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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/16 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    a game i am very interested in check out this video!!!@@!$%^&*()@#$%^&*(
  2. 3 points
    G'day Straya Gaming! I have been seeing some photos and videos being posted on our forums, mostly in the evidence area. I would like to ask you all very kindly not to edit in text on any evidence or photos, as some players have been called names and other things in videos/photos. As a community, we're not here to put people down, we're all here to make each others gaming experience the best we can get. So please treat people with respect. Memes are funny, but please control the kinds of jokes you put inside of them, think before you act. Thank you for your time. Senior Head of Operations, @Tiggati
  3. 2 points
    anyone seen what the upcoming patch is going to bring. mostly a visual update
  4. 2 points
    eh. i feel like it will be fun for a couple of hours and then its like, well youve seen everything. more excited for star citizen but will end up picking this up
  5. 2 points
    There once was 7 vehicles with 7 people big and small. They once carried a truckload of sand and more. But one day the met to devise a plan. To do a glass run and get richer than. EVERYONE But at the end they tried something deadly and consequences of that were very unfriendly Show us your best run of anything. Next time we will try to make it bigger and better
  6. 1 point
    apparently some of the enhancements they are making wont affect FPS at all but others like the improved shorline will
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    There are two Hummingbirds you can use for side missions or you can ask a pilot to take you. There is no need for someone to be taking up a pilot slot and only flying their buddies to side missions. The Aviation rules state that a pilot must not play as infantry unless they are waiting for repairs or an evac is on the way for them (<5 mins). Also, your friend wasn't banned for playing as infantry while in a pilot slot, he was banned for abuse and disrespect towards staff, specifically the following conversation:
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Hello all I am writing this to everybody within the StrayaGaming community. As many members may have noticed, KS (Originally KC) has deteriorated as a group over the last few months. Both our role play standards and standards of interactions with both the Staff and general community have severely declined. For this as a group we apologise to all as we have come to the realisation that our actions have not only affected our reputation on the server but also how other members in the community feel. Our group took a bad turn when we started lacking the interest as a cartel to other players, our standards dropped and we plummeted hard, we thought the change back to a rebel gang would solve our issues in interest but rather that providing a fix we instead created a catalyst for a much faster decline. Our new opening as a rebel gang was followed by an extreme lack of RP by both myself and other members, as this happened we started getting rough around the edges and we began to come into conflicts with the community. We completely ruined our reputation that we had earned. After hours of conflict and discussion we came to a decision to try wipe the slate clean, removing any members that may degrade our reputation further. We reformatted our ranks and went deeper into our issues which had developed over the previous months. We hope that we can stop the constant conflicts between us all and that our forthcoming months on the server will be accompanied by an extensive amount of role play and less of the blood hungry game play we once played for. I hope that readers of this text realise that our thirst for blood is over and it is time for the role play that we all desperately wished for when we joined the server to take its place. Sorry for what we have turned into and thank you for your time ~ Magix (Kendrick Gambino) Leader of Knave Syndicate
  11. 1 point
    I love space engineers good game... also like surfing on CS... Dayz is a waste as its got the same rules as arma 3
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Possible game servers; CS:GO Minecraft (for J. Rambo <3) Garry's Mod DayZ (Probably your best bet) 7 Days to Die Arma 2 Reign Of Kings (not sure how many people play it any-more...) Insurgency ARK
  14. 1 point