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  1. Fusionable

    It's been an interesting experience, highs and lows, ups and downs. I've seen a lot of sides, met a lot of people and learnt a lot of things. But unfortunately it has to end at some point. Cheers to the people that have supported me, given me a laugh and pissed me off. I can see straya going further than it is and i know there are select members in staff that have that drive, a genuine drive for the communities sake, whether they are heard is another question. Best of luck to all, Fusionable.
  2. Fusionable

    @Al Shabab I don't know mate, i guess you'll have to come on and see for yourself.
  3. Fusionable

    G'day @Snowy i understand and appreciate your interest for contracting groups, from a staff perspective there is not a dramatic "hate" as such against the idea or purpose. Most of the responsibility and power is behind the contract that is written in the first place. Your approval with the APD is another aspect to your contracting group and in nearly any situation police will always have the authority to call/wave you off. You are contracted by the APD, you are getting paid not them therefore they have the beneficial factor of power and decision. Although you are not completely isolated by this, your contract is completely dependent on your terms of control and power, If you want your group back go ahead, i do not think a community opinion is necessary in this case, it is you and your groups decision to reignite the group and if you are willing to put the time and numbers into the group i don't think either staff or the police force will have a problem. You've gone down the paths before you are aware of the possible errors so you can work around that and make an assumption and accurate decision.
  4. Fusionable

    @Martynnnnnnn obviously just trying to boost his post count
  5. Fusionable

    @silentkiller please expand on “but add more”, add more what? And yes obviously protocols would correspond but that is already the case anyway a senior sergeant+ or detective/srt may not be involved in rebel activities, either way that is besides the point kind of gearing off the main point of gang bases here.
  6. Fusionable

    @Wex this is a seriously thought out, I highly appreciate the time you have taken to write a suggestion and put forward these ideas. This is something that I will be carrying forward to Altis Life staff and development, obviously some tweaking would be needed in particular areas to suit what our team has available and what the server can offer. I can greatly see this in action and hopefully we can continue to build off this idea and possibly see it in game. However with all things there is time, please continue to add to this suggestion and utilise these threads because they are noticed and we request your feedback to greater your experience on the server. @Excel your additions are also very notiable and likewise I thank you for contributing. If there were a couple things I could add to this discussion in my opinion; - When cops raid the vault they would recieve about 75% of the vault and it would be divised between the cops online. - Each gang base would only recieve a portion of rebel, cartel and contractor stores applicable to the base size. - I love the gang design idea Excel proposed, these gang bases could be designed by both staff and community members and would have a range of higher class bases and lower class. Higher would correspond with a larger vault and storage capacity, access to more clothes from each store and a more fortified base and vice versa for the lower classes bases. - When you are in the in-game gang a certain percentage of your pay check goes to the gang base vault. (An addition to this could also be a drug dealer takeover or maybe an illegal dealer takeover which when taken over, civilians would lose a 10% cut off there selling price and that cut would be transferred to the gang vault that has taken the dealer.) - Some aspects of the terms and conditions could be monitored out of game by staff because it would be unnecessary development eg. 50 hours combined, this wold probably be determined out of game. Kind regards,
  7. Fusionable

    This is pathetic, @Daywalker I have to agree with you partially mate. Yes we are aware that at the moment there is some fluctuation between both rebel and cop whether it is considered a “major isssue” is another thing. Fluctuation is a key part to the server and it has happened for the past 3+ years, rebels have had highs, cops have had highs and both have had dramatic lows. But this is quite forwardly just stupid and immature, if you want something changed, don’t like something that is currently in the server or have a reasonable suggestion for an addition than nothing is holding you back. But seriously if your talking shit because cops didn’t respond to a couple of banks, or rebels have 2x numbers and only hit banks late at night, than so be it, if you don’t like it don’t play at those particular hours, OR, you could give a reasonable suggestion to how this could be fixed rather than turning a simple GAME into a whiny, shit talking group. Altis life staff are here to listen, here to receive feedback and here to better your experience on the server so if you have something constructive and productive to say then say it.This is a game people are here to have fun, some people take it more serious than others, but at the end of the day we are all here to have fun whether your a rebel, cop or a bloody medic. I think I’m speaking for the most of us here we are sick and tired of it. Banter is one thing but shit talking is another, I’m not going to stop you from shit talking, I’m not going to restrict you from shit talking, but seriously grow up, shut up and play the game.
  8. G'day all, We have some new and modified rules , these rules are been put in place to complement the new robbery additions that have been added in the most recent development patch. - The new Convenience Store is a low tier robbery which is aimed towards Sydney slickers and lower ended gangs, the robbery rewards a small sum of cash and accessibility to the purchasing of some limited items that may enhance performance. - The AGL Office is a head office for the leading company 'Agolar Solar', this robbery is a middle-high tiered robbery which consists of close quarter and vehicle combat around the vegetation of the solar towers. The robbery rewards a mediocre amount of money. If you have any suggestions or have found an unclear/grey area please notify Altis Life Senior Staff immediately. These new rules will be effective immediate as of the 20th of December 3PM AEDT, on the Thursday 3PM restart. (TODAY) Added: 9 - Robberies 9.1 Six Police officers must be online to rob the Convenience Store 9.1.1 Ten Police officers must be online to rob the AGL Solar Office 9.5.2 Convenience Store has a cooldown time of one hour. 9.5.3 AGL Solar Office has a cooldown time of one and a half hours. Modified: 9 - Robberies 9.2 You must declare on the Police when robbing any of the gas stations however, robberies (Convenience Store, AGL Solar, Westpac Bank and Federal Reserve) are KOS on all cops involved. 9.3 When a robbery is hit off, all declarations which include the robbers or police are called off. 9.4 Any hostile action done to either the robbers or the police responding to the robbery done by an unrelated gang/third party will be considered RDM. Two gangs (Rebel/Cartel/Civilian) cannot commit to a robbery at the same time. 9.5 All robberies (Convenience Store, AGL Solar, Westpac Bank and Federal Reserve) all have cooldowns before they can be robbed. 9.5.4 Declarations for all robberies only go within the immediate area of the robbery, combat in areas deemed unreasonable may be seen as a rule break. With exceptions with Snipers within 2km of the robbery. 9.7 Gangs must rob the banks for the robbery itself and must roleplay an escape once the robbery is over. They can’t wait around for the pleasure of killing police officers. This will be seen as Fail RP. 9.8 Touching off a robbery and running away for the benefit of baiting cops or annoying other players will be seen as FailRP. 9.10 - If you leave the server or die for any reason during a bank situation, you cannot return and engage in the situation. (This includes aborting/kicked) 10 - Hostage Rules 10.2 There can only be one hostage ‘employed’ during the robberies of the Convenience Store, AGL Office or Westpac bank (no hostages for the Federal Reserve).
  9. Fusionable

    @Jot At this current stage Gang Bases are not in use and not claimed by any gangs. They are not able to be claimed either, most of the preparation behind the gang base processes is ready although Altis Life Senior Staff would prefer to focus on the major development of the server and when we start to see things kick off the ground again with new implementations and modifications we can then simply reintroduce the gang base system.
  10. Fusionable

    @Jewbacca Where do i start, jewy, the jew, farmer j, pappa j, big nuts. One of the most down to earth and fair dinkum blokes I've ever met, you've been here for way too long and its sad to see you go, no doubt i'll miss the times in Sydney, cop or spitting in the apple fields. best of luck my friend, hope we cross paths in the future. ?
  11. Fusionable

    //Denied @Dredal Rewrite a proper application and consider if you would formally like to be involved in the Judicial Government.
  12. Fusionable

    @Matt Ronaldo Just like cops cant buy Cyrus' but Rebels can?
  13. Fusionable

    @Reborn To reiterate what red said, senior AL are well aware of some positive and negative features of the balancing and mechanism behind the capture points, they aren't perfect and we are working our arses off to perfect them. Although we want your opinions and suggestions, saying "it is sh*t" or "so boring" doesn't help we already understand that aspect but we need the direct issues of it such as; "The crates spawn points should be marked on map" etc. We need your help and we need constructive and productive feedback, so please if you would like the capture points to be improved or ANY features we need your direct suggestions to what would make it better. Cheers
  14. Fusionable

    @Jot If you know who is robbing the bank you don't go and dec on another gang, if you aren't sure who's hitting the bank anyone in the immediate 2km radius may be associated so you have plausible reason to shoot.
  15. Fusionable

    @Jot I'm not sure if this is the answer you are looking for as your question is quite general, but in that case if a rebel gang was driving near Westpac Bank and it was robbed by another gang, the rebel gang that is un-associated just driving past has to make attempts to leave the 2km radius and not engage in the gang robbing the bank.