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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/16 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    Wasteland Update #5 Added: R3F 3.1 - New building system and towing system. Object placement is now fully free and you can place it exactly where you want. Towing now requires the car to behind the towing vehicle to hook it up. New admin tools. Objects are automatically deleted around any mission in a radius of 300 metres. Watermark screen logo. Multiple new mission convoys added. Store movements - Vehicle store moved from Strogos Bay to Camp Maxwell. Gun Store east of Air Station Mike-26 moved to Kill Farm. One side mission - Resupply Mission - Find the laptop and it will call in a Huron lifting a crate. Changed: Sell Vehicle script changes. Updated Teamspeak IP on map. Mission changes Mobilised vehicle - Is actually damaged and sometimes needs to be repaired. Added listing of rules in diary entries on the map. Price changes - Attack helicopters and jet prices changed. Still subject to change Things to come: Redesign of player interaction menu. Coming Soon Bounty system. One Day More Tweaks of gun-store and gen store. More new custom missions and changes to mission convoys, including the Coastal Patrol. Extra skins for supporters. New Support system. R3F 3.1 Video
  2. 2 points
    Hi guys, thought this would be relevant to our interests. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/150499-ai-discussion-dev-branch/?p=3002882 BI developer: And also: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/189479-ai-suppress-command/ Improved AI suppression. Rest assured these new toys will be made use of on the server when they are released.
  3. 2 points
  4. 1 point
    Greetings, It seems to go without saying, the current wasteland tablet is fairly outdated, so today we've been working on a new Player Menu tablet we'll- if all going well -be including in the next Wasteland Update. Nothing major, or secretive, so with consent I've included a wee time lapse for the extra curious >;). This isn't the absolute final design, and quite a few changes are expected to be made before it's installed.
  5. 1 point
    Hey guys, some of you may of seen Wasteland was updated the other day with new mission spawns currently there is alot of scripts that are missing and some bugs. One of the biggest changes was r3f 3.1 building system, move info here : Known bugs : Currently when you open a parachute at low levels you glide to the side like the wind is blowing you making it hard to glide to where you would like to go. Weapon sway, Hard to aim down sides etc Players randomly getting killed and getting stuck on black screen Car/ heli towing, currently you need to back the car you are towing with right to the front of car/heli you are wanting to tow. Selling crates, after selecting sell crate the crate does get delete while the player is moving it we are looking into moving some of the Gun stores,General stores,Vehicle stores and ATM's around, All prices are subject to change. Please post any bugs on this post Thank you.
  6. 1 point
    http://plays.tv/video/56ff9662506044277b/enter-fight-club http://plays.tv/video/56ff919297bc20a845/fight-club http://plays.tv/video/56ff9256706e1ee5f4/fight-club-1 http://plays.tv/video/56ff95c56184aac420/fight-club-3 http://plays.tv/video/56ff9a5beacce1d8df/fight-club-5 http://plays.tv/video/56ff9b125ffe558eed/finale
  7. 1 point
    https://www.rt.com/news/337830-russian-officer-palmyra-isis/ Surrounded by Islamic State fighters in the battle for Palmyra on Easter Sunday, 25 year old Aleksandr made the decision to call in an airstrike on his own position, taking dozens of Islamic State soldiers with him. Military analysts believe that airstrike was a turning point in the battle for Palmyra, with government forces--backed by Russian warplanes--winning the battle a day later.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    TrueBlue's Fight Club!!!!!!
  10. 1 point
    loved it even with the fact i just ran security and didn't fight love it and keep up the good work spec you're doing a really good job with the community
  11. 1 point
    Magician is coming homie, it looks the bees knees and it should be a cool beans time. It's to bad true blue will be the first to die but hey, there always has to be someone to take the hit <3heart<3heart
  12. 1 point
    Medics - Blood Drive Event. Some great RP and some real fun. Also a few explosions at the end, but that's Sydney for ya I guess. Great job @Zomboid and all of his Medics, great RP and some fun for the players. Lets keep ticking off The 25!! @Marc_R Zomboid rallied his Medics and they nailed it.
  13. 1 point
    A big thanks to all who attended and donated blood at today's blood drive. Was great fun and good to see some quality role play. Thanks, Senior Medic Fletcher
  14. 1 point
    Standing Ovation for SP, truly, knocking over all of the Rebel challenges, now for the 5th, wow, should be epic. Good work!! Sitting down to watch the Gas Station robberies.