pilots then provide helpful guidance and advice to newer players on how to improve instead of tearing them down.
    I've witnessed you going off the rails on other pilots, and frankly it's not helpful in the least.

    We should show the same patience others have shown newer players who joined the server, otherwise no real progress will be made.

    EDIT: Generalised the last sentence, because decibel isn't the only player with this issue.

    • Like 4

  7. I cannot be bothered quoting all the different comments here, so here's my TL;DR response to the above:

    1. Nova, I agree Smokey's posts are a bit difficult to read, but try approaching that topic with a little more tact and you'll find people more receptive.
    2. Smokey, try taking on board that people will read and respect your opinions more if they're well-written. It's human nature.
    3. Brodie, I wasn't on the SG Rust server for long before it died but I do recall your work on it. I recall the issue with Rust was the constant updates to keep the server current, and I believe an absence of staff caused that to drop behind and most of the player-base departed shortly after.
    4. I was one of the first on the Rusted Outback server, but it also had near zero players and the Admin/Mod allowed a friend to use his account and he trolled us. Killed the fun for me.
    5. Smokey, your comment about 'taking over gaming' in Australia in relation to our name is just not realistic. We want StrayaGaming to be successful, not take everything over.
    6. Fitz/Nova, I'm likely to agree with you that the market for Rust servers is saturated with established servers and the game itself is too long in the tooth to start one up ourselves.
    7. I also agree we should be looking to new(er) games where possible otherwise we're trying to cut into establish player-bases and that risks conflict with other communities which we may not need.

    Tagging the above here because I'm laze: @InfamousNova, @Fitz, @Brodie and Smokey (**** trying to find the character code for that star to link this properly).

    TL;DR - Rust might not be the best server to start up at this stage after all, and more than one of the posts above breaks Wheaton's Law. Try to play nice boys :lul:.

    • Wesmart 2
    • lul 2

  8. de_DustUp Competition Deferred

    Regrettably, we have had to make the decision to defer this competition for the moment.

    We are working with @BRADRATT and Exstro Gaming regarding future eSports competitions, and after some discussion regarding the format and how this would be run we've decided to hold off running this competition for now.

    Thank you for registering!

    Thank you to all Teams and free players who registered for the competition.

    Thank you to the registered team captains @InfamousNova, @Snowwie SaiyajiN, @SmO and @remii_ for organising their teams, can you please pass on this message to them regarding this change.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1

  9. de_DustUp Competition Start Date

    The de_DustUp competition will commence from Monday 7 August.

    The bracket and match threads will be posted on Sunday night, team captains can then coordinate with the match referees to determine when they can conduct their matches.

    Last Week to Register Teams and Free Players!

    Teams and free players have a week left to register for the competition.

    If you have any questions or concerns regarding this competition, please contact @Travesty@Subnoize or @Nigel Gluesniff.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Matsozetex said:

    As I said I was very pissed off and made this in that moment and now realise such shoddy arguments, in retrospect I should've left the server at that point. Thanks for the clarification @InfamousNova and @Travesty  and @InfamousNova's beautiful grammar. Sorry for me rant and I will learn to adapt to Zeus in the future.....

    ...... And no, I will never join Cancer Life.... Ever


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1

  11. 1 hour ago, Matsozetex said:

    Opinions are welcome!

    You asked for this.

    1 hour ago, Matsozetex said:

    Recently I got very pissed off at the incorrect usage of Zeus on the server.

    I think you meant to say "I got very pissed off at what I perceived to be the incorrect usage of Zeus on the server."

    We don't determine what is correct use of Zeus on the I&A server, the server staff do. I recommend you adjust your thinking.

    1 hour ago, Matsozetex said:

    1. The spawning of exterior jets after Radio tower has been eliminated.

    Server staff use Zeus to run missions outside of normal I&A objectives to keep the experiences unique and interesting on the server and avoid it becoming a repetitive and stale experience which will likely drive away players.

    This change in circumstances adds to the excitement of the server, especially when the opposing forces deviate from the normal rules of engagement we're used to.

    I personally enjoy when this occurs as it requires new thinking to deal with, and is akin to the opposing forces changing the battlefield parameters.

    If you wanted a standardised experience maybe a Single Player campaign or scenario is better suited for you.

    2. The Mass spam of helicopters and other powerful vehicles randomly into the AO.

    Refer to points above, sometimes an opposing force will throw significant forces into an operation to change the odds in their favour.

    It doesn't happen that often, when staff take the time to Zeus in opposing units and ramp up the difficulty in the server we should appreciate it because it became more difficult.

    3. The usage of Zeus during low population.

    Server staff will use Zeus on the server as their time allows.

    I think it would reduce the amount of Zeus activity on the server if a minimum player count was enforced and it should be at the server staff's discretion.

    Ways to fix this may include:

    1. Considering the state of the AO before spawning enemies in. (I.e defence spawn enemies in | Start of AO limit enemy spawns | End of AO provide a little extra challenge)

    I disagree. You don't have to 'fix' something that isn't broken.

    Adding this extra effort to server staff using Zeus on the server will likely lead to a reduction in staff wanting to do so, which would be a disappointing outcome.

    2. Spawning enemies outside of the AO (2-3km away) then sending them in.

    Server staff spawn in units with Zeus to influence the battle. This would make that action largely ineffective.

    3. Spawning enemy air targets when the tower is still operational.

    Again, sometimes opposing forces don't play by the rules. Learn to adapt.

    4. The scaling of zeus usage to server population.

    I would counter that you consider scaling your expectations of server staff to your preferred difficulty level.

    Opinions are welcome!

    Again, you asked for this.


    TL;DR - May Zeus forever punish your butthole for your insolence, git gud or switch to Altis Life scrub.

    • Like 6

  12. 37 minutes ago, Fitz said:

    Something does need to be done about the trees though, either moving the AA altogether or removing the trees or both.

    How about 2 Praetorian locations, one at the 22 end of the median strip between the runways and one at the 04 end.

    Then they are in open terrain and most effective and they are protecting servicing/taxiing aircraft.

    Priority for AA shouldn't be the infantry or vehicles, but the grounded aircraft.

    • Like 2

  13. 33 minutes ago, Fitz said:

    As for the Hummingbird thing, I think restricting the side bird to non-pilots only and the main one to only pilots (no copilot either unless <20 players) would be good.


    Sounds logical to me. As a Pilot I wouldn't really think "Oh, the Little Bird is gone so I'll go take the Side Bird" but then some people don't care about the rules.
    I'd say making that a solid rule (Enforced automatically if possible?) would keep Side Bird for those missions more.

    As to the original issue of abuse of Pilots because of flying Little Bird to AO, you choose the heli and the LZ. They don't have to like it, they can go another way.

    I would say, on the flip side, being the only (Or one of 2) pilot on the server means you really should take something bigger if there's enough players to justify it.
    But if you've been playing that heli for a bit then suddenly people get salty, it's on them to approach that appropriately with you instead of abusing you.

    • Like 3