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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/16 in all areas

  1. 11 points
    So about a month ago I released a teaser for a video. It took me about 30 hours to edit this as I am kinda new to sony vegas. Anyway here is altis life funny moment #1 People in the video: @TH3GamingBanana @TheMagician @Porter @Saundo @Greg @That Lucky SOB @Snowwiiee
  2. 5 points
  3. 3 points
    Why am I making this post: Better late than never, I have decided to formally introduce myself to the members of the community that I am yet to meet. As for the individuals I have managed to get to know and interact with, you may already know that I am an extremely outgoing and pig-headed individual seeking the best in people. I love communicating with people and ultimately playing games esp Arma III. You will be sure to see me around playing many games and in particular Arma III. Whilst I have been a member of the community for nearly a year (8-9 months) many of you would possibly be unbeknownst to my existence. Mainly due to my ill presence on all SG's server except Invade and Annex. I have played the vast majority of time on the Invade & Annex server with a broken mic. I have recently revisited other various server game modes (Altis Life) to meet more members of the community and engage in some more intense role play situations! What do I do for a living: As some of you may be aware I am currently employed by YUM! Pty Ltd (KFC) as a shift supervisor and customer relations manager, specializing in customer complaints and ensuring we maximize and achieve the best overall experience for our customers. Whilst I am not loaded with money, I will be sure to be donating money to keep this magnificent server alive and kicking. (Possibly even some giveaway donations in the future ) What can you do for me: I am a very self-organised and prepared person and therefore dedicate myself to meeting as many people in this community as possible. However considering this, It would take me a long time to meet all of you! I do my best to ensure everyone has the best gaming experience and make as many friends as possible. Hit me up with a message in TeamSpeak and we'll be sure to play together. Who am I: I am a keen 17-year-old gamer and part time worker. Currently, still in school, I plan later to join the NSW police force to further help people in need and support my local community. I take pride in the work I do, participating in volunteer work in my local library and other various places. Thanks for taking the time to read up! Hmu on TeamSpeak and ill be sure to have a good O'l chat -Brad. P.S how cheesy "seeking the best in people" lol.
  4. 3 points
    So i have been inactive on this community for quite some time. I was a full time dedicated cop but now i have kinda lost interest. Not having a poke at anyone or how things are run but playing on this server is just doing the same thing over and over again with no sorta change. My reasoning for being inactive within Straya is because I'm in the process of applying into the ADF (Australian Defence Force) and because of the reasons stated above. Its a long shitty process to apply but its gonna be great. I'm taking time off to study and get ready for interviews and such. I hope to be back in a few weeks and get back into the swing of things. Kind Regards, Flex
  5. 2 points
    I prefer this video @Larry,
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    decided to not remove Golf squad as I was able to just add in the 6 Ironside slots
  8. 1 point
    This topic is where past and future collages that i have made shall be posted. Please try and refrain from posting in this topic, any comments, please PM me or find me on Team speak. Regards. Unit_3397
  9. 1 point
    Had a good chuckle nice man
  10. 1 point
    wow that is an old version of I&A.
  11. 1 point
    Reminds me of an incident when I used to play I&A more often lol.... I or one Blame Carl for those tanks getting there
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    Cheers flex, if u ever feel like fking around with me and madhatz on rebel your more then welcome to. u pretty chill and gl with the ADF
  15. 1 point
    Have been thinking of this idea and toying with the idea of removing golf squad to replace with Armoured Division (2 sets of the above). thoughts?
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Weird how people pay so much more for just a different color gun
  18. 1 point
    yeah i would agree with @Saundo ive sold mk1 emrs for 800k and bought them for that and for the other prices i agree @Leopard if a few others agree ill be sure to tweek it.
  19. 1 point
    Pretty much accurate but the Mk1 would be like 600k tbh
  20. 1 point
    when you can hear snowie metagaming telling the cops where they are when they are when he is dead
  21. 1 point