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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/17 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Premium Member Giveaway - August All current Premium Members for the month of August and any Premium Members who make the purchase over the time of this month will automatically be granted one entry into the Premium monthly giveaway! Up for grabs this month: Three (3) copies of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Prizes Drawn on the 31st of August. Time will be announced closer to the draw date. Best of luck to you all. If you are not currently a Premium Member, you can purchase a subscription: HERE Please Note: If we get 150 Premium Members we can give away things like gaming chairs, graphics cards and more high tier items!
  2. 3 points
    7/08/17 Changes: Added another one of @Tim's HQs. Vanilla sling loading should work fine now. (Still looks desync-y from other player's perspective but fine for pilots). Added relative direction to Incoming Missile Warnings (Front, Behind, etc.). Removed Shikra CAS. Few other minor changes.
  3. 2 points
    As most of you are aware i started the process of having a weekly scheduled Altis Life Meeting for the entire community. If you want to provide input or find out whats going on then you are welcome to showup and either listen or provide input. By no means is this mandatory, i have organised weekly meetings so that i can make everyone aware of whats going on within Altis Life as well as changes. The procedure for the meeting is as follows. -1830 AEST so 6:30pm Meeting commences - Administrators opening statements -Administrators go through last weeks points and announce changes as well as ideas that have been denied and the reasons why -Administrators discuss what is coming up in terms of events / Changes to Factions / Pricing of items / General Quality of Life changes -Open forum for the community commences ( Everyone has there say 1 by 1) - Administrators right everything down - Further points and rebuttles are discussed -Run over points and vote on each point - Meeting concludes The idea behind conducting a meeting every week is to bring the community together, discuss changes and make fixes. Information on forums sometimes gets misplaced or isnt read. We all want 100% community involvement because it is you guys who play and enjoy the server. The staff want to balance the server out as much as possible as well asd provide new opportunities for everyone. By getting involved you get to have your say. Their are a few house rules when you are participating in the meeting. - Be polite - Do not interupt anyone whilst there speaking - Your turn will come so be patient - No-one is to argue, you will be immediately removed from the channel This meetings is strictly for ideas and discussions in making our Altis Life server better. We are not here to point the finger at anyone or accuse anyone of anything. There is a time and place for that and its not here. Over the coming weeks we will look at getting others involved in the process. If your someone who continues to provide ideas and contributes to the community we will find some sought of reward for you in doing so. Everyone within this community has there own ideas, you do not have to agree with them however you must respect a persons judgement, its the best way of gaining everyones respect. I hope to see you all tonight at the meeting, Just look for myself in teamspeak. Thankyou.
  4. 2 points
    Thanks for chucking that in brackets, wasn't quite sure what you meant when you said "Three" :)
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
    Good suggestions. Was hoping for feedback from a few more players though. Keep in mind that most of the changes chosen to be implemented are going to be fairly low-priority compared to some other things being worked on at the moment. Also, this stuff is all subject to trial & error. I don't know what's going to be the best way to have the FOBs or not unless I try it and players give me feedback. If I don't get feedback on things that are changed, I can only assume there's no issues with it. Yes. Probably. Possibly a Medevac HQ instead of Huron medical though. Yes, or something similar. Yes, needs to be easier to get it up and running. Might not end up working exactly like that, but definitely something similar. Yes, but adding this would be low priority. In the meantime, I think I can add just regular leaderboard (P) score. Currently two fire teams can spawn and assault the FOB but they have no AT or AA capabilities. Mainly because it can be annoying/unexpected. Maybe once the FOB is improved, I can change it up a bit, but for now it will stay as is. Maybe. This would be good. I will probably add a Medevac building like the one at main base.
  7. 1 point
    Firstly, the only successful rust server straya has ever hosted was made by me so your attempt at talking shit is invalid and almost as irrelevant as most of the trash videos and useless posts like this one that you make on a daily basis.... Secondly, you say it's free but it's very high intensity on the dedi which means if it's not made as a separate server by itself then the other servers are gonna have a cry because they'll start lagging Thirdly, you state you were some big dog on this community that had 60-110 players online but gave it up to come back to SG just to ask for a new rust server that's a fresh start? If you really just wanted a rust server regardless of the watermark/host-name you would've stuck to your server that was apparently quite successful or as Nova stated you would've asked to merge with strayagaming keeping the successful player base of the server as well as helping out SG at the same time, so the way you've done it here is you've either ditched that server in an attempt to use rust to make your way back into the staff team so you can probably end up having a sook and wrecking the youtube again or your apparent successful server was never existent and that's just your way of attempting to get some sort of praise and to make yourself look good in hope that the SG Leads will let you create there 4th and once again unsuccessful rust server :)... To conclude this statement, stop with the dropkick posts and pollution of the forums and stick to making your trash videos xx... Don't attempt to roast me when i haven't even started on you yet ;) much love. Yours sincerely, Brodie!
  8. 1 point
    Wouldn't you come back with the server and players and ask to put the sg name on it. thereby increasing the playerbase of your server and allowing us to have a rust server?
  9. 1 point
  10. 0 points
    Perhaps a nice little thing which would make going to the FOB better would be once the FOB is activated, have the typical AI squads and equipment spawn there to make it feel alive. It's kinda weird when you go to the FOB when an AO is right near and there's just no one and nothing there - makes it a bit dead