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webbie last won the day on May 31 2018

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  1. webbie

    Thank you to the well wishers, to the trolls, you've only made my choice more clear.
  2. webbie

    Today I am no longer contributing to straya community. I greatly appreciate all of you who have donated and made the time to make the community a better place. This has been coming for a little while and after many hundreds of hours in and out of game contributing to straya my frustration threshold has finally been met. Their a quite a few of you I will miss and the majority of you will already have alternate contacts for me. Its not a happy decision but Ive made it.
  3. webbie

    @TailGunner Can you chuck this in here please. https://strayagaming.com/invade-annex-bug-tracker/public-reports/
  4. webbie

    Good little guide might help you out. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=496399029 If you have any issues contact me in discord and I will be happy to help you out.
  5. webbie

    Good questions. At this stage no other mods other than the RHS USAF will be used mainly because not everyones internet is great but once a few have it it will be less of an issue but we will get slowly on that one. I will confirm though that radio mods will never happen. I've done it with large groups before and it's too much of a headache. Achilles is currently in use. Maps is a maybe at this stage and largely depends on their DL size. No issue with using alternative sides but will need to be sorted well in advance of mission day. As this is I and A's event server I would rather keep it to PvE however straya's is going to be running regular community PvP amongst the servers. Only base assets and objects are to be placed for missions and the mission.sqm can be provided to us. A template is being used that will have all the basic elements already included, it will be no more than a copy and paste on our end. All objectives and scenario elements are to be done on the fly in Zeus.
  6. webbie

    Hi all, As many of you know we are moving into a Community Zeus project. @Guardian will be our first guinea pig this week by running his mission below https://strayagaming.com/topic/21830-17-march-community-zeus-event-operation-tropic-grit/ Community Zeus will run as follows: The Mission will be run by the a Community Zeus and either @OrionSync or @webbie. We will act as moderators and be their to support you with answers. Community Zeus's will have the ability to design their own missions in the editor but only mission objects such as FOB's, Bases, etc. will be permitted. This will allow community members to become more involved in the mission making process. This must be done 2-3 days before the event with no exceptions. We expect Community Zeus's to be highly communicable and understand that your role is to create a mission flow and not get bogged down in on the ground activities. From here on out all missions are to be designated in an I and A style meaning the objectives are to be achievable by anyone regardless of if they are Rambos or Squad Members and any suggestions https://strayagaming.com/topic/21446-suggestions-for-i-a-weekly-missions/ will be altered to suit this methodology. Expressions of Interest to be place here:
  7. Please write up a post and any details for your proposed mission below. This will be handled on a first come first served basis. Other Details: Community Zeus will run as follows: The Mission will be run by the a Community Zeus and either @OrionSync or @webbie. We will act as moderators and be their to support you with answers. Community Zeus's will have the ability to design their own missions in the editor but only mission objects such as FOB's, Bases, etc. will be permitted. This will allow community members to become more involved in the mission making process. This must be done 2-3 days before the event with no exceptions. We expect Community Zeus's to be highly communicable and understand that your role is to create a mission flow and not get bogged down in on the ground activities. Community Zeus Selection will be at @webbie discretion. From here on out all missions are to be designated in an I and A style meaning the objectives are to be achievable by anyone regardless of if they are Rambos or Squad Members and any suggestions https://strayagaming.com/topic/21446-suggestions-for-i-a-weekly-missions/ will be altered to suit this methodology.
  8. webbie

    It doesn't actually have to be this vehicle even just an off-road with attachto would do the trick.
  9. webbie

    Evacuation and rescue missions are difficult to control in arma. I've actually recommended we don't do these because it's very difficult to control them especially if theirs a few of them it takes too much time .
  10. webbie

    We'll stop being a troll and actually help. Trolls get 0 respect from me. Humorous banter is fine but that lines been crossed too many times for me.
  11. webbie

    Also this is why we have admins and mods if you just type admin and the reason or problem in side chat we will help. Yes I know that's not always practical but it's rare that one of us won't respond. Not refuting your idea just pointing out that theirs not really a reason we can't help it's what we are their for.
  12. webbie

    @pkisbest has been banned from the server for 4000 years
  13. webbie

    I've actually reiterated this to veterans on multiple occasions that spending some time with those new players could be beneficial. Theirs one new player who's name is bigdog. I noticed him struggling and getting told to fk off and all the other bullshit one night, I spent 30 mins with him going over mechanics and so forth and he is now a regular player who I regularly see on the front line. It's proof that taking that time can be beneficial server wide. Just one prime example.
  14. webbie

    If theirs any feedback relating to this, please leave it here. A few changes and the mechanics will be made to rectify some simple issues however moving forward we will also being customising the mission files so things work more fluently.