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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/18 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    If rebels can go 24 hours without breaking a rule, sure.
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
    wow there you go devs add that to shop config epic dev time held up on that one sorry connor "arifle_ARX_blk_F" "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green"
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    There are plenty of budget guns Katiba, contractor base and air drops for like mk18 and what not doesn't really seem like something that should be taking up the devs time when there are plenty of more important issues on the server.
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    Hey Fitz! Appreciate all the time and effort and countless hours keeping these servers running. There are a handful of us that play on the Tanoa/Malden server ( xGrubx, Zack, Gdog ) and the general consensus is that we would prefer a dedicated Tanoa server with only the Classic I&A game play. I've dabbled in mission editing and can only imagine the mammoth task involved in creating new and interesting game play modes for gamers, so I understand if it's not possible. Anyway, just wanted to post some feedback. PS: The Snipers are BRUTAL!!!! Love it!
  8. 1 point
    Alright, here we go, I will do the honors and tackle this head first. In this post I will outline and explore the issues regarding the Wasteland server and I will propose optimal solutions in order to fix the server and help recreate the fun, populated Wasteland Server we all know and love. Myself and many others would like to see this positive change as the server can currently be much better. Once again I would like to start by reminding you that I don’t own a stake in StrayaGaming, I don’t gain anything other than fun from the server success. Bluntly the Wasteland server is not fun anymore and has lost its charm. This is due to the poor server performance and additional implementations/restrictions. So at one stage people were unhappy that keep getting killed by Vehicles? Why? Reality was everyone complaining was sitting down camping in the gun store? No one had the realisation “Ohhh that’s a bad idea let's try something else?” People can get weapons through the missions too? Unfortunately others saw this and took it the wrong way and removed vehicle functionality? This ultimately impinges upon the integrity of the player base. In reality, a squad can’t be everywhere at the same time, people need to split up. There is always a way in Wasteland and I have never found myself in a dead end with 0 options. 2 Primary issues as follows: Server Performance is terrible - limited view range impinges upon PVP Gameplay. Gameplay has deviated from a KOTH Style across map deathmatch to a restricted grinding simulator. How can we fix this? Revert back to vanilla and build up from the bottom, only put required scripts and remove anything which doesn’t positively contribute to the gameplay. This will also help resolve the current state of the gameplay. As mentioned the gameplay is not fun anymore and has deviated from the original KOTH style across map deathmatch. This is a large reason as to why the dedicated playerbase has left, there is nothing fun to do anymore, proper fights have been removed. Vehicle use has been “balanced” to a point that is beyond ridiculous. Grinding the game for money provides you with a currency in which you can use to purchase tools that will help you get more money. This right here is what has disappeared. You grind to get money which you can use to purchase ineffective vehicles and other useless tools??? People want to be able to spend 100k on a jet that can get 50-100 kills, people don’t want to spend 100k on a jet that will get shot down because AA costs under 10k for the launcher and 6 rockets, additionally you can position yourself anywhere on the map, you can be in a ghillie and hide away, what chance is a jet going to have? They are loud and noisy, can only rearm on the landed on ground which they are vulnerable and susceptible to random spawn solo vehicle rams and across map AT. AA Tanks cost cost less than half the price and can smoke a jet. Logically, why use air if it is useless? “The level of difficulty to spot players who may have ghillies and are masked with so much terrain in comparison to a loud Jet which you can hear and identify from so far. You can be hiding anywhere and all you need is an average backpack or 2 well-placed AA rockets to rip apart a Jet. Imagine 3-4 players all with AA part of a nice big Opfor Squad Each with backpacks full of AA.” Air is unbalanced because much of it is effective at long range only, therefore changing playstyle is required and much skill is needed to make use of the purchase. I also think that rearm should be free, people should be able to infinitely rearm such as in KOTH. The gamemode needs to reflect balancing of KOTH to bring the fun aspects into existence. Many may not understand but when you get pounded by a infinitely armed mortar the adrenaline that comes with the unexpected attack and the strategy involved to take it out was amazing(never really used mortars that much). The fight to hold the airfield and maintain air superiority was amazing, then if you had a jet on your team you had to protect it every time it had to rearm. There should also be a bank wipe with such changes. 3D spotting is also gone, as are thermals, how do you spot hidden ground players now in vehicles? If they are not in open areas near high risk areas what can you? Vehicles are bigger and make noise when they move. Handheld AA and AT just gets better and better. You spend plenty of money on expensive vehicles that are almost useless. Once again we must look at KOTH to realise how far we have deviated from the style once replicated in Wasteland. (Other issues and their solutions) Additional Issues brought up by other veterans: - “AA/AT compact launchers too cheap -Verona launcher should be cheaper, ammo needs to be expensive ~ $1500per - OP Gunstore bases designs. (prevents new player progression) needs build item limit within gunstore radius - Increase vehicle storage +1 - Fix pawnee flare and radar” Thank you for reading, I hope that these changes are taken into consideration and greater help is provided to allow the server to be max population again. I have spent time writing this because I care, please don’t respond with a thoughtless comment that adds no value to this thread. 1,000 words because I care...
  9. 1 point
    Name: Bob Player ID (If Blacklisted): 76561198391938737 Date of Disciplinary Action: 9 months ago What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: Police Blacklist Who were you Disciplined by: Mitch Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: Meta gamed Why the appeal should be accepted: It was a while ago i have become mature enough to not let this mistake happen again i wasn't aware of the consequences of my actions and i promise if i am let back into the cop force nothing of that sort will happen again. Any other information: I am sorry for what i did wrong.
  10. 1 point
    Anyone still around from like 2years ago lol! My name is Al Shabab please tell me at least 1 person remembers! I was SGT before i stopped playing. REMEMBER VITALE? Please lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DS4nzrm2PmI anyone still around?
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    I think it should be added its an amazing gun
  13. 1 point
    Yeah got you, this can definitely wait, just want it implemented at some point.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Pretty pointless the strider meta forces 7.62. If the type 115 is added is anyone gonna use it over a zafir or mk1?
  16. 1 point
    its just ya normal 6.5×39 mm without the 50 added to it so i dont really see a point when everyone already has access to enough 6.5
  17. 1 point
    @Skyfise You would have to get it past @Lotza. P.S. I have tried before and the result is quite obvious.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    who ever did the vomit react has ligma
  21. 1 point
    It's not too hard to become a cop, you've just gotta find a time where the pub slots aren't taken. (Your to-do list is essentially just this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-kd9AoyU-nkgQVf5R5-i3iAeNKpsmE6g7igTPttrHcM/edit ) A summarised checklist: -Have your induction training (This will be done once you get a pubslot) -Total 15 hours as a pub slot (You do have to time this your self) -Receive at least 2 recommendations from Senior Constables+ Once you've done that you can put in an application to become a full time cop at https://strayagaming.com.au/forum/587-full-time-enlistment/
  22. 0 points
    If someone manages to ddos the server for 24 hours, this still applies
  23. 0 points
  24. 0 points
  25. 0 points
    You're that guy that drives 300 down main road and kills anything E: Aha, I was misinformed, you can ignore my comment. Welcome back if you are coming back.