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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Or if you have a gang tag on, personally I get targeted if I’m at Sydney with my tags on, as soon as I get there no matter how perfectly I drive I get pulled over, or even questioned on the side of the rosd
  2. 2 points
    Also @Wex saying civs have it harder than cops is complete and utter bs. Went on GD yesterday for literally 5 minutes and got VDM'd so I told the guy he was an idiot supposedly he saw that as enitiation; then shot me straight in the head and as per usual had every man and his dog come to myself and my partners body and steal all our stuff. (He got a 2 day ban later that night) As a civ you aren't targeted by other civs unless to try to be. Cops will only pay any attention to you if you're hanging around the area looting bags and shit. I've never experienced a cop just shooting a civ claiming crossfire if that civ doesn't have a gun out, however if that does occur I incourage you to take it to command. Civs seem to think that looting cops, stealing cop cars and having a gun out looking sketch as f*ck won't warrant you being knocked down. One thing I've also noticed now with the safe zone being extended to stop the cancer of market and the constant sound of vehicles blowing up is that people are just driving around in their cars in that area desync ramming and just ramming other vehicles as there's no consiquence that will come of it unless an admin is watching.
  3. 1 point
    Last time I checked all cars had to registered? As such, when the RO of a vehicle is wanted you can pull them over. Doesn't always mean its them, but that's beyond enough proof for a traffic stop. At the end of the day this ain't the US, you don't even need prob cause to initiate a traffic stop. I've personally never seen a cop lethal and unarmed civilian whether they're in a gang or not. Not sure if you play a different game from me, however, I play a lot of civ as well and never see this massacre that you talk of. As for civ on civ rdm, it happens. It's a public server with no mods so it is bound to happen. However if we were to remove that public factor of the server the server pop would drop by 90 players. If cops can't roleplay, retrain them. If they shoot anyone who is in the area, retrain them or punish them. At the end of the day this is a game and getting shot because you have a gun out in a combat sit. isn't crazy. VLR. Promotions are wrecked and have been for the entire time i've played on this server. The new shift to different stations doesn't help the matter and like I said previously this is a game and you shouldn't be held a rank for months on end when you are more than capable to progress. Not only that but there are people who have been around for around a month who are getting promoted to inspector (cough cough.) I prefer playing civ with mates nowadays just because of the toxicity and the fact that there are certain members of the community who would literally suck the pee pee of a higher up to get recognized or put in complaints for things that really don't matter at the end of the day.
  4. 1 point
    Civs at rebel bases get run over, vdmed, restrained all the time and they can't do anything about it. If a civ does something like that to cops, they can do something about it because they don't have safezone restrictions. When I was a trial mod, I received a message about people ****ing around in Cartel. I spent half an hour there just to control the situation and people still ignored me while I was a mod suit. I had to ban a whole gang that night because they wouldn't stop being trolls. If people were trolling in PD, you could easily send them to jail instead of getting a staff member to deal with them. In Sydney, Civs are victims of RDM and VDM more than cops mainly due to the number of civs there are. I've sat on Sydney Bridge with a few others and have been a victim and witnessed multiple RDMs/VDMs within an hour and it was all civ on civ, no cops involved. I'm not saying this happens all the time, but you do get shot at cops for being in an area, even if you're unarmed and haven't done anything wrong or suspicious. As a civ you are up against trolls and trigger happy cops who can't roleplay properly. As a cop you are only up against trolls. It's not bullshit when I say civs have it harder. When I started on this server, I only played cop and rarely hopped on civ. Towards the end of my time as Commissioner, I played civ for a couple weeks and experienced first hand the countless complaints I've received about the state of cops. Questioning someone because of the name above their head and the gang they're associated to is metagame. You don't know any of that information in character and most of the time people do it just to arrest them.
  5. 1 point
    This would more or less be the solution to all solutions. Rebel vehicles also shouldn't show registration on the speed radar.
  6. 1 point
    If this isn't being addressed, then honestly what is there to gain from the cop force, forcing you to stay at a rank because "reasons". This is one of the reasons that I stop playing with the cop force as a general whole, over the past few months, because players were getting warnings and demotions without being told the reason.
  7. 1 point
    Couldn't agree more with this Invic. These are solid ideas that should be definitely taken into consideration. I would really like to highlight the nerfing, or even better yet, the removal of these putrid drones. Absolutely no skill required and really destroys the entire wasteland feel. As of recent there seems to be a major influx in the toxicity of a number of players on the server. I think that a lot of the issues you mentioned above would rid them of this toxic behavior and bring back a more well balanced infantry fighting environment that all us vets crave for in the OG wasteland and also force people into squads to fight for territory as it should be.
  8. 1 point
    And it's stressful as a civ RPing when you have 10 cops that can kill you and claim crossfire as well as the other 7 civs with masks running around with a gun hidden somewhere. Civs have it harder than cops, don't make excuses.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Invade & Annex Server Rules These rules are enforced in addition to our Community Guidelines. These rules may be changed at any time without warning. If you have any issues, queries or comments, feel free to get in touch with a staff member These rules are subject to the discretion of our staff. General 1. Hacking and mission exploitation will not be tolerated. 2. Advertising of other communities will not be tolerated. 3. Intentional teamkilling/team-damaging will not be tolerated. 4. Excessive, unintentional teamkilling may result in a kick/temp ban. 5. Unnecessary destruction of BLUFOR vehicles will not be tolerated. 6. Hate speech, racism, discrimination, abuse, and bullying is strictly prohibited within our community. (This includes telling a pilot they suck) 7. Firing a weapon on base--unless at an enemy--may result in a kick/temp ban. 8. Artillery/mortar/CAS use must follow the Rules of Engagement (ROE) at all times https://strayagaming.com.au/forums/topic/15329-ia-jetcasartillery-roe/ 9. Griefing and obstructive play will not be tolerated. This includes stealing another player's vehicle or equipment. 10. This is a co-op server. Exclusive play, such as teamkilling another group at Side missions or calling it for your own group, will not be tolerated. 11. Players wishing to use rewards gained from successfully completing Side Missions must ask the player/group who completed the mission if it is okay to do so. The reward is forfeited if 15 minutes have passed since the reward was issued. 12. Where applicable, you should try your best to perform the duties of your chosen class - medics are expected to revive and treat incapacitated/injured players, engineers are expected to repair vehicles, etc. Failure to do so can result in removal from the role. 13. A staff member's decision is final. If you disagree with a decision or believe it was made in error, please do not abuse our staff members, instead submit a ticket on our Discord. 14. If you encounter any issues or see someone breaking the rules, do not take matters into your own hands. Please submit a support ticket on our Discord and include any evidence you have (screenshots, video, etc.) - one of our staff will resolve your issue as soon as possible. Communications Voice and text chat 1. Spamming comms will not be tolerated. 2. Arguing on comms will not be tolerated. 3. Shouting/screaming/ear-rape/soundboarding on comms will not be tolerated. 4. Excessive conversation irrelevant to the game or by non-pilots in the Discord Aviation channel will result in your removal from the channel. Pilots have priority over other players in this channel. 5. Music is allowed in vehicle/direct chat but must be turned off if requested. Aviation Pilots have their own specialised roles, therefore they come with additional responsibilities. If you have any issues with a pilot, please report the player to a staff member. Pilots must ensure that they are not flying over or near Side Missions that can trigger a timer or cause the enemy to change to an alert state. Heli pads 1-4, the Medevac pad, and the grassed area are to be used as a staging area for passenger transport helis & VTOLs ONLY. Grassed area may also be used as an emergency landing area if required. It is in the best interest of pilots to call their movements when flying around base (e.g Crossing runways, Landing Pad 2/Dusting Pad 2). This should prevent confusion and accidental crashes at base. Please note that pilots are not obliged to follow instructions from a person playing as ATC (Air Traffic Controller), it is up to each pilot if they wish to comply or not. If we determine your piloting skills to be incredibly subpar or disruptive to other players (including in Discord), you may be blacklisted from the role. 1. All pilots and the UAV operator MUST be on our Discord server--in the correct Aviation channel--and communicative. Your microphone can be muted but your speakers must be unmuted at all times. Exception if Discord is down or full. 2. You MUST be a pilot to fly an aircraft. If you are a non-pilot and there are less than 20 players on the server, then you may fly a helicopter in co-pilot. If there are over 20 players: Non-pilots may fly a Hummingbird to and from Side mission only. Pilots are not permitted to fly the Hummingbird located northeast of base (at 'Side' base). Non-pilots are not permitted to fly the Hummingbird(s) at main spawn. 3. Please respect the Discord pilot queue by checking Aviation channel chat. This is done by typing "P1, P2" for Transport Pilots and, "F1, F2" for Fighter Pilots. If you jump the queue, you will be removed from the slot. If someone has jumped the queue in front of you, inform a staff member. Delete your post once you have received a slot. If a pilot's game crashes, it is up to the next pilot in the queue whether they take the slot or wait for the previous pilot to return. 4. At server restart, the pilot slots are first in, first served. Your position in the queue is irrelevant. If you are waiting in the queue near restart time, try your best to get a slot at restart or continue waiting. In the event of a server crash or unscheduled restart, pilots retain their slots where possible. 5. CAS pilots and UAV operators must follow the ROE at all times https://strayagaming.com.au/forums/topic/15329-ia-jetcasartillery-roe/ 6. Only 1 pilot is allowed per aircraft. Exception is if a pilot has requested evac. 7. Transport pilots must land their aircraft on one of the marked pads on the apron at main spawn. If all pads are occupied, find a suitable place to land nearby, such as the grassed area behind the pads. Pilots must give priority to all aircraft needing the Medevac pad. It shall remain clear unless all other marked pads are occupied, or if needed for a priority tasking. The Vehicle Transport Blackfish is to be used to transport vehicles and supply crates ONLY. Transportation of troops in the Vehicle Blackfish is not permitted unless they are in a loaded vehicle. The Vehicle Transport Blackfish is not permitted to land on or near Helipads and must use the Airlift Pad located on the taxiway near runway 22R/04L. All Vehicle and Cargo transport must be loaded from the Airlift pad. 8. Pilots must not play as infantry while in a pilot slot. This includes completing, or attempting to complete, infantry objectives (e.g. Radio Tower, CSAT Commander). Pilots can wait a maximum of 5 minutes for repairs/evac. 9. You must be able to fly AND LAND any aircraft with reasonable competence. If you do not have experience in any aircraft, you may be asked to leave the role. 10. This is a public server. Aircraft are not private/reserved transport. A pilot’s primary role is to provide timely, efficient, and indiscriminate transport of players, vehicles, and cargo to and from objectives for all players. 11. If you are an inexperienced pilot, please consider the time and enjoyment of others. The editor is there for a reason. If you see any player in violation of the above rules, contact a staff member on Discord by submitting a support ticket, or typing !admin ingame.
  11. 0 points
    Might I suggest to reap more consumer surplus and maximize profits. Charge an initially high price, to be progressively cheaper per unit time the greater the donation period lasts, for single entry donations < AUD 120. It'd be more profitable as opposed to fixed AUD 10 payouts. Say AUD 17.5 monthly for 1 month, 34.0 for 2, 48 for 3, 58.0 for 4 ... ... Point being of such a system would be to earn as many donors' dollars as possible for those unwilling to expend a lump sum payment of AUD 120. I'd also recommend conferring some permanent but limited benefits for this subset of donors through permanent Area 51 availability to increase donation appeal. Whitelisting would of course be reserved for the ≥ AUD 120 donors. That way one could capture the portion of the market who are unwilling to do a AUD 120 donation, yet don't perceive current planned temporary benefits of limited donation were worth the costs. I hope my wording hasn't caused confusion, I'm not the most lucid of people as I write this.
  12. 0 points