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LuckyB33f last won the day on April 6 2019

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About LuckyB33f

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    Godlike Forumer

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  1. LuckyB33f

    Yes Wex, I already know your useless at this stuff...
  2. LuckyB33f

    As I have had some people as what pages are involved here is a quick break down (maybe missing some pages again design isn't my thing) Main Pages Index Leagues (comp stuff) Teams (teams within the league) Results of the matches within the league Players (players and there results as a profile) Community (Communities involved) Twitch Streamer (uses twitch API for information plus where we want to store) My Profile Contributors / Sponsors (to show case those who help)
  3. LuckyB33f

    Just to be clear, It doesn't have to be some epic well thought out pro design, I dont expect to have images and all of a break down... just use paint and some squares with abit of text to explain what that box has and positioning... Colour schemes and that is also important. I turn to the community as we are real gamers that get involved. We don't just play a game and log off, you use SG to get information and see whats happening... I would like new website to have the same feel and this is why i turn to you guys for an idea. This isn't just a wordpress website or some sorta piece of shit that doesn't work for a communities... you can also come up with features if you feel creative.
  4. LuckyB33f

    G'day Everybody, I am currently developing a website to be used for eSports and Community events (not just for SG but other communities aswell). A website that can be used like cybergamer but more community friendly and to give games that aren't normally an eSports game a chance to be competitive. My goal is to develop a fully dynamic website to cater for this, Integrating server data like Ama 3 match results or CSGO scores or even use LoL Api for tournaments data. Where do I get stuck? Well after running this community for years in the past, I'm now dead on the inside... And I can't seem to get a grasp on the design of website pages. I lack imagination and colour schemes. This includes where should I put things, Image over here text over, I'm clueless. What have I done so far and how am I doing it? None of your dam business.... I'm just joking... I have a working website which has Login systems like Steam, Blizzard (Going to use it for classic wow clans), Discord and so on... Twitch Streamers section which uses the API to pull information from their streams... LoL Api already added and tested (lacks a website design just shows data)... Administration location with options to create a new event and manage the users... Its key to note this is not live it is only local as I build it and will have to deploy it when it looks pretty. Those it doesn't seem like much making a system which works dynamically through out a website takes a lot of time. I am developing this in C# on VS. I currently work full time as a software developer so I am sticking to what I know and do. So heres where Penny for your thoughts comes into play. I am willing to give someone $100 for reasonable website design. I am happy to provide more information for those who are interested or have experience in design. You will have to PM me. Cheers, LuckyB33f
  5. LuckyB33f

    Hi, Question, So development wise, you would be able to create this and make it happen?? If so community team will be able to help host this. They currently have a spare Arma 3 panel for their events to make this dream a reality. If you require someone to develop, it we unfortunately don't have enough devs to make this happen.
  6. LuckyB33f

  7. LuckyB33f

    I mean.. it just makes my hands look big...
  8. LuckyB33f

    I swear it was bigger than that....
  9. LuckyB33f

    Shit.. i must be outta shape someone please find my hammer ?
  10. LuckyB33f

    Thanks for the input on wastelands, Before I make a statement on this, I know I have not been the most active over the last 5 months but I don't a agree if somethings and agree with others... I am also disappointed this isn't 1000 words but instead it is 940 words... but I'll over look this for now ? Jets: "People want to be able to spend 100k on a jet that can get 50-100 kills" no-ones wants to be getting bombed over and over by jets... This idea would cause most players to leave the server... I would leave if i was just getting bombed... Server Performance: "poor server performance" I agree this can always be improved, we have recently started WL server files from the start is old and needs a new frame work something we can't spare as we don't have enough devs to do this.... but fixing up the performance is something we will always work on... Thermals: "3D spotting is also gone, as are thermals" - 3D mapping I dunno whats been changed there so I have no comment but thermals... Thermals are just a shit players option for everything... it offers no skill... this is a double edge blade request...
  11. LuckyB33f

    Hi all, I am looking for a website developer for a new project which is not StrayaGaming related. In no way is this connected or fly under any community banners. It will be gaming related and something that has not been done before, There will be no ranks, just a seat at the roundtable as an equal. I'm opening this to those who work with WordPress full time or can write PHP fluently. Think of this as a startup for something new which I've been working on for a few months. If you have skills private message me with the below: Name: Age: Occupation: Languages: Examples of your work: About me:
  12. LuckyB33f

    May the odds be ever in your favour...
  13. LuckyB33f

    Yes, When I take a dump I call it perfect...