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  1. 2 points
    Ingame Name - チャッド Hours on Arma3 - 六千 Age - 二十一 Short description on your play style - 私は銃を撃つ良い狙撃兵です
  2. 1 point
    Ingame Name - [F03A] Milkdud Hours on Arma3 - 130 I am quite inactive Age - 16 Short description on your play style - uh I kind of suck ass at the game but I am pretty good at flexing on people and talking shit. I can do a good Zarco imitation which could be helpful but I have to pull my plug when someone spots me. I can give pretty good rugby advice if needed, good technique can really increase quality of the game as well as getting all of your fat asses into shape. The reality is I just have no friends and mum told me to meet new people. I have heard stories about the great Rhys Beckett and how good he is at the game (mostly been told by Rhys himself). Thankyou for reading ?
  3. 0 points
    Name: Mitchlee Atlas Callsign: KO6W Assignment: GD Training Completed By: JotJTX List all Recruit Inductions you have done: 6 Why do you deserve a promotion? (50 Words min) Everyone knows me and knows how i lead so it would be good to have me as i know how the PD works and the Office inside of the PD as i would help to make the PD outstanding and help to lead the lower ranked cops in getting them to be the best officers they can be. I also want to see the GD side of the cop force rise up above the rest as they are the face that the civilians see when they look at join or in general how they think of us but to make them think we are trying to look after them and not terrorise them. theses reason are why i want to be a SGT of the police force for GD Who would recommend you for a promotion? Robert Losure , JotJTX
  4. 0 points
    Ingame Name - iwant2015/16strayaback Hours on Arma3 - played every hour of 2015-2016  Age - 15-16 Short description on your play style - I play like 2015-2016 straya gaming when it was the best when you could do anything, i loved 2015-2016 straya gaming, i just want it back man.