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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/21 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Howdy all here's a few ideas which I've put together mainly focusing on different vehicles to add some more variety to the gamemode. Additional Hellcat Variant *Add a disarmed pylon variant of the hellcat to the heli rotation. This adds some variety to the heli rotation with this variant featuring FFV seats & a different seating layout Mora APC *Add the mora APC into carpark rotation It has the cannon of the kamysh minus the AT missiles. They're smallish and make for good fun running them in teams of two (Could also make a good side mission reward) Battle Tractor And to finish off a battle tractor / shitty technical side reward suggestion.
  2. 1 point
    Welcome all to the weekend! If you haven't had a chance to notice ARMA 3 and most of it's DLCs are back on sale. What does this mean: We are likely to expect a small influx of players over the coming week/s. You can finally get the DLCs you have been wanting to play on that map, fly that jet, drive that car or use that gun. So What: With the increase in players there is always an increase in people asking questions or breaking the rules. Staff will be busier than normal assisting new players and monitoring server activity to provide you with the best experience we can. Now What: We ask that you assist us as much as possible to make all our lives easier. If that means throwing a name in your !admin reports such as "'Steve' is not in teamspeak", rather than a "pilot not in TS" or "'Rochell' is teamkilling" rather than "a player is teamkilling" it would make our life easier and allow us quicker response times. Try and assist new players yourself, if you're in the back of a chopper and someone asks how to change role send a quick message to them, get them into your group or get into theirs and give them a hand. Train the guys you want to play with, if you want a more regular or bigger team then lend a hand, you can make great friendships over games. While I am asking you to lend a hand, that does NOT mean to take matters into your own hands when someone is breaking the rules. If one of us aren't in game, use the !admin command, take a recording and contact us on teamspeak or discord. Help us make a better community for us all to play in. We understand that the last update caused a few issues and unfortunately there are a few we can do nothing about. Most of the regulars have found workarounds for the more common ones so feel free to come and jump in teamspeak and have a chat. Looking forward to seeing you all in the field over the weekend. Who knows I might even get back in a chopper, join in a HQ defence or run some zeus missions!