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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    ╔══════════════════ஜ۩☢۩ஜ═════════════════╗Welcome Members of StrayaGaming ╚══════════════════ஜ۩☢۩ஜ═════════════════╝ Today We are giving away Arma3 + Three DLC's All you need to do to enter is comment, "War. War never changes." If you already own Arma 3 or any of the DLC's you can still enter and give it to a friend. This draw will close on the 21/6 at 8:30pm (+12GMT), Show your support for these giveaways by giving this post a big thumbs up! Good Luck everyone.
  2. 1 point
    Yeah we do all the work, where Josh gets all the fame.
  3. 1 point
    Yeet, I have to agree with you completely - out of the whole time I've been on the server this is the best I've seen jets. I'm gonna admit, this thread was a little rushed and posted out of spite due to some negative scenarios in the game and I agree now, removing jets completely is not the way to go and it's a bit too extreme. I do however firmly believe it does need changes such as having AA and CAS separate like it was and the addition of more helicopters as CAS as they are nowhere near as OP and add a very exciting side to supporting friendlies.
  4. 1 point
    I think its more so that if you do want to fly jets, once you get the Fighter Pilot slot it takes a couple dozen minutes to find a somewhat coherent player who can lase targets for you (let alone call the targets in side chat). With the current state of I&A, I think that its fine to have them, but I do think they need some tweaks. I'd much rather we have 2 jets (2 (or separate) Fighter Pilot slots to accompany them), with only 2 "variants": One of the 2 jets would be CAS, with a Nephreon from 0-29 Transport Score, and a Warthog for 30+. Second of the 2 jets would have an AA loadout, with a Gryphon from 0-29 Transport Score, and a Blackwasp for 30+. In a perfect world, I'd love for jets to be gone, and for us to get a Blackfoot (Still keeping Enemy Jets/CAS (And to counter said foe, permanent base AA controlled by UAV OP). But really, from a server's perspective I feel like this would be a stupid decision due to the now "lack" of jet play (Which some players would feel strongly against). Don't take this as me being opposing to the idea of jets going (Quite frankly I'd love them gone) but I don't think its the only option there is. I don't even see the massive problem with how CAS is currently, it's already been nerfed millions of times (No longer being able to kill AA without having to get ground/UAV unit's permission, the engagement range of vehicles outside of AO being upped (I think it went from straight outside AO to 2km or so), the addition of the Fighter Pilot slot and 3 jets per restart). I think this is the best CAS/Jets have been in multiple years..
  5. 1 point
    Pffff, go with DJ. I cannot believe you are even thinking of ditching us... Steinz, Peanut and the gang have got this.
  6. 1 point
    @Nuu Rusheanthat dec was directed at me last night.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    So @Bow was being a awesome mod and hosted a few races before hand and started to spice things up at the end and this what happens ! Enjoy guys! Was a beautiful event late at night and glad i met some pretty cool guys :)