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Posts posted by Pezza

  1. 2 minutes ago, McCain said:

    You really do need to consider the negatives for such a large move like this.
    "It worked before it'll work again" isn't really the best argument.

    A few things to note:
    What if you put the wrong person in charge? Things will end up worse than they are now.
    Who is the right people to put in charge? Regardless of who you put up people will complain, the community will be split, especially with its current state, and this might cause more issues than it solves.
    Furthermore, with the reset of staff you'd lose a large chunk of viable members to actually moderate the server, or helpdesk which in turn would probably turn the server into more of an unmoderated RDM fest.

    If there needs to be a removal of staff members, start with the ones making comments about how they don't give a shit about their jobs, or the ones with poor attitude/work ethic.
    They're the reason you want the reset in the first place, why not start with them?

    Sorry I needed to make things more clear, I understand I didn't say this before however, my intention was for Seniors Mods -> Mods, Senior Support -> Support, Admins ( Dependent ) -> Senior Mod, STL -> Support Team ( Unless Moderator ( Just remove their STL ))
    The right person to put in charge is a good natural person, ( was Nevetos )

    If you put the wrong person in charge than you haven't done your job as a lead / senior manager. That's for them to figure out. 

    If you remove all the people with an issue, you wouldn't have a staff team. You need to identify the problem so it doesn't happen again to current / future staff.

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  2. Hello Everybody

    I've fully retired from staff now. I've enjoyed all the time I've had playing on this community. I'm not leaving the community just staffing. 
    I'll try not to get community banned. 

    Sorry to the people i've banned and the support applications I've denied. It's not fun banning people however it's apart of the job. Hopefully I've had a positive impact on the server and it can continue to grow. I'll still be on teamspeak just hanging around. Feel free to come and say hi.

    Thank you for all the wonderful times we've shared on this community. Whether it be running SRT or being promoted to Admin. I've had a blast and something which I can hopefully come back to in the future. 



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  3. @Caiden

    We understand that Cops will be overpowered if the server will be reset. There will be special precautions to ensure that the Civs will have a chance to recover and that SRT won't camp fields. I've spoken with Augnov and we're still coming up with solutions. If the server gets wiped, Cop and Medic will become VERY popular due to the large amount of money you're able to make in a short time. We'll be doing our best to try and make sure that Civs are able to have a fair start and that cops don't crush them.

    In saying that, if anybody has any good ideas regarding making the reset balanced from a faction perspective just leave them below.


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  4. @Wex You can't say that people wanna have fun and that they'll go where gunfire is... Then support that monthly post where somebody gets killed by cop and suddenly all cops are shit?!?!. 

    When you tell them to go away, you either get 1 of 2 Responses

    "Or What" - Trying to initiate a Dec so they can kill the cops

    "THAT'S A DEC FUUUKKK"  - Then they go and kill the cops

    The fact that some Civs just go around in the city and get crossfired at the pure fact they hate cops and want them to get in trouble or just wanna kill them. This goes back to the same issue which I've bought up multiple times the trust between Civs and Cops. 


    If you're around gunfire, personally you deserve to be killed. And if you get annoyed at the crossfire.. If you're unable to look at your own actions and only look at the accident on the other side then there's something wrong. If you stay around the area where there's gunfire there's a reason it's called crossfire and there's no issue. You can't have a go at the cops for killing you if you're unable to see where you are and what you're doing. 

    Especially at the Event on Straya Day where people would shoot then run into a crowd. You'd think that if you're truly innocent then you'd do 1 of 2 Things; Tell the cops who it is or leave the area. 

    That's all I've got to say without making an essay. 


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  5. Hello All,

    Over the recent week, a lot of people have been asking me for my opinion on certain issues. I'm here to address as much as I can and hopefully clear some things up regarding Cop, Civ, and Medic.


    The main issue that I've been asked for my opinion is regarding promotions and how they're being given out. 

    In my eyes promotions are deserved, they're not something which should be given out for doing something for a certain amount of time. They're also not something which you gain for backstabbing somebody else.
    Cop has been really and still is quite competitive for promotions; This is good as it keeps people motivated. However, it reaches a certain degree of insanity as people try and backstab people for promotions or a chance to reach a top rank or achieve a senior role. In my eyes if people do something wrong, if it's severely wrong; yes report it to a high rank. However certain people going out of their way to ruin others reputation or report them for everything small thing they do. 

    I love the promotion system however it's gotten to a point that people are trying to pick on other people or are scared they're not going to get promoted. This isn't a system where time gets you everywhere. People get places from being exceptional at doing what they do. Promotion is something which is a reward and not something which is gained by reporting certain cops or being apart of the APD for a certain time.



    There's a lot to be said about civ right now. I'll try and keep it focused on civ's and not in their relation to the cops. 

    I think the highlighted issue with the Civ faction is the ability either; Not to Help Each Other or Pick on the Cops

    Teamwork is an essential part of this game, it's something which can't be avoided in this game or in life. Being apart of a team is vital to surviving and exceeding in this game. You can't do it alone. However, you're able to use the group "Civs" to help you go places. Instead of robbing them, tax them. Make them work for you, where they get some cut. It's a situation where they're new to the server and are trying to establish a working knowledge of this server and how things work. 

    I know @Rhys Beckett is very good and kind when it comes to new players. He see's new people, invites them to his gang. Teaches them the ropes of the server and helps them get on their own feet.

    Whether it's giving them money or even not trying to kill them. This can be beneficial as it keeps them on the server and increases the population. 

    It's good right now, as there are a wide variety of gangs on the server. With the new gang base system it should create some competition, however shouldn't stop groups from working together in other aspects of the game.

    Ok, something I wanted to avoid however here I am finding myself writing about it..... The relationships with Cops. 
    I'm not sure who was on last night, nobody was aware of this, however I was running a bit of an experiment on Cop and Civ. 

    Whilst on Cop:
    I went out and manned CP1. I walked towards the old PC1, within 23 seconds of walking outside city limits I found myself surrounded by 5 striders. It's a situation where the cops don't want to fight however just want to explore the world outside city limits. This will lead back to another post where Civs can't have nice things due to a bad relationship with the cops as they know they're always being baited to situations. 

    Whilst on Civ:
    I was under an alias just standing at Syd bridge it took 4 minutes for me to be cross-fired and killed by a cop. 

    Now I know in both of these scenarios these accidents are waiting to happen. However just wanted to come in and see how bad it really was.



    Where have the Medics Gone? 

    As much as it sucks to say, they've been poached to another server. They were offered high ranking roles in another server and they took the chance. That's there decision to make, however, that's where everybody's gone and I'm sure they'll be back soon. 


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  6. Hey Guys,

    Just curious, what are some events you guys would like to see coming to Altis life?

    There are the usual; Purge, Race, Amazing Race ect.

    Does anybody have any out of the box thinking for an Altis Life Event?

    If you do please Comment Bellow or forward your message to myself or a Community Team Member!

    Thanks Heaps,


  7. This is exactly what I'm talking about regarding the relationship between Civs / Rebels and Cops. 

    Cops are obviously trying to roleplay, Civs just come and try to mess them up.

    It goes both ways, sometimes the cops just want the money from somebody and refuse the fake ID. 


    I understand there's combat to every server, however, when there are multiple posts coming up about the lack of roleplay and how Cops are doing nothing about this.
    To put it simply, they're trying; people aren't giving them the chance. 

    It would be much easier if the Civs just didn't kill each other or the cops for 45m. I even got asked today if I could spawn in Safezones to prevent these things from happening. 
    I understand that sometimes the Civ / Medic want to roleplay however the cops just need to arrest somebody and it turns into a gunfight. It's always going to go both ways and it's never going to be a onesided argument. 

    I'm happy to join into this discussion as long as people show respect and write propper responses.



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  8. Ok,

    Here are my few comments.

    I agree with what Nevetos, It's much easier to shot somebody and then hide your pistol. It's also easier to say the amount of CIV's that come into City just to piss off the cops.

    Specifically trying to **** with them and kill them. "Get off the Car" - Cop "ORR WHAT OR WHAT YOU'RE GONNA DO WHAT" I've seen it happen, I've spectated. Even got to a point where I had to tell people to leave. It's the nature of the game, this is what the cops are used too. That's what the problem is right now, cops can't roleplay because all they do is get shot. Either it is RDM or people just wanting to kill cops. In the video I saw, we could see the "peaceful protest" going on, then somebody yelled out "Bois we're in DEC with cops we should kill them", then it took another gang member to try and convince them to actually try and roleplay. 

    We've seen this all happen before, people and certain gangs can't interact with the cops because of the relationship they currently have with each other. All they wanna do is kill cops or just piss them off. We've seen it happen, cops are on office and a certain member comes up, and they get asked to get down straight away because the Cop knows they're in Dec and doesn't trust him. Again this is an instance where his gun was holstered however it's just as easy to take it out and kill them.

    Now personally I'm going to be a lot harsher on people trying to "****" with the cops, if I see you intentionally doing it there will be punishments. If you get into a dec, there's no issue with that. It's the game, however, if people start trying to edge the cops to get a dec just so they can kill them then no. If it goes so far as yelling "OR WHAT" then you can expect a punishment.

    Now, I'm not ignoring the issue at hand, that's just my opinion above. 

    Onto this issue, there are certain aspects of this which are obviously wrong.  There is going to be a discussion regarding this between Myself @martin and @Lotza Regarding what to do. I know milkdud stated that he doesn't want them punished or something. If there's an individual issue, come to Helpdesk and we'll deal with it. We're going to focus on the bigger issue and why this started and how could it have been avoided or dealt differently. 

    Feel free to criticise, I'll respond if appropriate.

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  9. On 16/01/2018 at 11:04 PM, Apollo said:

    I know i personally lost my trial moderator position as I supposedly favoured my gang members, but thats another story for another day, While I had my position in staff, I seen multiple situations on which I didnt think was very fair and I spoke up on them to soon be told to "Worry about your own issues" by an admin. Aobe members banned for 12 hours for combat logging but a Senior support member who is also a cop combat logs and he gets a warning. Don't get my wrong I'm grateful for the hardwork that goes into running the server and I have seen plenty of good from these same people. But I feel like its finally time for change, People favouring their friends for positions or picking people they personally like instead of picking what is good for the wellness of the server.

    Remember this is just 1 players opinion and everyone is entitled to one, happy to have a discussion below if people think I'm being unreasonable or if other players agree, let me know :)


    Thanks for taking the time to read.



    ok, I appreciate the integrity of this post and that it wasn't directed or aggressive. Thank you. 

    Firstly, the issue with the Support member breaking rules. I followed this issue up and he was told by another staff member to issue said punishment. I'm not sure what went on, however I see where you're coming from in that issue. 

    I can also see how rebels feel that it's cop sided and that they get no support. From a staff point of view, there's been no rebel gang ( SP and NTR *WHEN ACTIVE* ) have had enough input to be able to have a say in the server. The reason for this is that they say something then leave the server or go to cop and then complain about the change they just made :/ . 

    I just came back from holidays and still trying to gather everything that's happened recently. If there's something wrong with another staff member please speak to Lotza or Nev ( Pref Nev ). I understand how it feels seeing other people getting promoted and thinking that it's unfair. There's a long process before people get promoted.

    As for the escalation graph; right now I don't think there are that many rebels to even trigger one of the escalations. IF there are enough cops on, I feel that ( not saying they don't ), they should deal with their situation by themselves. They can't win every fight, otherwise we would have no rebels. I don't think the escalation graph is being overused, however just stating my opinion on the matter.

    Cops at Bank; ok, with the number of cops at a bank. There shouldn't be a ratio involved, however, what there should be is some responsibility involved, the more cops there are the smaller guns SRT should use. That's just an example, it's just about making an even fight and making sure that each side has an even chance at winning. If it's obviously one sided then nobodies going to do it.

    Those are just my opinions feel free to criticize! 

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  10. I like both designs that have currently been made. However, there has to be a stage which if no cops are manning it, it won't get in the way. The only problem I can think of @Rory is that it's going to take a large number of cops in order to be able to man that checkpoint. Not saying it's a bad thing, just won't be used without a large population of cop on. I like Zorgains idea however if there's a lane open near to all people will just go around the checkpoint. 

    Personally, I think there are a few factors which have to be considered whilst making a checkpoint.

    • How much space is it taking up?
    • How easy is it to function?
    • How many cops does it require?
    • Can rebels access it?
    • The functionality of it. ( Will people just drive around )
    • Is there enough space for sufficient roleplay ( RBT ect. )


    It's really good having the community have an input in the design of the new checkpoint ( if it's changing ). If you want to have an input, it doesn't have to be good just an idea. Make a checkpoint and post some screenshots below. The ideas which have been raised are very good and are very possible. I also think that the current checkpoint needs to change, even if rebels are "taking it over" they don't even go in the checkpoint, just the surrounding hills. It's currently a placeholder for rebels to initiate a declaration on.

    • Facepalm 1

  11. Hello People,

    There will be a community meeting held on 17/12/2017 - 6:30 PM AEDT 

    This is for all community members and any staff which wish to come. This is a time which people are able to explain their ideas and concepts for Altis Life.

    Any changes coming to Altis Life may be discussed. There will be a time for each individual to share their idea and receive feedback on it. 

    Thanks, Hope you see you all there!

    - Altis Life Staff Team

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  12. It would just be a virtual company, not a real company, the company doesn't have to exist. Maybe you could invest in the gun store, then as they add a new gun the stock value goes up, or if they remove something fewer people buy it hence the stock price depreciates. Doesn't have to be an actual company, maybe can just be a normal part of straya which you can buy.

  13. 1 minute ago, Vitale said:

    Something i also don't support being removed 

    But you're saying that Rebels are to OP but when they try and balance it by removing something you say it's something you don't support? 

    They're doing the best they can and when they try and balance it all you do is criticise something?

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