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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
    Agree 100% on all points SNAFU. Howbou' we move the helo spawn over towards where the side mission Hummingbird is parked? Plenty of room on the ramp there. Oooooor chuck an aircraft carrier off the coast and put the helicopters on that...sure won't be helo theft anymore... ? I know the carrier has been discussed before, but I'm not 100% sure why it wasn't implemented. Having it as a side-mission may be too complex, but setting it up as a helo spawn point can't be too hard - could also (rather happily) add a few CIWS and SAM's to the ship to assist with the base defences' lacklustre attempts at shooting down enemy aircraft. Cheers, SandStormAU
  3. 1 point
    No real need for this, Just make a auto respawn area for non pilots around the chopper spawns.. They'll get the idea soon enough. Another idea that will work great is move the chopper spawn away all together. Or the infantry spawn. There are lots of good places for the spawn.. A chopper can in fact fly to the infantry!! Oh God Yes!.. Just an AA at either end of the runways would help a lot. A multiplier of enemy jet spawns would be great, or switch it to enemy attack choppers when no CAS is on. Nooo..... Then I'd have to have them.. IN MY CHOPPER!!!! ? But I see you're point.. It's a bit broken being able to heave them in at 300km/h.. Fun though! Actually to this point, INCERASE the durability of the Huron Crates.. They have a habit of crumpling if a bird sneezes within 10k. Even if only on the repait & refuel ones. This is a bad Idea for reasons stated above. If one was added it would HAVE to have AA or else it would be useless in in a CAP capability, unless you made it that the enemy also only spawned choppers while it was up. This would be abused from day 1 & would only increase the trolling. Even in the hands of the regulars & whitelisted this would be a very bad call. I have seen this fail on a few different servers. This is one I have been asking after for a long time. The Ammo boxes should have all the basic NATO Ammo NO Rifles, a few basic launchers/ammo & a bunch of FAK's. Some nades & Smoke as well, (No Red). Enough that a pilot can pick one up & haul it to a defend & it would be enough to support a fighting force of 30. If more is needed, well, there are a few crates. Yeet's Idea of a limited arsenal is good, if for no other reason the players in the field can use the same interface they are used to from hours of Box Barbie-ing ?. But seriously, The interface is a lot faster than the regular inventory one. As for NVG's/Explosives, they could be in the chopper inventory in stead of 50 parachutes. That way the guys could grab them in flight or when a chopper touches down nearby. You cold even make the amount on board dependent on the size of the chopper. If the Attack chopper Idea is implemented(#6) then a few more AA launchers should be placed in the choppers or mobile arsenal as well, as a pilot in the chopper will be a lot less likely to hunt AA targets compared to when he/she/it is in a jet. To my knowledge you cant save a vehicle loadout without making it an arsenal.
  4. 0 points
  5. 0 points
    Wasteland Team going to take home that prize money; Good luck kids, you'll need it with us out there.