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JEN last won the day on December 5 2017

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84 Rising Star

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About JEN

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    Experienced Forumer

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  1. JEN

    GGWP one of the only staff i actually like
  2. Name: Jeniliquen Steam 64 ID (If Blacklisted): 76561198118762179 Date of Disciplinary Action: IDK What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: BlackList Who were you Disciplined by: most people Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: Trolling Why the appeal should be accepted: [50 Words] so after following My community ban appeal i have woken up to myself and realised that i was a **** yeah i could be the guy who says "oh im sorry and what not" however what is done is done and i cant apologies for it because its already happened. I am happy to put that all in the past start fresh just like my COMM Ban and be a better person. Im really shit at writing this stuff so if u actually want to talk to me on TS its probs easier. Any other information: NIL Cheers, Jeniliquen
  3. Name: Jeniliquen Steam 64 ID (If Blacklisted): 76561198118762179 Date of Disciplinary Action: IDK What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: BlackList Who were you Disciplined by: most people Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: Probs being a C**T Why the appeal should be accepted: [50 Words] so after following My community ban appeal i have woken up to myself and realised that i was a **** yeah i could be the guy who says "oh im sorry and what not" however what is done is done and i cant apologies for it because its already happened. I am happy to put that all in the past start fresh just like my COMM Ban and be a better person. Im really shit at writing this stuff so if u actually want to talk to me on TS its probs easier. Any other information: NIL Cheers, Jeniliquen
  4. JEN

    I bet I can throw a grenade through that window Let our lord and saviour free #SAM01
  5. Good work guys Proud of you all i have 0 kills
  6. JEN

    I have no money to buy the game can i please win thanks
  7. JEN

    @LuckyB33f i thought i already have pissed you off hmm
  8. Thanks for the update i have shared this in SYDNEY so everyone is aware
  9. JEN

    my money :(
  10. JEN

    @Excel i take full offense and i love it im here only to troll and thats it :)
  11. JEN

    pretty sure i got that William guy to run around the server screaming #freesmokey good times
  12. JEN

    these are a few of my favourite things
  13. JEN

    so whats in it for me?
  14. JEN

    i was merely asking a question Sorry @Red i didn't mean to.
  15. JEN

    #nice remove