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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/16 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    Official Statement Release "During my time as a Police Officer with the APD I have heard many allegations, accusations and some ridiculous stories of corruption. I have see photo shopped images, video footage edited beyond belief, all of this to betray it's own image that the Altis Police Department and it's officers are corrupt. Last night i see a ridiculous photo.... An illegal rebel vehicle being destroyed in a controlled detonation which shows barricades and road cones in a marked off area, and a caption claiming that "children were hurt". The people making this claim failed to do their research when they chose to make said allegation because the Alits Census Report shows that all children from our island were present and counted for their scheduled annual heightened juju vaccine also verified by the Altis Chief Medic. The World Leaders that stand behind me have announced publicly that myself and my colleagues are constantly audited and monitored by them due to my ties with world operations that have been released in a dossier today. With their support, findings and rulings alongside the dossier which shows a clear and concise evidence report of no corruption under any circumstance i laugh in the face of these allegations. I say to the citizens of Altis it's time to wake up and open their eyes and see that the only corruption is amongst themselves and the Altis Government. Ignorance and blaming the police for what crimes and illegal activities they the citizens choose to be actively involved in and turn a blind eye to what suits them does not solve the issue. For those who choose to live the legal lifestyle by gaining meaningful employment and staying away from these criminals are now being mislead by propaganda caused by the rebels and criminals along side some disgruntled APD officers themselves which seems to be heavily supported by our own forms of media including the ALRS radio station. Perhaps we need to start looking into investigations being launched towards the radio hosts themselves to see if they are accepting PAY TO SAY comments and stories along with bribes being accepted from the rebels, criminals and corrupt government officials removed from the World Leadership Panel 10years ago." Quoted by Commissioner Bonez from the World Leadership meeting 19/08/2016 From the archives:
  2. 2 points
    Good day everyone. As some of you might know i hosted a competition regarding Cards against Strayagaming I would like to inform all that are interested to post the black and white cards to make the full game playable and fun for "mature people" while the competition wasn't a huge success i would love to see our version out there considering that half of the community love roasting or memes and most love both. and I would love for people to post a new name for the card game something more generic to this community. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RULES (more rules really?) 1. Post as many as cards as you like and i will try to add them regardless of black and white. 2. NO harassment on any level e.g. "Bob the bill is a C**t" these type of posts will be hidden. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Those added to the game will be added to a document I'm creating and will be see-able AND printable for people to play with in the future and their cards will be noted with the creator name and the presented design. E.g. from @Moygstar Any questions? feel free to Pm me and i will answer them for you or ask me on Teamspeak Please feel free to add your opinion and cards to the comments down below HAVE A GREAT DAY!
  3. 2 points
    The media attention turned towards our transparent and accountable organisation involving the twisting of facts of the situation to peddle their own fantasies about supposed corruption among our ranks. We aren't perfect by any means but we hold ourselves accountable and are transparent when we make mistakes, unlike the rebels or the paparazzi rags that slander the APD while taking money and favours from the real corrupt elements. Good to see our commissioner coming to the defense of the poor guys slogging it out on the street in the GD ranks and being the primary target of Undeserved public fury.
  4. 1 point
    I Agree With You @Bonez People Have To Investigate For Themselves And See That The APD isn't Corrupt SRT SUPERINTENDENT Denis
  5. 1 point
    I may have played on it for under 10mins but am still learning arma ! will definitely put it on my to do list.
  6. 1 point
    @Unit_3397 trying to snipe. Ahh the eye sores!!! 700m away and still leads by 3m. Hahaha. Imma come show you how its done when I get back Now the kill feed is back!!! Love the video. I watched it in 140p first time round, eek Stupid Canadian wifi. - Love Ya ♡
  7. 1 point
    Done, Ordered my Stickers now we play the waiting game
  8. 1 point
    @Dak Commstar @Jüstice™. @LAZYSHOT @Mozkelby you guys make some form of appearance in my video, be it voice or on screen.
  9. 1 point
    Yo dude, dont know if ive already seen ya on wasteland or not, but regardless, love to see ya on there sometime ^.^
  10. 1 point
    All fixed mate. What I've done is added a whole new product which is suited for use on white / light backgrounds. http://www.redbubble.com/people/strayagaming/works/22869721-strayagaming-official-logo-light?asc=u And more specifically for the stickers: http://www.redbubble.com/people/strayagaming/works/22869721-strayagaming-official-logo-light?p=sticker&size=small&size=large (default large version)
  11. 1 point
    ..But i just started talking to you and enjoy talking to you.. don't leave lad. My father always told me "In one ear and out the other" Take the good and leave the bad behind. If people are hating on you just be nice to them in return, one of the more cliché things to be said but eventually you know they will stop and realize that they have been a complete idiot and there was no need to point fingers at all. You know you're the bigger man. Message me if you need a chat, I haven't been playing altis life lately because KoTH has been rewarding me pretty well.
  12. 1 point
    Thank you!, and best of luck in your endeavors. Thank you!, you're right the community is great! thanks again. Regards, Rohan
  13. 1 point
    Welcome to Straya mate. I hope you enjoy your time, any problems you can pretty much message everyone, they'll help you. Especially the staff team, superb community. Look forward to seeing you around when I get back home!!!
  14. 1 point
    Welcome to the community mate! If you need any assistance feel free to give me a yell... I'm interested in engineering aswell, studying it at the moment in fact!
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    1. Pipi's Declaration script ( previous linked many many many times ). Maintain side chat / direct / email requirement for instruction but allows the 3rd party location to be removed from declaration. 2. Add Different farming / processing for legal runs . Some extra variations - ie: Beer , Jack Daniel production etc. 3. Add role play jobs? Ie: Governor script. Example: Player count = 10. Flag condition = true. Player vote Governor . Player majority count earns Governor Title. Player Governor able to set tax rate between 1%-10% for legal runs. Player Governor recieves 1%-10% of all gross legal sales. Script is checked every 2 hours. New Election held then. This would mean that the Elected player would receive the potential of a lot of income , but at the requirement of both low taxing players And also would require good role play with other Players to get elected. Players who excel or at least make some interesting role play would get elected into the position , and those who set the tax rate to high Would lose the server pop's respect and would not be elected in future. 4. Add a CAPTURE THE FLAG mechanic for a DRUG LORD DEN at the KOS rebel zone. The Church in the south west corner would be ideal. This location does not allow for control over any of the processing areas , has some basic fortification requiring breach and enter CQC to be used to take it and recapture it. Holding said FLAG CAPTURE AREA should allow said DRUG LORD to set a tax rate for illegal sales , 1%-10%. This would again force player interaction in the KOS area , forcing rebel and cartel groups to battle for ownership if they want extra control of illegal gains. While not forcing role play , it does somewhat advocate good role play for control of said area by rebel and cartel groups coming to an " Understanding " on who controls the "illegal" traffic so to speak. 5. Please please please - either LOWER the final product weight to 1 for all illegal goods when final processing is done , or RAISE the sale minimums and maximums so Players are more likely to actually use WEED , COCAINE , HEROIN , BLOOD DIAMOND and the never never used URANIUM. Cartels have very little way to actually make money from taxing players using there fields as no one would use illegal fields right now if they understood the sale to weight price ratios. 6. Get Spectral Back. His role play and role play events make this server. And everyone wants him here.
  17. 1 point
    I sometimes sit and think about you all, I might be driving or sitting in a train, or something. I need you to read and re-read what I am saying here. Don't take anything the wrong way. And it's not as weird as it may sound. A big part of me, it is Altis Life. It runs in my blood, every rock and building, bank, fed. Altis is my gal, sure she is a bit banged up, a few things are busted. But I am still crazy about her. I don't like it when people mistreat her, or talk her down, or try to hurt her. It gets me a bit.....upset. I don't "own" her, that's not what I mean. I just care. And I know all of you. Your likes, dislikes, the gang your in, the gang you were in before that, and the one before THAT, the worst thing you have done on the server, and the best. Your my guys, and even if your naughty, you break the rules...I still care. I am never "angry", or "hate you." If you dissapointed me, I will get over it. If you hate me, for whatever reason and want to tell anyone that will listen I am a jerk, well, that's up to you. Maybe I have to ban you. I don't like doing that. But I will. Ever since @LuckyB33f put Altis Life Admin on me I have worked. Hard. 30-40 hours a week is about average, more if it's in crisis. And I love it. I really do. I promise him I would treat her nice, and not disrespect her. Then I asked, and got Zeus. And oh MY we have had some fun. There are people I have put time into that have grown, as men, as staff, as leaders. I like that. Always back yourself, I see that in you all. One guy I had to kick off my SRT team, just, so angry, and I couldnt reach him, and he hated me, I knew he did, but I had to tell him "No.". Having hard conversations is hard, but the easy path is not one I like to take. And now? Well we talk every day. He is a different guy. None of this is me claiming their wins, it's just talking out loud. If you want to do something and I can help, come talk to me. If you need something to make something, come talk to me. I am happiest in a room full of excited Altians. I have heaps of them that at one point they disliked me. Now, we all talk all the time. Some are Cops. Sometimes you guys frustrate me. I am working on that, but given I usually have 20 people who need 5 minutes of time, and 6 TS chats open I am planning to make some "me" time, to play. I miss my Cop playtime. It's important to me, I haven't played in a week as I write this. So if I seem a bit vague or snappy, my bad. Cop is frustrating as well, trolls, criminals, meta gamers. I still love it. And my Cops need me. I am also very, very used to an accountable and professional workspace IRL. People do what they say they will. I thrive on that, and being challenged in a role, and being able to steer a project. Micro managing kills me. I have always liked people. I understand them. I can take someone that's screaming and make them....calm. I can have them pumped up to wage wars, or do anything. I have all the time in the world. If you live on Altis, Hi, I am Spectral. I am the Altis Life Admin. Together with Zomboid, we will be moving forward with rule tweaking, new bank post to tell you timers, requests on RP setups. Big thanks to Roger for being beside me. He and I will always be mates. Do I want to go Global? Big question, because I don't know. And noones asked. It's human nature to want to be told your doing well and you don't get that feedback here much. Players are more likely to say they are upset. My Boss IRL knows I thrive on that shit. And challenges. Goals. Anyway, that's all I have for now. If you love me, right back at you. If you hate me, well either I need to work harder or stop caring. Or you need to get over it. Pointless drama and power struggles..? Boring. Because none of it means anything. Plus I work with 90 guys who all want my job IRL. . Some people here I think, just don't like me because of the amount of people that DO. True story. Anyhow, that's all. I am Spectral, Spec, The Commish, and you can count on me. Lets go, the magic and fun, the growth, it's over here. I know the way. -Spec
  18. 1 point
    Removing the fishing pots from Sydney PD (Working On that myself on Eden) Sydney Police Department Recreation room Removing a majoring of the broken/Abandoned buildings in the major towns (Hard work, but worth it at the end) Firing range where all guns 7.62mm and under are allowed to be used without the cops caring More Clothing (Rebel And Civilian, see my previous suggestions) Advanced Crafting (More items to craft) Sydney Nightclub with Music Purchasable furniture packages for houses Buffing houses so they aren't made pointless by vehicles. I'll edit this when more ideas pop
  19. 1 point
    Bit of a late welcome but hope you're enjoying your stay on the server !
  20. 1 point