Date of Disciplinary Action: 12/24/2017
What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: blacklist from detective
Who were you Disciplined by: detective commander at the time
Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: I raided a house as civ
Why the appeal should be accepted: in all honesty the ban was placed due to ignorance and I take and accept full responsibility of that, there was some things that were uncertain to me at the time, I believed as a detective if I had leave I could raid and do rebel stuff, so 1. I thought I got leave from bow I just assumed.. that was my fault, 2. I raided the house and didn't clearly read that as a detective u cant raid a house, yet again my fault. and lastly 3. I didn't know that the house I raided was going to be raided by the cops, but some people claimed I knew he was going to be raided if it was said I may not have heard or had just forgotten, and I also didn't have access to see what other people posted on the database. but any way I believe that I can redeem myself, as I have never really done anything bad in the APD apart from that one incident more then 6months ago, and I have had time to learn from that mistake, and I duly apologize for my actions even though I know apologies wont get me umbanned I do need to say that I am sorry and if I don't get unblackisted then I understand and will move forward. but I really did like the RP aspect as a detective as some of you may know im a heavy RP'er, but yeah.