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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/17 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    Hi Lads, I'd like to say thanks for everyone involved in this year those who staffed, donated and enjoyed playing the servers. Without all of you we wouldn't be around. Together we have achieved more then I have ever dreamed. For one we are still up and running. This year my community goals were: Prizes for all of you. & Server upgrades. Next year my community goals are: To give back to the developers that spend all their time creating these servers. New servers - Could be anything from an Arma 3 Exile to Space Engineers. Bigger & more prizes for the community. More server upgrades. And for staff helpful training guides. Next year will bring bigger and better things and as we grow as a team we will grow as a community. LuckyB33f
  2. 1 point
    fitz its most likely the Apex launchers that people are using
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Can you please provide a $$ value for the transfer please.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Even if these are all valid points, it still stands that Rebels aren't given 9.3 machine guns etc. for a reason, hey SP remember before the Altis Life remaster came out, FED was piss easy for ya'll because you all had Navid's that could tear through Hunters and Striders like a 1000 degree knife through ice cream (ridiculous right!?) that is why these changes were made to balance out the way you have to play and maneuver to win a situation like fed. Like @Magix said FED and Neri bank are a high risk high reward situation, (use big guns get big moola) without sacrificing some of these weapons that can take hours to source you are not going to succeed in robbing Fed, that was why SP is so successful, you guys don't care about money, you can just go make it back again in the old days or buy a new Navid. However now that the tables have turned and you guys have to work for these high powered rifles and machine guns, from my point of view the system is balanced as is. And as for whether rebels and cops should be allowed to log on and respond to Fed bank etc. ABSOLUTELY! After all the economy on the server it has been made for fun, trust me when i say it wouldn't be much fun to sit down in Sydney LAC or as rebel at rebel 1 while all your buddies are smashing Fed or bank etc. although i think some of the cop situations are a bit edgy when they have pulled out things that shouldn't have but after all the server was made for fun, not be be ultra realistic. That's where i think we all get caught up, yeah this might not be to real life scale but it is supposed to be fun. If you want something realistic go rob a bank IRL (just kidding don't) To finish off i think the system is fine as it stands and doesn't need to be changes and i think everyone needs to sit back and just have fun while they are playing cop or rebel and doing Fed or bank. Lose a lynx? WHO CARES after all its a game and everything can be regained and like i said Fed and bank are high risk high reward, if you aren't going to put effort or money and big guns into doing it you are not going to succeed.
  7. 1 point
    Firstly Thanks @Tracuer For hosting this Awesome Zeus Mission. And thanks to all those who came along. So over the course of 4 Hours @Tracuer ran a challenging but great zeus mission that saw Charlie PLT Infiltrate, Seek out and Destroy IEDs that could prove harmfull for BLUFOR Units. Along with this we were tasked to investigate possibilities of Intel and information relating to AAF Involvement within that AO. We started off very well, moving through the first town and encampment with ease, even managing to ascertain a hostile AAF Prisoner, Whilst we suffered minimal casualties we managed to push through to the AAF occupied town of Zaros, once the AAF had spotted us, They arranged heavy reinforcements from the CSAT. This however challenging resulted in the need for Charlie PLT to call in the support of eight BLUFOR Squads. With the support of the combined NATO forces Charlie PLT was able to evacuate the town of Zaros in search for Intel and IEDs in other towns. Sadly Charlie PLT had to suffer through another onslaugh by the CSAT forces in the small town of Therisa. From there we were forced to push through the town of Poliakko. Once clear HICOM reported warehouses with stored Intel located in the town of Zaros. An thus Charlie PLT made its way through Zaros clearing from building to building to finaly reach and secure all Intel, Unfortunately for Charlie PLT the Intel was coded and was turned over to the capable hands of HICOM. In the begining we started out with thirteen strong CTRG Troops. Unfortunately we faced the realistic ventures of war and lost almost half our numbers. Thanks @Rogmantosh for the Great Screenshots
  8. 1 point
    Whats has been done so far: @insanD - https://gyazo.com/83491f9df2ea98e6a4116c96dcf8c1c0 @vizzN - I extended the gate coming more back (internally) to PD This should mean both gates won't open at the same time - https://gyazo.com/30be98022c2038f99526826cf0138a4f @Leopard - Majority of your checklist is done I need to discuss a few things with you regarding SRT base, Neri, and jail. However, pretty much everything on the list you gave me is completed. I will show you everything when we have a chat. @Magix - Oil deposits have been moved there are now 2 processors, traders, and deposits on both sides of the map. - https://gyazo.com/d7064aabfdb354f8fa57776462b8de12 (Excuse the crappy drawing) @Zorgain - All walls and random objects EXTERNALLY have been removed from westpac, just an office building with an internal design - https://gyazo.com/f3e8242d48d7abbc22657c18b0b986a4 Im not sure who suggested this I think it was Leopard but a kiosk has been placed where cops can go and answer questions etc. Please, keep suggestions coming and I will have a look at them and see what I can do. Cheers, Excel