random idea
A second hand vehicle dealer (air and car/truck) in sydney or where ever- whereby, the cost to buy the vehicle is half or less that of the normal store but, your purchase spawns with a twist,
the vehicles come out with random "wear and tear" that cannot be fixed, for example:
- a fuel tank that only fills half way
- yellow wheels that cannot be fixed
- Has a faulty NOS that randomly goes off unexpectedly
- car reaches 80kph and if they drop below that speed they blow up (i.e a speed bomb but you dont know its there)
- the previous owner was a weed runner so the inventory is full of unprocessed weed
- helicopters where anti-torque propeller is damaged
- trucks that were modified by the previous owner so has a higher cargo capacity etc etc
(these are just random ideas but ultimately would be funny as **** for some of em)
Whatever state the vehicle is in is completely random where only sometimes they come out completely normal (so you get a good vehicle for a low price) - if you dont want to risk a crappy second hand that will prob kill you and others around you, then go to a normal store and buy a full price one lol
We could call it "Abdul's super cheap autos" - for you my friend, very special price!