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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/19 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Antistasi Update 1.4.1 AX Several of the reported bugs have been fixed, thanks to those providing the nessecary feedback to allow me to do so! +Added - M113's and UH-60's to the USMC motor pool =Fixed - ZU-23 AA static now spawns properly =Fixed - Offroad AT and HMG variants now spawn without issue =Fixed - Civilian helicopters going overt when going within 50m of roads For any mission file additions or bugs feel free to hmu
  2. 3 points
  3. 1 point
    Title says it all. Antistasi is currently running on the skin of a potato. Majority of the people who play on Antistasi are very invested into StrayaGaming and have donated a large amount of money. Add a new Donation thingo majingo and call it Antistasi, we don't need anything in return for donating, we just want a better ****ing server. Please let us buy a new ****en server thanks.
  4. 1 point
    //Pending\\ Your application is under review by cabinet
  5. 1 point
    Seeming that you asked, I shall comply. Some of these aren't even I&A or StrayaGaming, but, I think that they are either funny or just nice photos so I'll put them here too.
  6. 1 point
    Ok comments are starting to detract from the original topic so this post will now be locked - thanks all for contributing
  7. 1 point
    As of Sunday (7/7/19) at roughly 6PM, StrayaGaming will be launching an ARMA 3 KOTH server. At this stage our plan for the KOTH server is to run it as an infantry only server, meaning that only unarmed helicopters (no jets) and unarmed MRAPS (max) will be available as well as a limited selection of launchers. The server will use the Sa-Matra mission file, and the anticheat handling will be done in accordance with their guidelines. We will be looking for feedback regarding the weapons and vehicles restrictions as outlined above. Should you wish to have your say in the direction of the server you can post your suggestions in the new suggestions sub-forum for KOTH. Staff applications for the server will open shortly to all members of the community for anyone who wishes to help moderate the server. For our initial staff intake you will not be required to have helpdesk experience but it does always help your application stand out amongst the rest. Current staff are welcome to apply to join the KOTH team. We will have a series of giveaways and events running over the course of the next few weeks in order to promote the server and get players engaged. The first will be on the night of the launch for the player who is atop the leaderboard as 9pm AEST, with information about further giveaways to come.
  8. 1 point
    My time has come, thank you all for supporting me and motivating me to be the best I could be. I may not have got along with everybody but I will miss everyone and everything. Big thanks to my Cabinet / Command team and those in the staff team who helped me the most. Best of Luck to everyone on the server. To the current officers, you can only go as far as you think you can, if you have a goal it may take time but you can get there. Augnov