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Posts posted by Killzone

  1. 11 minutes ago, Caiden said:

    yes, we are fighting the government that can afford RPGS, HMGS, navids, ghosthawks. yet they can only give 300k in a hostage sit?

    I completely agree with this and i think what needs to happen is some vlr on cops. Yesterday me and 2 mates took 3 cops hostage (one was wex :P) we took GPS and radio they surprisingly followed and when we saw cops roll up we were gonna kill the cops instead i decided to try to wait and rp with some cops. what happens a cop rolls up and kill everyone (including cops). on subject navids are brought out for banks and its a bit dumb since we only have lvl 3 vests now but its all for some fun thats what we gotta remember its not too fun for cops to get destroyed by a gang that is sitting 10m outside pc1 and its not fun for rebels to have to just farm money and grind (unless you are me i actually enjoy doing runs currently on 43million :D). i think they way to go is just bring back some shenanigans to sydney cops can ticket people make money and rebels can test their luck.

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  2. 14 hours ago, Gotenks said:

    Why not add in fishing as a civ job? 

    Make them take a boat out and use the good ole windows key, actually use the water surrounding. It would also provide Roleplay for Civs and possibly some lifesaving. 

    I personally want Lifesaving to have more of a role as the EMS aswell I'm Director of LS and Executive of EMS and I love both. But the LS is lacking and think this might help it. We are on an island why not use the water around it aswell? Don't just have it land based. 

    FISHING YES, I would love to see a reason to just go out on a boat and relax :)

  3. 1 minute ago, ZipRaid said:

    Steam Name: ZipRaid

    Steam URL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ZipRaid/

    Game: CSGO/DOTA 2

    Rank/mmr: Highest rank MG 1, but stop playing for awhile. Recently started again. MMR- 1k

    Age: 15

    Timezone: AEST

    A little bit about yourself: I'm a High School Student, that like to play csgo, dota and arma in my spare time.

    Hours played: CSGO- 500 Dota- 250

    Why you want to join: I want to be apart of a team, that i can grow my skill with.

    Mic (yes or no): Yes



    // ACCEPTED \\


  4. Me and @ZipRaid have discussed with @Tiggati that there is room for a csgo/dota 2 team in this community. We would like to start recruiting anyone that wants to join just use this template provided.


    Steam Name:

    Steam URL:





    A little bit about yourself:

    Hours played:

    Why you want to join:

    Mic (yes or no):

    • Like 2

  5. 32 minutes ago, Jüstice™. said:

    Sniper the problem is team members knowingly walk over the mines that are clearly marked with a red triangles so only the stupid walk on them then they die so they punish.I had 3 different players do it to me on Sunday...Unit and I captured Kill Farm by ourselves then 15 minutes later the kiddie squad come over for free loot step on the mines and go Fark im gonna punish Justice for mining the dead so I have to log so i dont loose my gear because they dont understand just home stupid they are.

    The punish button should only be for intentional shooting of another team member and ingame players should not abuse the punish button. Trolls should be reported screenshot or videoed.

    Justice as i said i recon it would be amazing and to be completely honest 90% of the people using the punish button are just doing it to get some gear out of it, the problem isnt the mines the problem is it in a hole people can run into cars and punish the player i think if there was maybe another way then it could be solved but yes i can understand where you are coming from and yes i have it happen to me all the time. And i did vote for it to be removed also.

  6. The problem with removing the punish system is trollers will just use mines now and teamkill and they cant get punished.

    This is easily fixable with just a couple of screen shots of them killing you but its jsut a worry as they could get all them hard earned smokes ;).

    But nevertheless i had placing down a mine trying to kill an enemy and a teammate jumps on it :(

  7. 3 hours ago, Nclem said:

    If you haven't already seen, I run a Semi Successful property agency. I've sold over 25+ houses in total so far. I was interested in purchasing a "base", kind of like @[AI] STALKER's thing. Nothing to big or expensive, just a little place close to Sydney where I could meet people if they're looking to buy a house. Not sure how it would work for zeus props, but that would be something I'm interested in. 

    @Zomboid @Spectral

    i mean something like a business that sells high class houses like ones right next to cool places like pd 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Gotenks said:

    Ive done this one before, having Gym classes. The last couple times ive done them they have provided good roleplay.
    But with the market equipment its a bit small and not much variety. But thats just a personal thing i'd like in the server for roleplay and help myself out.
    A couple of EMS boys can be there on site to help out to watch for injuries and provide some good roleplay, while we have Myself and possibly 1-2 more instructors to roleplay the gym and so forth. The EMS have really been on point and strict about their roleplay which is nice to see. (this can be free or charged at a rate which will go towards the EMS)

    Some other business ops:
    Like Bananas IC parlour, what about an IC van which can go around the whole city delivering ice cream, have some flashing lights or sirens?

    Fishing Charters?


    If you would like a IC Van i can discuss with @TH3GamingBanana about it. It was so fun just meeting people and have that roleplay i would be happy to do that.

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