Hey Guys,
Addressing the Altis Life Community meeting we have been running on a weekly basis.
As of next Monday 11/9/17, we will be running the community meeting on a fortnightly basis.
The meeting will take place at 6:30PM AEST, 30 minutes after the restart and will be lead by a Server Adminstrator or next appropriate staff member
What will we be discussing at this meeting. The community meeting will work similar to how it has in the past.
Start with the regular formalities from which we will then go on to discuss what has happened with the suggested changes up to that point,
From there we will move on to suggestions from each individual person, moving down the list as ordered by TeamSpeak. Each person will have a chance to speak and their idea will be discussed as a group. After discussions and suggestions have concluded, any additional notes by staff will be added and the meeting concluded.
I'm sure you are also all wondering what is happening with the changes that have already been suggested.
A number of these have already been approved and the changes have been made into the game files, awaiting the launch of the DLC, at which point we will also launch the updated version the Altis Life Mission File.