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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/16 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Just got myself a new pair of Astro A50s! So excited had to share an unboxing photo. Squeaker's never sounded so sweet as they do in 10.1 hd Regards J. Rambo
  2. 1 point
    There always is heaps of declaration on cops which myself roger purple doesnt mind. But give the cops some roleplay too. Most fellas are saying "i hate cops ill kill all of them" make roleplay for both parties and lets make it awesome roleplay between cops and the criminals. Just be warned apd is a strong force and we will not be intimidated, we up hold the law and bring the hammer down on all criminals wishing to bring down the government. Regards [Sergeant] roger purple
  3. 1 point
    Hey, Pretty new to all this won't lie, been spending too much time on I&A (Great mode :D) Shout out to Fitz! Best bloke and and all round great Mod/Admin. Just like to add that this is a wonderful community and made a few new idiot friends along the way. In Game im White Beast. If you're looking for me, i don't know why, im a great bullet magnet Me though, im 19 studying a diploma in Info Tech soon to hopefully be transferring into psychology. I have too much free time and most is spent on I&A getting killed because my girlfriend won't stop bugging me. I've been White Beast, Peace out!
  4. 1 point
    Speaking of tanks, we can reveal that NATO has approved budget for audible missile warning systems installed in our armored vehicles. They are being installed as we speak.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    yeah only had mine for about 2 months pretty happy so far
  7. 1 point
    @InfamousNova After chatting with@Zombine45 on here, lifting armor might not be the way to go. However, lifting marshalls might be alright, imo. They aren't too tough, but are great utility.
  8. 1 point
    I've got these too, they suck. rip $300
  9. 1 point
    Hi there, glad to see you have finally joined the forums after last nights performance! If there are any issues or questions, I'm sure you will not hesitate to ask and look forward to what the future may bring. Good to have you apart of SG! Enjoy your stay all of our members and staff are friendly, so message any of us at any time! If it's for a general chit chat or any questions - ʝ17