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Posts posted by Nevetos

  1. Altis Paramedic Service
    Removal of Referrals


    Referrals to become a whitelisted paramedic service have been removed. You now only need to pass the application and interview stages. Good luck, have fun and make sure you apply, or not.


    Chief Executive Officer
    Altis Paramedic Service

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1

  2. 6 hours ago, nclem said:

    @Subnoize @Snowwie SaiyajiN @Lotza @martin


    I'm smelling a faction change for medic 

    And I dont get tagged in that? :feelssadman:


    6 hours ago, Corporal Kerry said:

    Yah, we could have enforced medic costumes. I mean it would make perfect sense. I wonder if there will be free uniforms, or will we need top pay for them. This would have to be determined. I am downloading DEV build, I will have a look, but how do I work that out when I already own the DLC?

    Not sure what you mean by 'enforced'?

  3. Interesting Idea. @Pezza and myself will look into it. I believe at the moment everyone is paid the same, except you get $50 extra for every additional medic rank you have or something of the sort.

  4. I dont know about you, but I think the most important rule is the speed limit and which side of the road your on. I mean if I went to a new place, I would want to know that first.

    The only thing I am confused about is, is it StrayaGaming or Straya Gaming???


    But anyways, looks really professional, well done! Its almost in par with the roleplay on the ems tempate :grin:

  5. Dear Mr Smokey,

    From your description I can only assume that you are attempting to Appeal a Verdict?
    If so, please make sure you read though the following section found here. Please also note that the prices written there are no longer final, as the Altis Economy has changed drastically.

    If however you are looking to start a new court case, please make sure you read this section and follow the template so we know exactly what is going on.

    Chief Justice
    Judicial Government of Altis


    (PS: How on earth does one tag Smokey with the ★ infront of his name?!?!?)

    • Like 2

  6. 11 hours ago, kurtis said:


    I was just wondering if the admins could retrieve my old account. I wasn't active for a while due to being away and when i came back i had lost all progress on altis life. I had around 6 million, helicopters and trucks so i had spent a bit of time on the game.  So is it possible the admins could get my old account back??

    There was a wipe about 6 months ago, precisely on Tuesday the 08th of November 2016. For that wipe there was sufficient time and warnings given and no more account retrievals will be done.

    If however this is not the case or you have another query, feel free to pop into HelpDesk on TeamSpeak: ts.straya.life

    • Like 1

  7. 3 hours ago, Lloyd said:

    Meta Game obviously is no longer a rule?

    I will disagree. It has been accepted that the following is fine:


    On-line correspondences:- Any form of online communication (e.g. Documents,Forums, E-Mails, Side Chat) which was intended to be used for roleplay purposes, and does not display items which play no part in roleplay.


    Since the original post was clearly intended to be shown to officers it is within roleplay boundaries (see below - by addressing/mocking the SRT, it has become roleplay and not metagaming):


    When the cops Get F***ed on at fed... wasn't a great sight for da pigs.... Lovely for US.....

    BTW Thanks for the LYNX yesterday SRT ;)  @Jack. @MATT Eggbert @LuckyB33f @Red @Sully's Eggbert @Elite @Caiden @Wex


  8. Altis Paramedic Service
    APS Forums Site


    This new update void the old APS forums section (EMS Member Area) with this brand new iteration. It brings with it many more features, including content moderation (No, we aren't communitsts, but then again, how would you know? ;)), specialised forum sections accessible by only certain ranks and most importantly, a fancy feature for medics. Now thats unheard of!

    I duly hope that you will enjoy this new median of communication as much as I do.


    Chief Executive Officer
    Altis Paramedic Service

    • Like 3

  9. Altis Paramedic Service
    Rules and Regulations


    It is vital that all Paramedics make sure that they are familiar with the Altis Paramedic Rules and Regulations.

    Do you have any Questions, or feel that something needs to be added or changed within these rules?
    Then message one of the APS Command Team! ( @Gotenks, @DJ_JoozBrorg & Myself) or post a suggestion in the correct area.


    Chief Executive Officer
    Altis Paramedic Service

    • Like 1

  10. Altis Paramedic Service
    APS Discipline Appeals


    Have you been Disciplined in the Altis Paramedic Service? Then make sure you use the following template and post a new thread in this section:

    NAME YOUR POST: "YourName - Discipline Appeal"

    Name (Found in the roster Database): 


    Badge Number (If applicable): 

    Player ID (SteamID64):

    TeamSpeak UID:

    Reason for being disciplined? (If unknown, ask a Command Member): 

    Why did you do what you did?: 

    Why should the discipline be reduced / removed, given what you did? (Min 75 words): 

    What can you bring to the APS? (Min 100 words):

  11. Not going against anyone here, but please just think about what I say here in regards to our community and roleplay.

    Everyone wonders why roleplay is going down the drain, and cops are not always 'roleplaying 100% of the time'. Rocking up to cops and just saying "Hands on your head or your dead" with no gun out in a city - clearly with the intent of getting him to disobey the dec really isnt going for roleplay.

    It is definitely a correct dec, but does anyone really have to do things like that, especially when its such a volatile time? Is it really worth it, is it really worth degrading the community even more for one person to have a bit of fun?

    • Like 4

  12. The last hostage negotiation I was apart of (as a hostage) went very well.

    Apart from the fact that I was mostly kept away from it all in the cave,
    officers did bargain for my freedom without any ifs or buts.

    The only thing that broke the roleplay was me being killed by a glitching strider in the end...

    While I agree that there are certainly a few bad apples, it doesn't always end with no roleplay.

  13. During the police meeting, it appeared that there have been a few misunderstanding regarding the Court System and Warrants.

    1. Warrants must be obtained prior to conducting a house raid, unless officers have immediate probable cause to search that house.
    2. They can only be given out by a Judge or Commissioner (Found in the Judge Lounge channel list, in the Judicial Government Section) NOT MEDICS!!!

    Evidence Required:
    This announcement is here to educate everyone on what can and can not be done through a warrant.
    To receive a warrant for a raid, officers must show beyond a reasonable doubt, that what they are looking for is in that house (if a warrant is issued, all houses are affected). This could include witness accounts, digital evidence, or forensic evidence placing you at the scene (e.g. you did a successful fed, none of your members died or got caught, but officers saw you in the kill log - this is where they can roleplay 'DNA'/ballistics etc.) If you have been arrested with the gear used in a crime, there is a reasonable doubt about further gear inside your house, and thus a warrant would not be issued.

    Regulations regarding the execution of a Warrant:
    Police must announce to the person under the warrant that they are executing a warrant (E.g. If they are not at the house, they must establish phone contact first). They must state that they have a warrant, and what the allowances of the warrant are prior to enacting the warrant. Failure of the officers to declare this will lead to illegal searches, and the warrant becoming null and void as its conditions are breached. On the other hand, failing to allow law enforcement to execute a legal warrant will result in greater powers awarded to officers, such as permitting officers to issue fines, arrest you, use force, or seize all items (even legal items).

    [Out of RP:
    The Alits Courts wants fairness for all.
    It wants to prevent officers being able to raid any house they please,
    but it also wants to prevent notorious criminals from escaping justice where officers do not have immediate probable cause.
    It is a two way street, and we are not here to 'make it hard' for anyone. We try to keep it fair for both sides.]

    Please refer to our database for any other questions.

    Chief Justice

    Altis Judicial Government

    • Like 6

  14. Official Announcement
    by the Judicial Government of Altis (The Courts)

    As you may have noticed, the Judicial Government which involves the Prime Minister, his staff as well as the 'Constitution of Australian Altis' are no longer in effect.
    However, the Altis Courts are here to stay. With this change comes even more.

    The Courts have a new document regarding the 'Court Guidelines'. This document will be in effect as of now, and may have minor changes made to it over its time of use. Please note that you are not required to know every section of this document. It is thought that each role (Judges, Laywers) should specialize in their section and then help explain others how their section works. This enables you to focus on whats important to you.

    Major changes are in regards to Warrants, powers of the courts as well as the rights of persons being processed by officers (on trial).
    Furthermore, the courts have implemented a new function of the courts, namely Royal Commissions.

    Find this new database here: Altis Judicial Government: Court Guidelines

    Chief Justice
    Judicial Government of Altis

    • Like 5

  15. -I have never seen a cop in real life walk around a city with an assault rifle.
     How about these fine officers inside a subway?
    Image result for police with assault rifles

    -I have never seen a gun or piece of ammo on gumtree [have a black market and a gumtree 4 more "role play"]
    True... All I could find was a bolt action pen...

    -I have never heard of a person that goes and mines materials to make a gun this is not rust.
    To be honest here, in the old days they did do that. Nowadays its all done in mass production... This wouldn't stop illegal weapons manufacturers from doing it the old way though. But then again, there's also no statistics on it because its illegal... So we'll never know.

    -I have never seen a cop try and negotiate to stop someone from robbing a bank its all about killing [If we add negotiations that would add more "Role-play"] 
    No, officers are never about 'killing' - even in a bank robbery. Officers will always attempt to bring in any robbers peacefully. The only reason this often doesn't happen is because the robber will pose an immediate threat to civilians and/or officers.
    (US: https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/10/1047.7 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deadly_force)
    (Australia: https://www.loc.gov/law/help/police-weapons/australia.php)

    (If you mean officers in game should RP more by negotiating, then I'll just add that they either 1) get deced on by the robbers that any cops entering will be shot, or 2) officers just get shot anyways)

    • Like 7

  16. While minecraft seems like the easiest thing to do, I must disagree. It is something which requires a lot of thought.

    Going off and developing a Server is rather easy, but putting together all elements to make an enjoyable, lasting experience isn't. While you might be able to develop a masterpiece, without good execution, it's destined to fail.

    Working with the monetisation rule is quite simple, create a plugin just like a forum giveaway and X days it draws a winner - but only if they enter in game -, or through voting (X chance of getting it), or any way which gives all players a chance of getting everything that you would if you donated (i.e. a .001 chance of getting something from mining stone, etc). Remember that cosmetics are fine, only things which impact gameplay fall under it.

    If you do go into donations, be prepared to be contacted by parents a lot about purchases they want refunded - because their credit card was taken by their kids... What a surprise.

    Some things to think about (kept small because I don't want another massive post)

    Survival/Sandbox/PvP ?
    Economy (one of the biggest ones)? What items? What plugins & commands? What features?
    Do you go for 1.8 PvP, or go for 1.9, 1.10 or 1.11? - Do you use a plugin for 1.8 PvP (Which may be very buggy)

    If you go for a sandbox, what players want is entities - they want to be able to use red-stone, use minecarts, have animals - all of which isn't too friendly on the server.
    Do you give them something like world edit - another feature people really enjoy, but isn't too friendly on the server either (yes, you can limit what they can do)

    If you go for something like hunger games (a gamemode), are you just making it for a quick session, or are you trying to make it enjoyable to play for hours (much harder)?
    Do you go with what has already been established (i.e. Factions, HungerGames etc.) or would you develop a new gamemode never thought of before?

    Do you go for one server, or more? How many to keep everything interesting with a playerbase?

    I am not here to discourage anything, just making sure everyone knows whats involved. (How do I know? 6 years of working on one server which has had its up and downs from 100-1000 on at a time, to 30-80 in its last stretches)

    • Like 2

  17. On 1/15/2017 at 7:24 PM, Sam01 said:

    It's to see if the Admins/Moderators/Police Force/Cartels/Rebel Gangs/Regular Civs would like us to make a return.

    Right... And no mention of the glorious EMS force that often times patched you guys back up after your 'accidents' in your choppers...



    Or how you made our profession as dangerous as never before? ...


    "AInc - Should we return (again)" - clearly just farming the likes again...

    No, in all seriousness, you needed at least one negative post...

    We love you, come back and help fund the Altis Paramedic Service with your 'accidents' ;)
    You were also the only group that actively encouraged each other to come back to the hospital to use up 10-15mins of your time, even if we were 10km from the closest one!

    • Like 1

  18. You could say that, due to the nature of Altis (its population and geography), Gokarts are able to be used on any roads, except main highways, or any road which has a posted speed limit of 80km/h or above.
