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Spetsnaz AKA Andrew

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Spetsnaz AKA Andrew last won the day on April 8 2018

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About Spetsnaz AKA Andrew

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  1. Spetsnaz AKA Andrew

    My whole life just flashed before my eyes, I gave it 2 stars and if i dont win your life will flash before your eyes.
  2. Spetsnaz AKA Andrew

    fair enough then, I just want more tank options =)
  3. Spetsnaz AKA Andrew

    you cant pay to gain advantage for cash, adding a whitelisted slot that allows you to store a vehicle would not breach those terms as they have access to same vehicles he can just store one in a garage function
  4. Spetsnaz AKA Andrew

    whitelist slots on I&A is kind of stupid unless your a pilot.... can we add better customization for slots and possible add a whitelist tank slot that allows him to choose a different type of tank from the general ones.. i.e a kaj or cheeta i realise these can be achieved from side missions but aside from 1 skin there is no incentives for most I&A players to actually donate.
  5. Spetsnaz AKA Andrew

    I breezed through comments so sorry if this is a double tap... when a cop restrains some one when does it become a dec then? cause sounds like to me if a cop does not read you why you are restrained and tells u just before you enter PD that you are under arrest then they force the onus onto the gang to dec so they may see the location of further members.... police already abuse mechanics.. cops should have to tell you under force of rule if you are under arrest forcing the dec once restrained.. again i assume if some one is under arrest that shoild be a declaration.
  6. Spetsnaz AKA Andrew

    U MOT M9
  7. Spetsnaz AKA Andrew

    If enough people donate money to me ill strip on camera for B33f or alternatively if B33f pays me i wont strip for him either way merry Xmas all =3
  8. Spetsnaz AKA Andrew

    From the legal Office of Spetsnaz Incorporation. I would at this point like to make it publicly known, that the assistant commissioner as well as Inspector Mitch was made personally aware by my self on the very same day that this case hit my desk, both failing their duties to promptly pass said information on wards to the officers involved as well the state prosecutor is not my responsibility, In fact i went so far as to send copies of all documentation to the state prosecutor personally myself, again not my requirement last time i checked... It is on the state to request evidence in any trial they are taking part in. Hence i will now formally request any documentation you wish to present at said appeal. If you wish to continue i require correspondence from your state prosecutor team in regards to new evidence that you clearly have to bring to life that would alter the out come of the verdict handed down by the honorable Attorney General, Bevan Damndarty Gluesniff. As stated by the (AG) Bevan Gluesniff the officers where all released and the court case it self had been finished and finalized and verdict handed out before the bank robbers tripped up the alarm system in the Westpac Bank, From recollection the Court House in Melbourne would have been allot closer then the Sydney LAC station making responding to the Bank robbery quicker then normal response times from the Sydney LAC. In the Matter of Zehaava vs The State, I never asked the PD to actually pay for the legal fees, Since the verdict was against the PD and said officer accused. I would be treading carefully especially when attempts at defaming Spetsnaz Incorporation are at hand. Regards SPETSNAZ Spetsnaz Incorporation. Head Officer of Legal Justice (02) ts.straya.lif @Subnoize@Nevetos @SMOKEY?
  9. Spetsnaz AKA Andrew

    was recovered by Aaron i was just the guy holding it once it got back to PD
  10. Spetsnaz AKA Andrew

    @Jacob Richardson for actual stats on the rifle range it will be subject to change, in other words they may nerf or buff the range of it for balace purposes. The benefits of low ranking cops using mk20 means they can disable ppl at range and if rebels get hold of the mk20 they will still get absolutely Meme'd by the Sydney LAC Sgt+ Im a chief inspector and ill probly do GD with the MK20 just cause i know how much fun this is going to be... @TrueBlue I was thinking about changes in rules that may have to be put in as well. Like no shooting drivers with knockdown rounds as this will cause a car doing 200km/h a hour to flip a bitch, slap a tree and end up in HD
  11. Spetsnaz AKA Andrew

    Iv read quiet afew of the comments in this threa and agree and disagree with allot of what is being said. My observations of how GD deals with situations is sadly a bad view, @mylox you are right cops run in to much and get wiped the main reason is they need to close the gap so there weapons are actually effective. A tazer rifle is effective from 35-50m. The mk20 with knock downs means they have the capabilty of 200m knockdown and from 200m onwards is lethal meaning 4 cops dont have to push and force there partner to push to help keep them alive.. currently we have 4 recruits on at a time they are accompanied by 4 white list cops so 8 ppl now dont have to push and rush.. You wanna take pitty on us. I take pitty on you... Mk20 is actualy OP
  12. Spetsnaz AKA Andrew

    Mmmmm they look so delicious when i satchel charge them =3
  13. Spetsnaz AKA Andrew

    this is the best vid ever
  14. Spetsnaz AKA Andrew

    lol the moment all rebels give up on a forum cause u low key know no matter how many people voted for this change they still wouldn't do regardless of our points
  15. Spetsnaz AKA Andrew

    Red before i rage quit a few months ago i had about 30mil and couldn't buy a thing but starter gear. I have come back and started playing medic and started robbing people and fed ect and have mad enough money that i should be able to buy these weapons that you some how seem to think people are making and selling. BUT NO ONE MAKES GUNS! do you understand this? NO ONE! WHY? cause rebels hear that some one is making guns to sell and find out where they live and raid them every day for a week straight. DJ payed 23mil for the first M320 on the server he got raided a week later. dont think he got to even use it. if you made it so people can store in 1 vehicle it would have a limited amount meaning once items where made they would then have to do a balancing act to keep the important things in there car. This would also kick start people making guns again. I beleive father Yuri was planing on making a gang that was all about making guns yet that shut down fast. there are massive ranks from every gang on the server about this @Red yet you all seem to ignore this.... Police have a storage locker that cant be raided.. Cops have Code Black and can kick my door in with out a warrant. AND I LOOSE EVERYTHING even building materials that aren't illegal. I loose guns that i have brought for millions i loose all progress and then this makes me not want to craft ever again. This is the story of every rebel who has tried to make guns.. Red i put the challenge to find some one who is making guns cause i ask almost daily for gun sellers and all i get is Mk200's from airdrop.....