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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/17 in Posts

  1. 20 points
    Hi guys, Sorry, this won't be a very long post, keeping it short and sweet. After careful thought and consideration over the past while, I have decided that it has now come the time for me to leave Strayagaming. I would like to take the time to thank those who have who had given me the opportunity to contribute to the community through our staff team, it's been a truly wonderful experience from the very beginning. All the best of luck, Moz
  2. 3 points
    Hey guys. On the 16 of March i am going to be shaving my head to fight for Leukemia. IF you got a spare dollar maybe two and feel like throwing it my way that would great and i am sure you can make a real difference in the world. Just a dollar will go a long way. I know quite a few people who either have or had leukemia including 1 close friend. (Before: https://gyazo.com/022b5e80e6cfb07a0a09b2297caa22e5 ) (After: TBA) Have a good one If you are interested in donating https://secure.leukaemiafoundation.org.au/registrant/FundraisingPage.aspx?RegistrationID=662363
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
    Hi NS, You may have seem my squad and myself running around from time to time. We are Ultra Squad https://units.arma3.com/unit/ultrasquad I originally set this up as a bit of fun but we are now recruiting players who like to play a little more seriously but also enjoying stuffing around a bit. Theirs no obligation to anything however I do I like to see the badge showing. All the info you may want to know is on the squad page and what we ask of our members, if you're interested come have a run around with us sometime and see if you like what we do. I've setup steam groups, youtube channels (for our antics) and facebook group to make it a little more social as well. All are welcome but they must prove that they're not trolls and worth their weight.
  5. 2 points
    Being in the game with Juddy ("ATC") has given insight into how this "ATC" control is just about catering to his ego and not explicitly beneficial to play, which is what ARMA is, its a game. I think this is a poor idea if it isn't even going to use real Radio Communications conventions. I personally have been abused by this person because I didn't role-play with him, to the extent where he incited other people in the channel to abuse me as well. The map gets cluttered by marking down pad 1, 2 , 3 & 4 with the biggest map markers you can find. You even go to the point of telling pilots where to land, designating their landing zones (at this point where is the fun in being a pilot?). All of the above leads to unhelpful amount of information in teamspeak and detracts from my personal experience. This server already has a noticeable problem with young people on teamspeak in the CAS / Transport channel relentlessly telling everyone what they are doing, how good they're at doing it and I personally don't want to enable this type of behaviour.
  6. 2 points
    @orgug would be my favourite but he forgot me so I guess I dont like anyone Nah jk lets go @sirgeneralj, @Jack Ryan, @Rambo, @Blackout, @Bang1324, @Ninja_Snow, @Lucas Gluesniff .... .. . and everyone else i forgot <3 . .. .... and @orgug
  7. 2 points
    I'm against it for the reason Nova stated before. But also, because if EVERY pilot is talking like this, the channel very quickly gets very noisy and very cluttered with comms that we really just don't need. IF we where running radios or a radio mod on a more serious server, yeah I'd say sounds great, but for I&A, we really don't need it. Just a simple "Ghosthawk movin to Pad 1" is enough really, adding much else and you start getting to the stage where your taking up the net with unnecessary info that could be stopping someone else giving a heads up about AAA danger or awareness of their loc in reference to another chopper at an LZ (which is more important than callsigns and "overs," "outs," "I'm moving on this baring for so long before moving to such and such LZ" over the pilot net). Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of having some kind of order: The pad numbers (service, 1, 2, 3, 4) giving a heads up of which pad they go to, runway they take off or land on, helps keep a little order in the sky as pilots can hear and adjust their flightpath accordingly. Giving calls for spacial awearness, letting a fellow pilot know you're on their 7 O'clock while your flying with them, telling a pilot your flying past their 6 O'clock while they are landed. I LIKE that sort of thing, because that's effective communication, it's pilots letting each other know whats happening as they are the ones in control of their aircraft and know their capabilities. but going over the top with call signs and proper ratel in an evironment that doesn't have radios, it's not going to work I'm afraid.
  8. 1 point
    @webnebular Wow, that sounds like exactly what I'm looking for. I see "ULTRASQUAD" on I&A all the time (mostly see you guys doing side missions). I like to have fun while playing but when it comes down to series time I can play tactical as well. I don't enjoy playing alone so a full squad of players that know what they are doing is just the thing I need. I am not the best Arma player out there but most of my 140 hours in Arma have been spent on I&A and I know all the basics. If I am required to wear a badge to join that doesn't bother me.
  9. 1 point
    Moz you finally got your masters in Altis so sad you had to leave mate D;
  10. 1 point
    I was wondering for Invade and Annex, if you guys could maybe put this into your pilot channel description? ALSO! Please add an ATC Slot so that there can be Dedicated ATCs. I Love doing ATC work in Invade and Annex! NOW REMEMBER! I am not trying to make this a full on Military RP Server, I just want this to be the highest standard of Air Comms in the server! I LOVE CLEAR AIR COMMUNICATIONS!!!! BEWARE! Notepad++ TEXT FILE: COMMUNICATIONS AS A HELI/CAS/AA PILOT: Introduction: (Intro) - If Plane: Watchtower-1, "callsign" [MSG] - If Helicopter: Watchtower-1, "callsign", [MSG] Suffix and Prefix: - When Responding: [RSP] If understood: Copy! If not understood / response to "How Copy?/Please Clarify?": Liquid copy, please repeat? If fully understood / response to "How Copy?/Please Clarify?": Solid copy! - When Calling [SFX] If completed call: Over. If need clarification: How Copy?/Please Clarify? If completed conversation: Over and Out. Creating Call: (MSG) -----> REMEMBER TO REPEAT ATC'S ORDERS AT THE END OF CALL! - Taxying: Taxying to Runway: [Intro] Requesting Taxi to Runway (Runway ID) via (Base Leg ID | Previous Location), [SFX] > [RSP], taxying to Runway (Runway ID) from (Base Leg ID | Previous Location) [SFX] Taxying to Service: [Intro] Requesting Taxi to Service Pad, (Runway ID) on (Base Leg ID), [SFX] > [RSP], taxying to Service Pad from (Base Leg ID | Previous Location) [SFX] - Taking Off: Taking Off on Heli/VToL Pad: [Intro] Requesting Take off, Pad (Pad ID and type), towards (Location), [SFX] > [RSP], Taking off [Pad ID], [Compass Dir], [SFX] >> [Intro], Take off from, (Pad ID) successful, heading towards (Location), (Altitude), Have a nice day/night! [SFX] Taking Off on Runway: [Intro] Requesting Take off, Runway (Runway ID), Flaps Down 2nd degree, Centered. [SFX] > [RSP], Taking off [Runway ID], Gears and Flaps are down, Heading [Compass Dir], [SFX] >> [Intro], Lift off from, (Runway ID) successful, heading towards (Location or Bearing ID), (Altitude), Have a nice day/night! [SFX] - Landing: Landing on Heli/VToL: [Intro] Requesting Landing on (Pad ID), from (Compass Dir | Alert if passing runway/s), [SFX] > [RSP], Landing on (Pad ID), from (Compass Dir | Alert for passing runways), (Distance) Kilometres Out [SFX] Landing on Runway: [Intro] Requesting Landing on (Runway), from (Compass Dir), [SFX] > [RSP], Landing on (Runway ID), from (Compass Dir), (Distance) Kilometres Out, Gears and Flaps are Down, [SFX] Landing on Emergency Heli/VToL Pad: [Intro] Requesting Emergency Landing on (Service Pad), Priority 1, via (Flight Way), [SFX] > [RSP], Landing on Service Pad, from (Compass Dir | Alert for passing runways), [SFX] - Special Requests and Status Calling: Requesting Available Helipads: [Intro] Requesting Heli-Pad for Common Transport, [SFX] > [RSP], Moving towards (Pad ID), Expect Landing Request Call in (However Minutes), [SFX] >> [Intro], {Landing on Heli/VToL/Runway Pad Message} Requesting Available Runway/s: [Intro] Requesting available Runway for (Vehicle ID), coming from (North-East/South West), [SFX] > [RSP], Moving towards (Runway ID), Expect Landing Request Call in (However Minutes), [SFX] >> [Intro], {Landing on Heli/VToL/Runway Pad Message} Changing Callsigns: [Intro] Callsign changing from (Old Callsign) to (New Callsign), are there any duplicates of this callsign? [SFX] > [RSP], Callsign is now changed to (New callsign), [SFX] Requesting Transport Trail: [Intro] What's your transport flight path? [SFX] > [RSP], [SFX] Requesting Transport Altitude: [Intro] What's your altitude? Are you climbing? [SFX] > [RSP], [SFX] COMMUNICATIONS AS AN ATC: Introduction: (Intro) - ATC: Watchtower-1 to "Callsign" Watchtower-1 to All Transport Pilots Watchtower-1 to All CAS/AA Watchtower-1 to All Vortex Pilots Suffix and Prefix: - When Responding: (RSP) If understood: Copy! If needing to standby: Standby for (Seconds) If not understood / response to "How Copy?/Please Clarify?": Liquid copy, please repeat? If fully understood / response to "How Copy?/Please Clarify?": Solid copy! - When Calling (SFX) If completed call: Over. If need clarification: How Copy?/Please Clarify? If completed conversation: Over and Out. Creating Call: (MSG) - Lifting Off: Someone lifting on Heli Pad: [Intro] Area Clear for Take-off, Lift off when ready, [SFX]. Someone lifting on Runway: [Intro] Area Clear for Take-off, Lift off when ready, [SFX]. - Landing: Someone requesting for landing on Heli Pad: [Intro] Land on (Pad ID), [SFX] Someone requesting for landing on Runway: [Intro] Land on (Runway ID), Lower Flaps and Gear, [SFX] Someone Emergency Landing for Service Pad: [Intro] Free to land on Service Pad, Priority 1, decrease altitude and speed, [SFX] - Objectives and Miscellaneous: Allies requesting evac at old AO: [Intro - All Units] Priority 1 for Evac at (Old AO name), Requesting half of the transport units. [SFX] Someone requesting Evac: [Intro - All Units] (Who's Requesting) are requesting Evac at (Position), (Time and Distance From Base), [SFX] Need LZs to be placed: [Intro - All Transport] Current LZs are now being updated. Placing New LZs around (AO or Side), with hills and altitude in mind, [SFX] Changing Callsigns: [Intro - All Units ] Callsign changing from (Old Callsign) to (New Callsign) [SFX]
  11. 1 point
    what's the collective noun for a group of mohawks?
  12. 1 point
    Like everyone has said already, this is a bad idea and will not be implemented. If this happens, let a staff member know immediately. @Juddy - ATC | Dedi-Pilot You are not to force people to follow your ATC guidelines. If a player doesn't want to follow them, they are not obliged to and you should leave them alone and let them do their thing.
  13. 1 point
    Worked with you for such a little time, Enjoy whatever you plan to do, appreciate the effort you've put into StrayaGaming.
  14. 1 point
    Your work at SG will always be appreciated, thank you Moz.
  15. 1 point
    ... I disapprove :C *puppy eyes* come back please? :3
  16. 1 point
    not unless one of the other admins @Fitz @InfamousNova @Rogmantosh *hint* *hint* runs the mission in my place, I've got commitments that are taking my time from when I would have usually run it
  17. 1 point
    Over and out is a contradiction. It is only used in movies and can always tell people who have no radio communication training. Over means I have finished talking now its your turn Out means I have finished talking and that's the end of the conversation so here's the conversation to you and bugger you i don't want to talk to you anymore.
  18. 1 point
    not everyone wants to do this. hence why we havent really done this in the past. some people just want to jump on. have a fly then get off. if they have to remember things like this its gonna get messy
  19. 1 point
    Please, It would be very handy for noob transport pilot communicators. And plus, it will add more skill into the game for vortex pilots, enhancing the invade and annex experience!
  20. 1 point
    j rambo was the best he gone now doe
  21. 1 point
    @Greg @Saundo When the night is cold and dark, few can feed the memes into the fire.
  22. 1 point
    As Commissioner I can't have favourites but @orgug is probably the cop i'm closest to... we joined the APD on the same day and for months ran as partners on a daily basis.
  23. 1 point
    I like that insanD guy, he's sometimes a dickhead though
  24. 1 point
    This isnt me, I think it's REDACTED but idk And as for my favourite cop: gotta be Saxon Ward
  25. 1 point
    This month we will be offering a $50 Steam Gift Card each, to the top Pilot and Medic!!! To win, you must have the highest TOTAL Pilot or Medic score at the end of the month. This post will be updated at the end of each week with the current standings. To access the Leaderboards and check your score, press [Home] -> [Leaderboards] -> [Transporters] or [Revivalists] -> [Select] Staff are not eligible. 3 highest scores as of 5/2/17: Pilot: @helidave = 305 @Sinerbuzz = 255.5 @=S.N.A.F.U.= = 219.5 Medic: @Hamish [TEF] = 185 @webnebular = 163 Obi = 158