Name: Daniel Wallace
Callsign: [K24W]
Training Completed By: iamjack
List all Pub Slot Inductions you have done: Alfonso, Kevin Stevenson, Carlos, Shades Runner, Roach, Soulgamer11, YassySassy, Chris J., Bobert Jones, Billy Winsor, Laeffy, Ajax, Keeno, Officer Joe, KingCalleja
Why do you deserve a promotion? (50 Words min)
To be blunt, I already have experience being a Sergeant and know how to work effectively as one. My goal is to move up with GD and help others as I go along, and I am certain that with my experience in the APD thus far, I will be able and willing to assist more people as I spend more time going through GD. I have been dedicated to the APD and have put a lot of effort and time into being an officer, and I think that, if this promotion were to come through, I am confident greater things will be achieved for not just myself, but others that stand with me.
Who would recommend you for a promotion? Big Kev, Harry, Dandoo, Holski, Johny V., FarmerGeorge, Michael Steiner, JdawgZ, Milkdud
? that ones for you Kev