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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/17 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    StrayaGaming 2017 Christmas Giveaway Gday Everyone, Its that time of the year where we get out our wallets and give back to all of you! The people that keep the community running. This year up for grabs is 5 PC Case Gear vouchers: 1X $200 1X $100 3X $50 How do you win? All you have to do is react to this post (This will give you 1 entry): We will copy the names of who reacts to the post and then add them to the draw! Giveaway will be drawn on the 30th of December at 5:00 pm AEDT. This giveaway is for Community Members, not Staff Members. Click here for staff giveaway Best of luck to everyone that enters! Extra information: As much as it comes across as “Fishing for likes” We decided to run the giveaway via the ‘reaction’ feature due to all our active members use our forums, Say we do it via the twitter that has 3000 followers, not all of our twitter followers are active on our servers and forums so that would be unfair to all our active players so we came to the conclusion that the post reaction was the best way to go (Giving back to the people that are always using our servers). All people that react to the post will be listed down and added to a list.
  2. 3 points
  3. 3 points
    +1 For a nerf on tasers, Think real life, Someone wearing a level 4 vest, and a knockdown round is gonna one shot you down? xD PlzNerf2018
  4. 2 points
    All officers I know use lethals when a fed bank is being robbed. Even recruits and prob. constables get lethals because the situation requires it. Speaking of the VLR, how can you argue that you would rather be shot than tazed if you care so much about that rule. Lol? That is the situation, there is an escalation graph the APD follows. Officers do not use lethals unless the situation requires it. I agree, however, the only people who would not use lethals in this situation would be recruits and last time I checked neither myself or you want someone who just joined the police force with no experience whatsoever handling a weapon that can take your life. Would be interesting to see what would happen if you got your way, I know damn well there would be another forum post with the title "RECRUITS SHOULD NOT HAVE LETHALS!" Although I respect your opinion, you know there is no other solution to this issue.
  5. 2 points
    Walk it off like this champ tbh
  6. 1 point
    Taser Guns are bs, they can knock down a person with one shot up to probs 50m, it literally requires no skill at all. Put the gun in full auto and spray until you got one shot into a guy that has full armour and clothing which then the guy is hope less. This happened in a bank and it pissed me off, it is absolutely not a role play gun because with actual lethal's you have a chance but some pub slot with a taser gun can be a god on the battlefield. I propose to at least remove them from bank situations which bringing a taser to a bank is not realistic.
  7. 1 point
    Over the past two weeks (could even be more), there has been a kicking bug, that would kick players in game for no apparent reason. For e.g. username, has been kicked. Just wondering why this is, and how it could be prevented. Just a bit annoyed, since I got kicked 3 times in 20 minutes, for NO apparent reason! have a great holidays everyone, merry Christmas, and have a happy new year! - Jesse Wasabi
  8. 1 point
    Maybe don't completely remove them but remove them from being used in certain situations, for example: If the APD are responding to Federal Reserve only lethal should be used; if an officer goes into Federal Reserve with only a TASER isn't that some what breaking the Value Life Rule? because I know for a fact that if you were put into this situation and it meant life or death you'd not go in using a taser you'd go in with something that you can actually defend yourself with. Maybe even make it that if you're in high populated city's (Melbourne, Sydney, etc) the only fire arm used is a taser for the civilians safety, unless the situation becomes out of hand. What I'm basically trying to say is if YOUR life is at risk by going into an area where it's more than likely you're going to be involved in a shootout with high tier rebels that you should defend yourself with a lethal instead of a little taser which puts your life in danger (to a degree).
  9. 1 point
    I can always have a look and see if there is anything I can do. Next time it happens mark the timestamp (to the nearest minute) and send it to me along with the timezone ur in, ur steamID64 (the long number that starts with 7) and a screenshot from a friend showing the kicked message and anything around it in the chat. Based on the huge number of people complaining about kicks in the arma discord there is probably nothing I can do about it but no harm in looking.
  10. 0 points
    The current version of treasure wrecks was added to the server way back in December 2016, and I still find people being told incorrect information on how to do them. Here's a tutorial for you so there is no confusion on treasure wrecks and what you need to do them. What you need: Mode of transportation out to the wreck zone A way to get down to the ocean floor A way to stay down there for long periods of time Something to carry the loot in Recommended items & vehicles: SDV Submarine Diving suit Diving goggles Rebreather vest Any big backpack What to look for once you're on the ocean floor: A vtol wreck or trawler wreck. You can know which one you're after by looking at the marker on the map. How to access the treasure wreck: Get really close to it and scroll wheel, click the action named "Search for treasure!". This will open an inventory menu where you can take whatever loot you like. What can be found in treasure wrecks: Illegal gold bars Diamond (Processed) Ruby (Processed) Sapphire (Processed) Tokens Final notes: You do NOT need any items to do the treasure wreck. No bolt cutters, no explosive charges, nothing at all. If you have any other questions please ask them here and I'll answer them as best I can.