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Brodie last won the day on July 22 2017

Brodie had the most liked content!

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776 Fabled

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About Brodie

  • Rank
    Forum Memer
  • Birthday 06/13/2015

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  1. Brodie

    Use Action 10
  2. Brodie

    Was pointing out that youre still a toxic retard ?
  3. Brodie

  4. Brodie

    nice one goteeem
  5. do i get unbanned for this because im literally the best
  6. Brodie

    My utmost respect goes out to you, Sir Augnov...
  7. Brodie

    Back in my day, Myself, @Supanova @Margarine @ʝ17 and Winters would AFK on the server every single day to gain a playerbase ;)!
  8. Brodie

  9. Brodie

    youre the worst dev xx
  10. Brodie

    I might get that game looks good!
  11. Brodie

    Noone wants to spend their christmas day on a gaming community online.... Would you not rather spend it with family and friends?
  12. Brodie

    +1 Quality leadership skills and #1 srt member ;)