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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/16 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Evening All Bit of a Video Competition for you role players out there. Are you a serious role player? Can you Record videos? The competition is the best video that is 10 Minutes long, about the best roleplaying session, this includes roleplay as a medic, cop, rebel, cartel or civilian, in any scenario you want, let your imagination take control, what i want to see is. Creative role play Serious Heavy RP Video of it at least 10 Minutes long Tell us a story or Show us your best roleplay Reward is 15 Million Dollars straight to your bank account Most Funniest role play will be a prize pool of 5 Million Dollars Weirdiest Role play will be a prize pool of 5 Million Post your videos below! Let the role play begin, and good luck all Entry Closes 7th of June 2016 at 8:00pm Sydney Time
  2. 2 points
    While playing EMS i see some horrible situations but speeding is one of the worst, remember showing off to your mates might sound cool but can also get you all dead. Remember to stay safe on the roads of Altis-ralia (photo's below). Credit to the sick lads gang and a member of A113 for speeding in sydney and having to get the cops to put down barriers to keep other road users safe.
  3. 1 point
    I heard someone mention the bug was fixed however I am unsure whether or not this is true
  4. 1 point
    Thanks for such swift responses, I will certainly check out wasteland. Looking forward to gaming with you. Rodbob.
  5. 1 point
    Music to my ears Aidanjr!!! I suppose it depends on your perferred play style and what mood your in at the time when it comes to joing either indie/ OPFOR/ BLUFOR If you pefer more team based, lots of beacons join BLUEFOR, plus if you want access to the only runway on the map, OPFOR Also take into consideration if your going indie, that if you die, and you havent placed beacons down, you might not be able to get back to your gear. Anyway, Welcome to pure destruction Regards. Unit_3397.
  6. 1 point
    Battlefield just released the new Battlefield trailer. It is so different to previous battlefield and the theme of the game is set out in WW1. It is called Battlefield 1. Trailer: Released in October 21, 2016
  7. 1 point
    Just had a couple of things to get off my chest about RP events. First I just wanted to say a lot of time and effort have gone into each and everyone of these events. I know my self that spectral, roger and with the help of others spend hours a week of their gaming time to make these events up and trying to make them run as smoothly as possible. So can we please pay attention to these events and everyone involved in them. We now have a server event channel so you can clearly see who is involved with that event that night. Be active on the forums there is always information about the events. If some dick has deleted the mark off the map saying "RP EVENT" and you role up pay attention to what's happening. If a support team member joins your channel and tells you to stop please just stop all shooting. Secondly the people that are involved in the RP event please take these events seriously. Use push to talk while in the channel and do no discuss real life stuff in this channel until the event is over. Thirdly don't join the channel if your not actually in the event. It's annoying and wrecks the atmosphere that the server coordinators are trying to archive. This has happened serval times now and if it keeps going we are either going to lose these great guys who are doing this for us or they will just not bother anymore. Its really not hard guys and I hope after people read this they will be more aware of the server events.
  8. 1 point
    Hi all id like to re kindle this idea back into existence Since the beginning of my time playing wasteland there has been numerous occasions where a team mate might jump into the vehicle that I am in and drive off, or spam the ammo at various objects. I then proceeded to warn them to exit my vehicle, more or less causing me grief. End story, it's greifing players that want to use their vehicle solo or have placed their vehicles in strategic positions. Eg, next to ammo truck. (For those that hate this type of gameplay, relax, you can hit us with a AT missle from anywhere ) Here are a few ideas I've stolen/ explored myself: -purchase locks/ keys for brought vehicles -only allow members in your personal group to enter your vehicle -Even just a system where you can lock the vehicle you are in from anyone has its benefit. -locking applies till you either leave the vehicle /log off / or server restart enemies have the opportunity to unlock your vehicle while you are not in it and then have access to its inventory and can operate it and take control of the locking system PLEASE NOTE: This Post is merely a suggestion Should Moderators find this information useful in developing the game, changes and implementation of such ideas may not happen till later in the future. Respect that some ideas (no matter how awesome they may sound) cannot be scripted into the game. //sent from mobile Regards. Unit_3397.
  9. 1 point
    had a submarine on I&A from our lord an saviour zeus