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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/16 in all areas

  1. 9 points
    Alrighty, I feel as if I should do more in this community. So that being said I'll be giving away 1 Arma 3 apex expansion to ONE lucky winner. To enter: Comment what you like most about the community Want 2x the chance to win? Like this post This will be given away in 2/3 weeks as I have to find some more spare cash and of cause purchase it for myself... Goodluck! Edit: Please don't enter if you already have it
  2. 2 points
    Continual Thread for Police Captioned Photo's
  3. 2 points
    @Aidanjr I love this community because of how active and engaged everyone is in the community and how everyone loves to be a part of this community and keep it going. PS I already have a copy but ill give it to someone else if they need if i win which I never win giveaways anyway so yeah.
  4. 2 points
    Apex is live. Terrain is Altis but all new assets have been integrated Please report bugs in the bugs forum
  5. 1 point
    My favorite part of our community is the fact that I can say 'our' we are all apart of it, we all contribute, some think severs are run by the staff and the staff alone, without the community there would be no staff team, there would be no Straya gaming, I have been in this community since the very first Altis life server which was around 2 years ago now... the reason that I unlike many other staff members have chosen to stick around is because the community is like a family to me, I get messaging all the time just saying hey and whats up... when I am absent for more than a week on the community I feel like there is something missing and that I am constantly bored. This community literally keeps me going, I am literally in year 12 and should be using all my time to study which is why I am absent half of the time... but I would rather be here with all of you than work my heart out to get a 2 digit number that defines the next six months of my life, you guys all mean more than that to me... plus I am poor as shit as my gpu just broke :'( and cannot afford apex <3
  6. 1 point
    I love the community always will. I tried to switch and I fell back into Straya Gamings arms. Dude I should make a rap about it. I never regret donating to this server like I do regret spending money on other things. Its such a good community to be in and there are so many cool people to chill out with. Honestly if I was a millionaire I would donate so much more to this community cause it deserves so much more and other the past few days we have had some MVP donors like @KennyBoo and @Lt.Lery who have only just joined the community and have already dropped almost $100 into this community and they have barely played on our servers. This just proves even more we are a superior community to any others cause I certainly wouldn't go into something and drop $100 in the first few days I would wait. And all the other awesome donors who make up this community and what we are and make the servers enjoyable for other people in life that aren't as lucky and privileged to donate 100's of dollars into a server and people like this make our community what it is. And no I haven't forgot about your @Jared and so many others who make this an awesome community. Keep up the awesome work to all staff and everyone who donates. You ROCK!! #SGLYFE
  7. 1 point
    It has been decided that banks will not be rolled back due to it was a overdue wipe and it given everyone a fresh start. Sorry about the delayed response, Please contact any Wasteland Moderator for any issues. this is also preparing for a new Wasteland script and Tanoa. @Links @Mozkelby @Unit_3397 @Ya Mum
  8. 1 point
    Good i needed a reason to do money shipment mission now ive got one
  9. 1 point
    Please please please put up a Tanoa Life server, its so amazing and beautiful. The only good Australian ping is Ozzys' Tanoa Life and thats kinda sad. Anyways I think that if u put up a Tanoa Server that it would BLOW the competition away by s mile #TanoaLifePLs -Bruciess
  10. 1 point
    If you want to become a whitelisted police officer you will have to put in an application on the forums (I cant find this am I dumb?) but get a feel for it first and go on patrol with a few higher up officers 9above sergeant and make a good impression on them cause this can dramatically impact you getting or not getting a whitelisted spot on the cop force. Applying for whitelist also requires you to play at least 10 hours as a Public Slot Cop on the Altis Life server. If some can link this guy the application for cops that would be great I cant seem to find it. @Spectral Charlie //Video Production Team
  11. 1 point
    john paul is working with this atm and there will be a 6 month trial and after the 6 month, they will get opinions if they enjoyed it or what. It will be coming soon
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    I am a bit into Photography, more photoshop edits and graphical design though. The next cinematography sort of thing I want to do is filming in game and running a YT channel. Need to upgrade my potato though :3
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Take photos every now and then... http://finnpettittphotography.tumblr.com/
  16. 1 point
    Ok, I'm actually back this time.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Howdy folks, had a bit of a break from Altis Life, but I'm glad to announce that Lives of the Police shall continue, and that I have already taken a series of photographs to add. See you soon.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    The Rebel Tribe attempts to flaunt their power in Sydney occasionally by travelling through it in heavily armoured cars known as "Striders", much to the dismay of the Police Tribe. The Police use their superior numbers to defend their home territory and disable the vehicle. The Rebel occupant is captured by a young Police tribesman and is taken away. While observing the man's capture, I am approached again by Ben, who once again initiates a Binocular Dance. A man only metres away is mercilessly mowed down by the officer shown on the right, likely for a good cause I'm sure. This man is dead. This man is alive. The Police are becoming increasingly difficult to document due to their access to motor vehicles. It's time I bring out... The SwagMobile. See you next time folks, we'll be doing some long distance Police tracking with the SwagMobile at our disposal.
  23. 1 point
    I received some secret images from a man on the inside of the Police Tribe. The images in question were as such: These three tribesmen appear to be attempting to discard this armoured vehicle by pushing it into the water, it is possible they will do the same to the one on the left. Based on what little evidence is to be found in this picture, an officer has managed to open some form of portal to bring this car into a building. Likely to keep it from seeing its brethren being thrown into the ocean, so as to save it from the trauma. I would like to thank the anonymous tribesman for contributing to the documentation of his species, and take this chance to invite any members of the public with amusing or intriguing photographs of the police in their natural environment to add them to the discussion. Good day lads and ladies.
  24. 1 point
    Huehuehuehueheuheuehueheuehueheu I did the same thing while writing it.
  25. 1 point
    https://imgur.com/nxnHMgR <3