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  1. 2 points
    Can i come walk around, talk shit with mates & report people who rdm me yet ? Or is the server still anti social
  2. 2 points
    I have seen contracting groups work extremely well on other servers, Forcegaming had Blackwater which was a step above the police force they were essentially a PMC. GTA had NATO, When NATO were called rebels ran for the hills. I don't see contractors having a big of part to play as they have on other servers but i want to see them included, Adds another faction of roleplay, More combat to KoS zones and more numbers the APD can call on in times of need, I think they need to be Incorporated better somehow though, No bigger meme than seeing "SIS responding to bank" than half of them killed by the APD ?
  3. 1 point
    Note: By placing this expression of interest you are not in-titled to Sergeant and can be denied as well as issued a non-apply period of no less than 1 week. Do not bother anyone about your application, if you do it will be hidden. Name: Dandoo Callsign: [K14W] Training Completed By: Kmart List all Pub Slot Inductions you have done: Jakob D Precision Alex Jarrods C Ssaro POLAIR trainings: @Michael @Michael Phelps Anthony Grey Why do you deserve a promotion? (50 Words min) I think I deserve a promotion because as being a part of POLAIR and being a Senior Constable has made me become a lot more responsible and I’ve done a lot of trainings. The down side of being a Senior Constable is I cant add recruit tags after I have done a training so I must poke or message a sergeant up to do it which can be annoying for them and me. The same thing goes for adding charges, I must always poke or message a sergeant or up to add charges. Also I think being a sergeant could also help me in POLAIR as I don’t have access to drones and this can be frustrating at times when I feel like I need them for a bank or to scope out a situation as using an officer for something like this could risk his/her life and a drone would be a lot more affordable. Who would recommend you for a promotion? Senior Constable @Zac Senior Constable Academy Officer @Michael Phelps Senior Constable / Senior Detective @iamjack Senior Constable @Maverick Senior Constable @Loxtonjoel Constable @Michael
  4. 1 point
    Contracting.... where do i start. Its something that many people dont like, which can be understandable in some cases. Pre wipe SIS had a really good contract going cleaning up streets, banks, etc. Some contractors abused the power and didn't abide to the contract. I know SIS wasn't always perfect but i feel we did a lot of good. I cant list much of what we did since there maybe some triggered person out there who doesn't know how the cops got his house Loc. Im wondering what are players thoughts on contractors making a return as i have some of the SIS OGs wanting to make a come back. I know some admins didn't like the way we work like being to secret but hey we are called Secret Intelligence Service for a reason, We work in the shadows, the information that SIS knew could cause a lot of shit. Now the topic of cops just being salty to us and not working this us because "We have more power", at any point the Cops could tell us to take a hike and we have to leave i wonder who as the power. Im not looking to start any shit with admins or other players. SIS as a group was stuffed around a lot after the wipe. I just want players thoughts on SIS making a come back.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Change to the interpretation of the use of Gang Tags in combat During this month's Altis Life Senior Staff meeting it was discussed at length as to how best allow players to use gang tags in combat. It has been concluded that gang tags may be used to identify individuals as hostile when in a declaration. This change allows all players, civilians and cops, to use gang tags to clearly determine who they are in declaration with. The use of player names to gain an advantage, i.e. seeing a person that is wanted and stopping them without probable cause / a valid reason, is still against the rules. This change is effective as of the 3pm restart on the 20th of January 2019.