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  1. 1 point
    There always is heaps of declaration on cops which myself roger purple doesnt mind. But give the cops some roleplay too. Most fellas are saying "i hate cops ill kill all of them" make roleplay for both parties and lets make it awesome roleplay between cops and the criminals. Just be warned apd is a strong force and we will not be intimidated, we up hold the law and bring the hammer down on all criminals wishing to bring down the government. Regards [Sergeant] roger purple
  2. 1 point
    Hey, Pretty new to all this won't lie, been spending too much time on I&A (Great mode :D) Shout out to Fitz! Best bloke and and all round great Mod/Admin. Just like to add that this is a wonderful community and made a few new idiot friends along the way. In Game im White Beast. If you're looking for me, i don't know why, im a great bullet magnet Me though, im 19 studying a diploma in Info Tech soon to hopefully be transferring into psychology. I have too much free time and most is spent on I&A getting killed because my girlfriend won't stop bugging me. I've been White Beast, Peace out!
  3. 1 point
    I was thinking maybe something like how the CAS jet is a once per AO type of thing. It all depends who is driving it, if you have someone who is pretty new, then once per AO would be really good, in most cases instant spawn isn't much of a deterrent to play tactically.
  4. 1 point
    Alright. Should there be any more mechanics for tank unlocks? Ex, a new T-100 per AO? I'm not experience with what's good/bad and how long stuff lasts.
  5. 1 point
    Personally i think the drive to and from the AO is all part of the tanking experience, and i still think we need the offset to keep it balanced, even if it is a few slots. Plus there is always the respawn if the new AO appears 25km away on the other side of the map.
  6. 1 point
    Hi all, My name is And, i'm a casual arma3 player enjoying the Strayagaming invade & annex server. I just thought I'd jump on here and introduce myself and see if I could find a few friendly faces to improve my gaming experience. Originally from the UK, I'm a 36 year old Pom now living in Sydney, fairly new to Arma3 after playing DayZ for the last 1.5 years. cheers And
  7. 1 point
    Well hello there everyone i am DJDoctor i doubt many people will know me so i decided to pop my head in and say howdy. i suck at introductions so ill just say whatever comes to mind as of right now i am a gamer/artist i have been gaming for as long as i can remember i am from Tasmania so -Insert Joke Here- i try to be friendly and forgiving to everyone i meet and i cannot wait to meet you all and get my ass kicked in Arma
  8. 1 point
    Well i said to myself, why not make a introduction about myself seeing how i'm going to be playing on here often/donate. Well here goes. My name is Mat (Mozzie Humber) and i'm currently 20 years old soon to be 21 :D, and hopefully be joining the navy by next year. I currently have no life and just love to play sport and mainly video games. I mostly play Arma 3, WoT and csgo. (sometimes runescape :P) I live in Brisbane, Logan and yes i'm a bogan but not a junkie. I'm a friendly person but can be opposite at sometimes. Don't really know what else to say really. Anyway cheers and hope to see some of yous ingame
  9. 1 point
    Good idea, Thanks for your suggestion, Kalthramis.
  10. 1 point
    Welcome to Strayagaming mate, glad to hear your enjoying the Invade and Annex server. Jumping on our Teamspeak is a great way to catch up with most of the community if you havent done so already
  11. 1 point
    Welcome dude... You'll find theres a few defence members in this community... Mostly army tho... Enjoy the community, get involved and have fun Luckybeef