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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/24/17 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Members with less than 10 content count will have newly posted content requiring approval. This has come about to stop spammers and other advertising that staff have been dealing with manually for now. If your content requires approval, don't panic forum staff will get notified and check it out when they can.
  2. 2 points
    Hi lads, We have been running around doing some random things in Altis Life other then just been deced on every 2 seconds... We were running around as construction workers rebuilding Sydney City... Thank you to @DJ_JoozBrorg for been site medical officer @Wex @Milkdud For traffic control... And the council workers slacking off as always @Subnoize @Jacob Richardson @Sam01 #itsnotalwaysaboutthedecs
  3. 2 points
    you can work towards it by being a regular player on the server. with atleast 500-700 hours on the server aswell as not being toxic as brodie has said
  4. 2 points
    just keep it as is, adding an overly complex script is just encouraging Murphey's Law and also adding to the workload of dev team in implementing and maintaining the server, and besides, that lase is really only an issue if you forget it exists
  5. 2 points
    Good Player: Nope. Veteran: Phew!
  6. 1 point
    Name on Database: maderboy Callsign: S05W Rank:SARGENT Age:22 Questionnaire: - Why do you want to join the Altis Police Department Academy (100 words min)?: I help out with the recruits and help any body that needs help with what ever they need and I am always am co and I can improve being the best at what I can do I wanted to be a Detective but I am mostly co and being a co and a Detective is not going to work out as good as I thought even though every body loves me as the great and not the real Canadian but the real American but I am use to be called the Canadian Iv been with this team for 9months and iv improved my self to the team and I thank mitch wex jeb Lachlan det josh Mathew warlock cat What can you bring to the Academy? (50 words min)?: better roleplay for the Recruits give them the best traning for there rank for the sever to be more better help so they don't **** up if they **** up I will give them more traning for them to help them do as what they are meant to be to set for the police force if they don't improve they might get a 1v1 best to my ability roleplay as a civ going through all and everything that I knowing over the past 9 months Do you wish to work in Enlistment or Training? Why? (50 words min)?: both why u might say I want to do both because in my off time I do a lot of training with the new recruits Iv done so many Induction Training for the police force and I love doing it because it give me a break from being co Enlistment there is many to do an Enlistment for a new person to the police force cat had is own way and I have my own way of doing it the best way to do the Enlistment to be on the police force it to get to know the Character of the person u are about to get to join the police force How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department?: 5 to 6 hrs maybe 8 to 10 Have you ever been the subject of Disciplinary Action within the APD? If so when and why? yes and can`t remember most of them Conclusion: - Have you read the Altis Police Department Protocols?: (Y/N) y Have you read the Altis Police Department Academy Staff Guidelines?: (Y/N) no cant find it Do you acknowledge that by partaking in illegal or 'Rebel' activities you do not have the right to apply for Speciality Divisions within the APD such as SRT, POLAIR, Detectives and The Police Academy: (Y/N y
  7. 1 point
    Hey all, I was playing the server last night and noticed it was a bit rubberbandy over 90 players. Obviously we have spent most of this year dealing with crashes and mass kicks but now that both those issues are resolved its time to address the desync. Starting from 3pm today Altis Life will be running on our second dedicated server for a trial. The second server has a better CPU for Arma so we are wanting to see if being on it reduces the lag at all which will help us decide what to do from here. The server is isolated from I&A and Wasteland so it cannot impact their performance, and they cannot impact ours. It is also connected to the same database so there are no dramas there. Cheers
  8. 1 point
    First & Foremost I would like to begin by addressing a massive issue in the server the police Statement 1:First of all the police in the police force are extremely corrupt & will arrest you for no reason , Taking A Piss , Walking Around , Swearing They Have Arrested Me For The Dumbest Reasons I Have gotten 2 officers punished by reporting them this is extremely unacceptable the police force should be reset as 50 - 60% of all cops are legit useless and will do anything to make a quick buck the corruption has gotten so bad now that the server is starting to lose players me my self have been a victim of the corruption & abuse by the police if this has ever happend to you then you will know how god damn ****ing annoying it is to be arrested and to have to watch everything that you worked for go down the drain because of extremely stupid officers that cant do their job. Statement 2:Police doing anything to cover up their asses many police officers have META GAMED VDM'D Fail Rp'd And when you go to a admin for help they usually just let them go Scot free now im not saying that all of the admins are like this because i would like to congratulate some admins for doing their jobs @Pezza Your one of theml. And i know it makes me sound like im bitching but its actually a serious issue concerning everyone im personally probs gonna leave this server just because of the corruption & how ****ing dumb it is that we all just get killed & shit like that for no reason Please Upvote This If You Belive That The Corruption Needs To Stop We're All Sick Of The Police's Bull Shit #****THEPOLICE!
  9. 1 point
    I was working hard at doing nothing alright, geez
  10. 1 point
    As a long term member of the SG community this change has affected me tremendously :(
  11. 1 point
    I was thinking that you have to activate the FOB for side missions to spawn, even possibly making the FOB a sorta side mission HQ type thing where side missions spawn around it so you can spawn there's instead of base mabey add a little bird or a few hunters for side mission troops to get to the mission , this would stop people activating the FOB for side missions to spawn only for them to kill them self to get back to base to grab the side bird to fly to the mission also mabey make the available respawn tickets per medical vehicle More, adding a heli that spawns at FOB so pilots can possibly transport troops from FOB to AO
  12. 1 point
    Matte black skin for the ghost hawks, give them that really stealth chopper look. I think it would look pretty mint
  13. 1 point
    Fixed. We already established that it isn't impossible to achieve
  14. 1 point
    well technically you are progressing in life if you can have the spare funds to donate, now if it decided who gets it, it'll probably be based on ability/how regular you are and if you are toxic or not to the server, if anything it could be a new system to get people who want to use said skins to play more often and get more involved/active in said community
  15. 0 points
    What if when there's lots of players on the pilots at the base don't run to AO but instead one pilot takes players from base to fob and another takes from fob to AO? So if there's 6 pilot slots I forgot how many there are 3 at base doing fob trips and 3 at fob doing ao trips.
  16. 0 points
    People that used to have access still have it
  17. 0 points
    They have badges and tags, hell veterans even have their name in the info thingo. I don't think they should be exclusive
  18. 0 points
    Only way you can access it now is if I think your worthy (usually veterans/good players) or if you had access previously.
  19. 0 points
    get it? Fly... because ... helicopters... fly.... :D
  20. 0 points
    Why not just make it for everyone because those skins look hella fly.
  21. 0 points
    @InfamousNova Agreed on that part, the service at base has cool downs to prevent spamming or a "touch and go" mentality. A way to probably solve that would be to give a R&R timer/cool down. For Rearm it should be based on the amount of Ammo shot where each type of round has a specific coefficient to the number of shells needed to be reloaded. I.e A kuma 120mm may have a co-efficient of 2 or a 6.5mm round may have a coefficient of 0.02, say if someone shoots 10 120mm Kuma rounds they will be rearming for 20 seconds (2*10) or they shoot 200 6.5mm rounds they will rearm for 4 seconds (0.02*200) this will work provided there is a some cool down between sessions of R&R (5 seconds between each weapon system). For the other R, repair, have a repair speed based on the % HP of the vehicle. I.e for every % of health you gain you spend x amount of seconds repairing, an example may be a specific coefficient of 0.6*% needed to get to 100 where a tank on 50% health would spend 30 seconds (50*0.6) repairing. The same ruling could be applied to refuel but at a faster rate, as it is a easier task realistically. TL;DR make rearming, refuelling and repair have cool downs according to what is needed to be rearmed (Ammo amount and type), repaired (Amount of hp to be gained to reach 100%) and refuelled (% needed to reach 100%).