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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/16 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Acquisitions Incorporated Press Release 2. Due to recent events involving Local Government Officials and a certain local individual involving unfair and unlawful out of court compensation for an alleged breach of Local law , I will be formally setting a court date summoning Local Government Officials involved in the incident to answer for loss of income , totalling in the tens of millions of lost revenue , as well compensation for slander and damage to our public reputation. The court date and details will be released publically this saturday after concultation with out Corporations Team leaders and all evidence will be supplied with the court papers to give the Goverment Officals time to prepare there legal defense. As outlined in my Team Manager and Regional Directors Press Release , our operations will continue in Sydney until further notice with changes to local management being Advertised this saturday at the time of our public release of court documents to be reviewed by the Chief Justice. As a publically listed company and regional employer we wish to state behind doubt that our commitment to our brand and our investors is as strong as ever , and we look forward to finalising the legal issues and leaving this small bump in the road behind us. Any all interested parties relating to the above incident can contact myself via **out of role play - pm on this forum ** STALKER@AInc_Net.AU. No authority is given to any other executive to discuss this issue. [AInc-05] STALKER [LAWYER] CEO - Acquisitions Incorporated - Sydney and Tanoa
  2. 5 points
    Acquisitions Incorporated Press Release As the Team Manager for Acquisitions Incorporated within Australasia , i express our formal desire to keep our operations based in Sydney , however due to recent conflict of interest with certain members of local government, and there insistent need to support the slanderous claims of a local individual ( Please note we have no direct issue with the local government as a whole just certain actions of some of its members ), we are currently reviewing our local operations. At this stage I am authorized to state that Acquisitions Incorporated will be remaining in Sydney and Formal changes to our Board of Directors will be advised over the next week as our CEO scouts for potential investments within Tanoa. **Out Of Ro-le-play** I have my own view points on a certain player and his ... support from a certain admin , but i will leave that to off board conversations as i feel this is not the place for a flame war or a he said she said conversation. PLEASE refrain from making personnel attacks or comments targeting a specific player or group. Yours Sincerely Raiboos Team and Corporate Relations Manager
  3. 4 points
    Best RP Corporate body on the server please don't leave :((
  4. 3 points
  5. 2 points
    G'day guys! I decided to make a thread dedicated to the top 50 Players based on hours on the Altis Life server. Note: I have no idea when the hours are logged since, Due to inconsistencies in players Last two weeks hours and Game tracker Totals.. Note: These stats are based off name NOT UID or IP. Changing your name in the slightest I.e. [K0W3] .... to [S0W4].... will record under another total. If I know your Forum name, and you got tagged in this. You are in the top 50. Link to the GameTracker website is down the bottom! [SP] Rhys Beckett in first with 215.3 Hours @Lono3107 [SP] Dean in second with 136.1 Hours @Deannnnnnnnnnooooooooo NOTE: Would be a total of 189.82 without name change (53.72 + 136.1) [F03A] Roger Purple in third with 90.77 Hours @Roger Purple [K07W]voidy in fourth with 88.57 Hours @voidy NOTE: Would be a total of 118.29 without name change (88.57 + 29.72) [WH] Greg in fifth with 87.6 Hours @Greg NOTE: Would be a total of 158.57 without name change (87.6 + 71.97) [SP] Samuel with 78.65 Hours [DM] Schafer Snow with 76.35 Hours [K08W] Jake Reddington with 73.78 Hours @Jake Reddington NOTE: Would be a total of 141.1 without name change (73.78 + 44.88 + 22.83) [AV] Greg with 71.97 Hours [S05E] Jack Fire with 70.15 Hours @sirgeneralj [VoD]Billyboy with 66.27 Hours [SP] TheMagician [[SP]] with 64.5 Hours @TheMagician [SO2E] col [SRT] with 63.6 Hours [S08W] Denis with 61.67 Hours @denis NOTE: Would be a total of 107.25 without name change (61.67 + 45.47) [RSF] Gh0st with 60.02 Hours [AV] Flexxxy with 56.48 Hours @Flexxxxy [SP] Dean [[SP]] with 53.72 Hours [F04A] Spectral with 51.33 Hours @Spectral NOTE: Would be a total of 119.93 without name change (51.33 + 37.15 + 31.45) [SP] Hawks :^( with 45.7 Hours [Z09A] Randall with 45.6 Hours NOTE: Would be a total of 120.5 without name change (38.58 + 45.6 + 36.32) [K05E] Denis with 45.58 Hours [S11E] Snowwie with 45.35 Hours @Snowwiiee NOTE: Would be a total of 88.02 without name change (45.35+ 42.67) [S06W] Jake Reddington with 44.88 Hours [SP] Porter with 43.8 Hours @Porter [L02E] Snowwie with 42.67 Hours [SP] Zac Smith with 45.22 Hours NOTE: Would be a total of 77 without name change (45.22 + 31.78) [VoD] Boom with 41.93 Hours [P.M.C] BaLanCe with 41.87 Hours @BaLanCe [O09W] Randall with 38.58 Hours TheAmazingBurger with 37.62 Hours @TheAmazingBurger [AInc] Stalker with 37.45 Hours @[AI] STALKER Spectral with 37.15 Hours [NiG] KaiKun with 36.98 Hours Randall with 36.32 Hours [SP]TrueBlue [[SP]] with 36.27 Hours @TrueBlue [WH] RunaFynx with 36.03 Hours Littleblacksheep [S.G Staff] 35.92 Hours @Littleblacksheep [S05W] Martin with 35.37 Hours @martin [NATO] Billyboy with 35.17 Hours [AV] Magicalmangi with 33.08 Hours [TBW] Jye with 32.87 Hours [SP] Cables 32.43 Hours [DM] Steven Kew with 32.37 Hours [Z25A] Zac Smith with 31.78 Hours [PNX] Leopard [PNX] with 31.73 Hours (4 Different Hour Logs ) [F01A] Spectral with 31.45 Hours [K07W]/[P07]voidy with 29.72 Hours [Z11A] John with 29.55 Hours [RSF] Jared with 28.32 Hours Fish with 28.25 Hours NOTE: As I said, I am not sure of the time frame these hours were recorded. I see names from before my active Altis Life times but hours don't match that time frame. Feel free to checkout the StrayaGaming Dedi server gametracker page found: HERE Leopard // Phoenix Cartel Founder
  6. 2 points
    @Snowe NICEEE!!! Looks really good seems like you put a lot of effort into this one @Lono3107 lucky man Good stuff. Keep it up Lloyd. Leopard // Cartel Founder
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points
    We now have a system in place to record public slot medics who break rules, leave vehicles out, or if you just have generalized complaints about. If you do not have the link to the report form for this please contact myself, @Zomboid or @Fletcher for the link. Please note this form is only for whitelisted medics and above.
  9. 2 points
    @[NX] Jack I am not mean Jack, I am not trying to be mean. I am just not someone who caters to rule breakers. A big chunk of the Community loves that about me, and the other part whilst not liking it, can respect it. I dont go targetting gangs or players. I have said, since day one for me in Help Desk, I will be fair. I will be hard at times, but fair. I will not tolerate rudeness to people in the Issues room, from Staff to Players or vice versa. When you are rude your wasting peoples time. Your not "idiots" as you state, you just need a tweak in how your playing to be Deccing properly, and not breaking NLR then trying to make up reasons for why. If you play by the rules you will have as much, if not more, fun. Trust me. I exist for the players, and the Server, and the Community. Just relax, and have some fun. I appreciate your apology, it shows signs of maturity. I accept your sorry, and welcome you to play as much as you like. If you need anything come find me. Take care. -Spec
  10. 2 points
  11. 2 points
    I agree with greg by far some of the best roleplayer's i have ever seen. follow all the rules and just great people in general. However it is thier choice if they want to leave and i completely respect that. If you guys dp decide to leave you have some of the best people on the server and i wish the best for your future endevours.
  12. 1 point
    Hi guys, I am pretty new to Arma 3, but I have fallen in love with the game thanks to strayagaming. I am an honest and hardworking worker. If you ever need a contractor, hit me up and send me an email. If you ever see me around town, come say Hi and we can start a convo. I hate people who rob the poor for their personal gains, so don't worry about me robbing you. I am friendly and would love to cooperate with anyone (as long as it doesn't involve threatening others). So yea, that's a brief intro to myself. If you would like to get to know me better, see you around Melbourne P.S. keep up the good work admins and mods!!
  13. 1 point
    bit of a rant here, but if you are going to play as a medic, public slot or whitelist, please please for the love of all humanity put your damn vehicles away before you log off even when a restart is going to happen! im sure the police service get annoyed at us higher ranked medics asking them to come impound your vehicles! please to anyone who jumps on as an EMS medic move your vehicles off the spawn point and put them away if you are getting off. if you get kicked off then try get back on and let us know. Thankyou
  14. 1 point
    I am sorry for my actions. I know that I should not approach things like this, I have learnt that the rules are very strict. I am not trying to be mean in any way shape or form. Spectral I respect you and I respect how you do things. I also respect the fact on how good you are at your job. The only thing is that the way you come across people. You can be a bit mean. I know that this is really rude of me but I am just trying to get my point out there. I know that us "TMC" are pretty bit idiots. But we try our best to play by the rules. I now know what I did was wrong and should never be done again. I know that being rude to you is very disrespectful and is never going to get me anywhere. I am sorry for the trouble that I have caused you and your staff, but I will try to not do it again.
  15. 1 point
    Depends on how good it ends up being. If it ends up being about as good, might as well disable quacktac, or make it an optional mod, to save on server scripts
  16. 1 point
    @KennyBoo Welcome to StrayaGaming! Hopefully you enjoy your time here, make sure you keep in touch and up to date with the rules, will make your experience here a lot better! Cya around! Leopard // Cartel Founder
  17. 1 point
    Always gotta rain on someone's parade mate, its a bit of fun, not a competition. and i wouldn't be making those comments yourself. your normally the first one to get killed anywho. jump in the SRT channel and i can teach you a few things about staying alive. xoxo <3