Alright so I've posted this in the past but my post request got denied as usual.
With the new update in full swing, I still find it ridiculous that there is still absolutely nothing to do in jail. If you're replying with "well don't do rebel things," what else is there to do in the server, like honestly. Other than pick peaches, of which I've done for multiple hours, the majority of things to do on the map are rebel/illegal things. I've been sent to prison for 30 minutes and there's nothing to do but sit afk. And may I remind some people that not all of us are rich, so chopper's or prison escapes aren't an option. There's no logical reasons that I can see to not add something in to counter this issue. If you're asking us to sit and jail and "roleplay" for half an hour, I think you need to re-think your strategies...
Anyone agree with this?
What do you think that they could add that would be entertaining and viable?
I was thinking something like mining that could also give you (reduced) money. At least it would stop the monotony of prison.
Lets try and make some idea's that could give admins options for future updates.