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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/16 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Hi all, I'm That Lucky SOB. I'm 22 and am in my final year of university studying Criminology with a Minor in Politics/International Relations. Many of you might know me from the Invade & Annex and Altis Life Servers already, and I'm glad to have finally joined the community proper. Look forward to seeing you all in game.
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
    Some more funky designs.
  4. 2 points
    This in the making. A tropical yet fun hummingbird.
  5. 2 points
    Hey everyone, Padrinos here. Been loving the I&A server. Such great times when everyone is communicating and working together. I admin in another life community but love the mil Sim here and will stick to that to avoid any conflicts. Great work devs. Former US Marine and probably one of the older guys around. Say hi anytime and don't be afraid to squad up. See you in the battle field.
  6. 1 point
    Thoughts on the BumbleBee hummingbird as a new civilian helicopter?
  7. 1 point
    Evening All Bit of a Video Competition for you role players out there. Are you a serious role player? Can you Record videos? The competition is the best video that is 10 Minutes long, about the best roleplaying session, this includes roleplay as a medic, cop, rebel, cartel or civilian, in any scenario you want, let your imagination take control, what i want to see is. Creative role play Serious Heavy RP Video of it at least 10 Minutes long Tell us a story or Show us your best roleplay Reward is 15 Million Dollars straight to your bank account Most Funniest role play will be a prize pool of 5 Million Dollars Weirdiest Role play will be a prize pool of 5 Million Post your videos below! Let the role play begin, and good luck all Entry Closes 7th of June 2016 at 8:00pm Sydney Time
  8. 1 point
    I'm dying to do a taxi service for everyone, lets say I fly in a little bird and take people places!
  9. 1 point
    Welcome to StrayaGaming mate.
  10. 1 point
    Sure happy to answer your question: Yes this degree is a pathway into Law Enforcement and that is my plan on how to use this degree. It is also handy if you want to work in corrections or go into paralegal or clerkship work in law firms or directly for the courts. When I first began uni it was known as "Justice and Legal Studies" and many of the courses were put together with input from the Queensland Police Service.
  11. 1 point
    @That Lucky SOB Welcome to StrayaGaming! Enjoy your time here! Don't hesitate to come check out the Altis Life RPG server, it's great fun! Ensure before playing Altis Life you have quick read of the rules; Found - HERE Best of luck! With love! Leopard // Cartel Leader //
  12. 1 point
    Just curious, what are your plans with that degree? Are you looking at getting into some type of LE? That's my field.
  13. 1 point
    Glad to see you here mate, I had the opportunity the other night to take you in for questioning as a cop. had a bunch of fun and of course keep up the good roleplay!
  14. 1 point
    i dunno if this will be possible but maybe if a medic doesnt have a medkit, dont have him show up as being nearby so people dont get angry
  15. 1 point
    I agree with InfamousNova about having a lock/unlock feature via the Home Menu & Bleeding Out Menu. Unlocked after you've respawned and left your former body for clean up. Maybe making a Medkit unremovable from a Medic backpack regardless of locked/unlocked status, same way only a sniper can use sniper rifles, auto riflemen only using auto's etc. I haven't tried playing another role and using a Medkit to 'revive' a player, unsure if that even works? I've witnessed a few times in regards to the original post's example, a revived Medic minus his 'borrowed' Medkit happily (hectically) shooting away to defend the HQ, while others are bleeding out around him/her and offering some very hostile comments about 'not playing your role as a medic'. So that got me thinking about locks and stuff, and unlocking to give people access when needed. My example is just from a Medic's role and I'm sure it would be welcomed playing other roles. So, it's not a MAJOR issue, just would be a cool feature. Thanks for moving on this Quik, I know your always flat out man, and cheers to others for the feedback!
  16. 1 point
    Smoke is a great way to help when you are pinned down or the medic needs cover to get people up. "Smoke out"
  17. 1 point
    The Mango is strong with this one
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Hey guys this is the first video of my series for rebel hope you all like it
  20. 1 point
    add it to the home menu and the dead menu. so you can lock your backpack and unlock it as you please. but unlock it when you respawn. so people can access your body. only way i can think of it working
  21. 1 point
    thy will be done will start on it after next mission update, shouldnt take too long in the meantime, discuss how it should work and when a locked backpack should be opened for use
  22. 1 point
    Just letting you guys know. @brutalforthepizza brought and sent @Connor_McGregor123 a pizza to his house for a shipment of guns. The pizza rocked up the same time the guns did funniest thing I have ever been involved in. Sooooooooooo good ahahahaha
  23. 1 point
    aaaaaalways opfor.....
  24. 1 point
    Knockdowns is too much knocking people doing marginal things down, and being chain knocked down while people get to you, or to keep you out of a fight is frustrating.
  25. 1 point
    Most people die in Arma because they rush in. I can't say how much success you'll have if you take it slow, but i can guarantee you, you will die if you rush in. When you get to the AO, try to find a good vantage point and scope it out, see where enemies are, which way they are heading, and either try to avoid them or ambush them, I'll warn you that ambushing large groups isn't a great strategy, they lock you down with continuous fire and you cant peek out to fire back, god forbid if you're in the open. Another thing to do, if you see a groups of enemy infantry, mark them on your map as EI, so your team mates can see where they are and plan accordingly. I would highly recommend playing through the tutorials, they give some pretty valuable tips and tactical information that can save your ass in a pinch. Something else that is pretty useful, is always carry a hand full of frag grenades and smoke on you (I normally run 2x frag, 2x white smoke and 2x coloured smoke) it's saved me on more than a few occasions. Even if you have to take one less mag to make room for it in your vest, it can be extremely useful. Well that's all of my protips today, if you want any advice on a specific area, hit me up and i'll see what i can do!